A Progression as Inevitable as Death :: Phoenix Combo Thread

Uploaded a phoenix combo vid.after many many fun hours in the lab. @8Bit if you got x factor you can just Cr. H, S, Air M, M H cancel Dark TK Shot cancel Phoenix rage and they should die. I’ll try and see what the best combo for no x factor is. @ Viscant I’ll try and see what I can come up with.

Max I could get was like 964 anywhere on screen but the Dark shot at the end is very iffy so I tend to not do it. I was trying hard to get it full screen but I couldn’t in the time frame I have but I got it on the corner combo. You have to get close to them tho (only if like full screen otherwise just teleport M)I usually Teleport M and after they’ve been hit and crossed me I Teleport L and it’ll put you right in front of them. It’s easy to confirm but you can throw in a few Cr. L’s then do Teleport L or else if they block you’d get tk fire spin thing although not sure they can punish that. Again this is all if you meant no x factor. Also, I’ll add inputs on both these videos a bit later.


hey all. what’s the combo f champ does with 2 teleports with regular Phoenix ? anyone have the notations? cuz I’m doing a regular bnb that just gives me about 360,000 with no meter…

I think it goes like this:

[Crouch. L Crouch. M Crouch. H S] {Air. H} (Flare Sword) (Burn Out Beak) (Tk Trap L) (Flare Sword) (Tk Trap L) [Crouch. H S] {Air. M Air. M Air. H Air. S} (Instant Air Tk Shot L) (Tk Overdrive H).

The inputs in the brackets are the crouching series. The inputs in the braces are the aerial series. The inputs in the parentheses are her specials. “S” is her launcher/hard knockdown. (Sorry I don’t know how to put the inputs correctly.)

I made an alternate combo that does about the same damage (460k).

[Crouch. H S] {Air. H} (Burn Out Beak) {Air. H Air. S} (Instant Air Tk Shot L) (Flare Sword) S {Air. M Air. M Air. H Air. S} (Instant Air Tk Shot L) (Tk Overdrive H)

In my alternate combo after Burn Out Beak , while they are bouncing hit Air. H then Air.S to get a hard knockdown then Instant Air OTG.

Here is a combo that builds 1 bar of meter.

j.H, j.S, c.H, S, air H, f.H, H, d.H, land f.H, trap L, f.H, S, *air MMHS OTG Shot L, overdrive H, phoenix rage. 641, 000
501,000 without Phoenix Rage, builds one meter
*If you want to be in range for the OTG to work during a mid screen combo, you must super jump forward here

The combo works on any large character easy. Medium sized characters will work up until the d.H into f.H into TK traps. A delay must be made so the opponent is at perfect height range for the f.H. If not, the S will miss or the opponent will jump out. Also the air S will miss as well do to height issues.
The combo don’t always work on small characters since the small hit boxes. I wouldn’t advise using it against small characters unless you can figure out the timing or figuring out a way to keep them in the combo.

c.LMHS, sj.H, d.H, f.H, qcb.L, f.H, qcb.L, c.HS, sj.MMHS, tk.L, dp.H


I was messing around with Phoenix’s throw and found out that if a M Tk Trap is in the way were the opponent is being thrown then they bounce back and can be combo-ed on midscreen. So you could lay a M Tk Trap , teleport behind the opponent then go for a forward throw (or just simply throw them backwards). I know it seems far fetched and impractical , but it’s still a nice thing to know.

I’ll try to find a nice meter building combo since throws aren’t very good for damage.

Heh yeah, found that out recently. Works better with L trap on the ground though.

Here’s a combo that builds one meter
s.H, f.H, S, (s.jump forward) air H, f.H, H, d.H, land trap L, f.H, trap L, cH S (s.jump forward) air M,H,S OTG TK shot L, overdrive H
525,400~529,000 depending how many times overdrive hits
+Phoenix Rage
665,400~669,000 depending how many times overdrive hits
Mid screen or corner

getting the f.H into S is tricky to get to connect, but a small pause is needed between f.H and S so the momentum from f.H can carry Phoenix to the opponent.
Also like the other combos I put up before with the air H, f.H, H, d.H, you have to reach max height from the super jump before you start the air combo part. If not the d. H will whiff from being too low.

