A little black girl disappears and not one voiced is raised

Yes, race is a factor.
Another factor is the system obviously failed the black 5 yr old child if his mother was locked up for endangering children before. It usually takes multiple system screw ups for the media to talk about it.

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You’d think that one more missing little white bitch wouldn’t matter given that there are soooo fucking many of them. You can’t even spit into the wind without it hitting 4 of them in the face and getting three of them pregnant. At the very least the black girl is an endangered species, not unlike poor little Yue Yue.

In that event, she would throw herself down the stairs before I would get the chance.

Focusing on one person over another based race is racist as fuck!

What fucking planet do you live on? Buy a dictionary. This is the dumbest shit that I have read all day.

Well here in the US we seem to hear about only the white ones.

Well, this thread is going about as well as can be expected. Odin has already come in to defend racisim. We have about two posters who are due in before it’s closed to mention that white people are discriminated against more than anyone else in this country and the new members are already saying dumb shit.

Personally, this is nothing new. I think that the age difference and the fact that there is a chance of murder with the white child has more to do with it in this case. The black girl is most likely a victim of family drama and I would not be surprised if she is at a cousin’s house watching cartoons. Hopefully.

White people are discriminated against, only a fool would argue against that.

The only difference is white people still have more favor in society, so it doesnt really matter if other people discriminate on them they make their presence the majority.

There are more colored people in the world than there are white people. Doesnt seem that way, though.

Guys (Generally speaking, of course) couldn’t care less about kids going missing or moms killing their kids. It’s the women audience that make this into news.

Real talk, most of my guy friends STILL don’t know shit about Casey Anthony. Ask a woman about it and she’ll know court dates, the names of her kids, what blood type that bitch had, etc.


True, but not to the point where one can say “Well, that lynching is no big deal; white people deal with shit like that all of the time.”

The words “more than anyone else” that were in my post were kind of a big deal there, fella.

Since I’m only partly white I’m not at liberty to speak as a white person.

But if I was fully white I’d get sick and fucking tired of people talking about shit my great great great great grandparents did to black people. Black people do worse to themselves now than what whites did to them back them.

They gave us a place to stay. Food in our bellies. All they asked were to stay away from the pure white woman and to preface any statement to a white man as “MR”

EDIT: Half of that post was mild sarcasm.

Though it sucks that its split the way it is when two children are at risk here I could only see bad things happening to the mother of 5 year old Shockley if it were publicized. For whatever reason in my head I could see the masses looking at her case and saying she did it and be convicted of it, almost like that one chick who’s daughter was murdered but was released and the masses were outraged. Whether it be the case or not the media needs to