I’ve been messing with some Phoenix stuff. I’m kinda surprised that their aren’t that many Phoenix flight combos or just alternatives from her regular Tk Trap bnbs. <br>So I made some combos hopefully people can at least get ideas from maybe. Enjoy!  <br>(I use a.L/M/H to describe air hits so it’s the same thing as j.L/M/H a. = air/aerial j. = jump/jumping. And I use S instead of L S = Special L = Launcher. And I use parenthesis to describe ground actions and brackets to describe air actions) <br><b><br><font color="#ffcc00" face=“Impact” size=“5”>Tk Overd</font></b><b><font color="#ffcc00" face=“Impact” size=“5”>rive M Combo </font></b><font color="#3366ff" size=“3”><span style=“background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);”><font face=“Comic Sans MS”><br>About the combo</font></span></font><br><b>Ok so this combos pretty easy if you got her regular bnb down if not it’s still pretty easy. <br><br>To connect the Tk Overdrive M(dpM) with the Burn Out Beak(dH) just mash it while it hits. <br><br>The height of the character might change as you input the Tk Traps L(qcb L) , so just make a slight pause after the Burn Out Beak then Tk Trap L.<br><br>If characters are too high during the Tk Trap L series just let them fall a bit.<br><br>I don’t think this combo works if you hit s.L or c.L more than once or use Prominence Heel(overhead/fM) it scales too much and they while fall out at a.H. <br><br>The combo may get harder if you get too antsy and rush it , just let it flow nice and slow. <br><br>Delay the Flare Sword (fH) to Tk Overdrive M connection to get closer to avoid dropping the combo.<br><br>The damage does scale because of the Tk Overdrive M hits. <br><br>Doesn’t work on Sentinel(the 3rd Tk Trap L doesn’t connect so just put two), Viewtiful Joe(a.H doesn’t connect to a.S so end the air series short with a.M a.H a.S), <br><br>Rocket Raccoon(the Burn Out Beak after the Tk Overdrive M doesn’t connect), Dormammu(the 3rd Tk Trap L doesn’t connect so just put two), and Modok(the Burn Out <br><br>Beak after the Tk Overdrive M doesn’t connect).<br><br>Builds one meter.<br><br>It works both mid-screen and corner. <br><br>This is usually a corner carry depending on your speed in inputting the combo.<br><br>Does 450-460k depending on the Tk Overdrive H hits 590-600 w/ Phoenix Rage.  XFC LVL 1 does 700-730k, 870k w/ Phoenix Rage. <br><br>XFC LVL 2 800k , 990k w/ Phoenix Rage. XFC Level 3 900k , 1,110,000 w/ Phoenix Rage. (If for some reason the infinites too hard for you haha) <br><br>If you for some reason need a reset… after the Tk Shot L do Flare Sword Tk Trap L then Jump and hit a.H into Burn Out Beak or air grab. (only in corner)</b><br><br><br><font face=“Arial Black”><font color="#ffcc00"><font color="#6633ff">(</font>s.H  Flare Sword  Tk Overdrive M  Burn Out Beak  Tk Trap L  Flare Sword  Tk Trap L Flare Sword  Tk Trap L  c.H S<font color="#6633ff">)</font>  <font color="#6633ff">[</font>a.M a.M a.H a.S<font color="#6633ff">]</font>  <font color="#6633ff"><br>(</font>Tk Shot L  Tk Overdrive H<font color="#6633ff">)</font>    </font></font><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>

<font color="#ff0000"><font size=“5”><font face=“Impact”><b><font size=“3”><font size=“5”>Fly Cancel Combo</font></font><font size=“3”><br><font color="#33cc00" face=“Comic Sans MS” size=“3”>About the combo</font><br></font><font size=“3”><font color="#000000" face=“Arial” size=“2”>You must IMMEDIATELY hit the first a.H after S in order to do the combo ,that is key.(jump level<font size=“2”>)(doe<font size=“2”>sn’t work above jump level)</font></font><br><br>When you jump back up from the (flight cancel-a.H) to hit (a.H and a.S) lean towards the character so your able to (ground dash-Instant Air Tk Shot L).(Midscreen) <br><br>After you do the (ground dash - S) try to go to super jump level before you do the second air series (a.M a.M a.H Burn Out Beak). <br><br>When you do the Burn Out Beak wait until you go all the way down then input Tk Trap L, then lean foward the character to do the a.S if your mid-screen or go back i.<br><br>The second <font size=“2”>(</font>a.S to Tk Shot L<font size=“2”>)</font> is very strict so just do your best to immediately input it and then Tk Overdrive H.<br><br>Try to get under the character during the (Flare Sword to flight) connection.<br><br>I cant really explain the cancelling part which is probably going to be the toughest part about learning this combo. You just have to get use to it I guess ,sorry ;o.  <br><br>Remember though not too fast and not too slow.<br><br>This combo is all about speed and accuracy.  <br><br>Cancel the (ground dashes early into Instant Air Tk Shot L and <font size=“2”>S)</font> (or as quick as you can). (Midscreen)<br><br>Doesn’t work on Rocket Raccoon (the jumping a.H after unfly/fly cancel doesn’t connect).<br><br>Carries to the corner from anywhere. <br><br>Can be done mid-screen and corner(the inputs displayed are for the mid-screen version, the ground dashes are unescessary for the corner version).</font><br><font size=“3”><font size=“3”><font color="#000000"><font size=“2”><font face=“Arial”><br>Builds one bar.</font></font></font></font></font><br><font size=“3”><font color="#000000"><font size=“2”><font face=“Arial”><br>Does 470-490k damage</font></font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size=“3”>, <font size=“2”><font face=“Arial”>600-630k w<font size=“2”>/ Phoenix <font size=“2”>Rage.</font></font></font></font></font></font></font><font size=“3”><br><br><br></font></b><font size=“3”><font color="#33cc00">(</font>c.H S<font color="#33cc00"><font size=“3”>)</font></font>  <font color="#33cc00">[</font>a.H  Flare Sword<font color="#33cc00">]</font>  <font color="#000000">fly</font> <font color="#33cc00"> [</font>a.H<font color="#33cc00">]</font>  <font color="#000000">unfly/fly cancel<font size=“3”>  </font></font></font></font></font></font><font color="#ff0000"><font size=“5”><font face=“Impact”><font size=“3”><font color="#000000"><font size=“3”><font color="#ff0000"><font size=“5”><font face=“Impact”><font size=“3”><font color="#33cc00">[</font>a.H<font size=“3”><font color="#33cc00">]</font>  </font></font></font></font></font>jump</font><font color="#ff0000"><font size=“3”>  </font></font></font></font></font></font></font><font color="#ff0000"><font size=“5”><font face=“Impact”><font size=“3”><font color="#000000"><font color="#ff0000"><font size=“5”><font face=“Impact”><font size=“3”><font color="#33cc00">[</font>a.H a.S<font color="#33cc00">]  </font></font></font></font></font>ground dash</font><font color="#33cc00">  (</font>Instant<font size=“3”> Air </font>Tk Shot L<font color="#33cc00">)</font>  <font color="#000000">ground dash</font>  <font color="#33cc00">(</font>S<font color="#33cc00">)  <font color="#000000"><font size=“3”>super </font></font></font></font></font></font></font><font color="#ff0000"><font size=“5”><font face=“Impact”><font size=“3”><font color="#33cc00"><font color="#000000"><font size=“3”><font color="#ff0000"><font size=“5”><font face=“Impact”><font size=“3”><font color="#000000"><font size=“3”><font color="#ff0000"><font size=“5”><font face=“Impact”><font size=“3”><font size=“3”> </font></font></font></font></font>jump</font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font><font size=“3”> <font color="#33cc00"> <font face=“Impact”><br>[</font></font></font><font face=“Impact” size=“3”><font color="#ff0000">a.M a.M a.H  Burn Out Beak</font><font color="#33cc00">]</font>  <font color="#33cc00">(</font><font color="#ff0000">Tk Trap L</font><font color="#33cc00">)</font></font> <font color="#ff0000"><font size=“5”><font face=“Impact”><font size=“3”><font color="#ff0000"><font size=“5”><font face=“Impact”><font size=“3”><font color="#000000"><font size=“3”><font color="#ff0000"><font size=“5”><font face=“Impact”><font size=“3”><font size=“3”> </font></font></font></font></font>jump</font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font><font size=“3”>  </font><font color="#33cc00" face=“Impact” size=“3”>[</font><font color="#ff0000" face=“Impact” size=“3”>a.S</font><font color="#33cc00"><font face=“Impact” size=“3”>]</font> </font><font color="#33cc00">  <font face=“Impact” size=“3”>(</font></font><font color="#ff0000" size=“3”><font face=“Impact”>Instant<font size=“3”> Air </font>Tk <font size=“3”>S<font size=“3”>hot</font></font></font></font><font face=“Impact” size=“3”><font color="#ff0000"> L  Tk Overdrive H</font><font color="#33cc00">)</font></font><br><font color="#33cc00">                   </font><br><b><font size=“3”><br><br><br></font></b><font size=“5”><font color="#33cc00"><font size=“3”><font face=“Comic Sans MS”><br></font></font></font><br></font>

I made some nice corner and TAC combos quite a few months back. I’ll post them up probably in a combo video eventually…

You have good/reliable phoenix TAC combos? post that shit.

pls, I need dis…

I’m just so busy with uni stuff right now. I’ll give you something to play around with though. You can combo into ground bounce (off a not down-TAC) and continue your combo off of that as long as you don’t touch the ground (fly or H teleport). Gives easier setups to start the infinite. I haven’t found an easier way to loop it yet though.

What do i do when i get a c.L happy bday on last 2 chars with normal phoenix?

You can just do your regular bnb but without using traps. I normally just do something simple like launch into BBC super, XFC, fly, super (practice the spacing it’s not hard) dash down/forward S. TK LK shot, H overdrive, super. That normally kills point characters with a million health iirc. The assist usually dies from the 2nd super. Of course you can do a bit more work and add in a ground bounce or go into the phoenix rage loop. I actually landed it against a friend online in a happy birthday and went through and killed both his characters.

<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/766/SLICK%20RICK">SLICK RICK</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>What do i do when i get a c.L happy bday on last 2 chars with normal phoenix?</div>

You could also do the flight combo I posted earlier since it just loops H’s and doesn’t use traps except for the one at the end. so at the end were you do the super jump to do the a.MMH d.H once you land instead of doing a tk trap just do a a.S and otg - overdrive. The combo kills the second character if they have around 900k does like 75% on thor (tested on nova) and does 577k on the point character. The combo builds 2 and a half bars . Most of time when you get a happy birthday with Phoenix you want to horde as much meter as possible but if you want to kill it’s going to cost you either xf or tons of meter(or both). Another thing that I do is replace the tk traps with her overhead f.M ,her overhead is good for combo’ing two characters.

Heres a combo done with her overhead: c.L c.M c.H S (superjump) a.H f.H d.H (land) f.M c.H S (superjump) a.MMH S (land) instant air tk shot L — Tk Overdrive H - Phoenix Rage

this combo does 70% on thor , builds 2 1/3 meter, does 536k on the point character and I think does 850k on the second character.

You can alternatively kill both of them with xf and 3 bars in the corner. On the last air series were you do a.MMH instead of ending it with a S you do f.H tk shot l and then phoenix rage (activate x-factor) then immediately air dash upback then phoenix rage again. Then as the characters fall close by you from the wall bounce do S and then land otg then H overdrive super again. After the H overdrive thor is dead as an assist but only does 750k to the point character at that point. The full combo does 1 million on the point character kills the assist and ALMOST rebuilds all the meter you blew (builds 2.8 bars). Saw FChamp practicing this on FGTV , his tech is so awesome. <edit- Sorry for the wall of text , it won’t let me space any of it :frowning: -edit>

Sorry for the wall of text , it won’t let me space any of it :/. But anyway I found that you can combo off of a raw Tk Overdrive H from 3/4 to pont blank of the screen by cancelling it into Healing Field (corner only). Ok so what you do is H overdrive and once all the hits have hit (usually 5 hits from 3/4 screen and 6 hits for anything closer) cancel it into healing field and to combo off of healing field you have to wait for when Phoenix’s body flashes at the end of the animation then immediately c.L. Heres a combo: Tk Overdrive H -Healing Field- c.L s.M s.H f.H tk trap l f.H tk trap l f.H S (superjump) a.H d.H (land) tk trap l a.S otg -Phoenix Rage-. Does 360k meterless and 500k with the Phoenix Rage. What’s also good about this is that it builds back a bar so you really just used one bar to heal yourself. That also means you just need one bar to do this combo.This is great for punishing midscreen zoning and if you find yourself needing to heal yourself.

That was going to go into my eventual combo video, thanks for spoiling :stuck_out_tongue:
Still pretty impractical though

Haha Yeah pretty impractical but it’s there. Also good luck on your combo video, I hope you get around to doing it because I have yet to see a Jean video with alot of tech and I’m sure you’ll be able to show it all off :slight_smile: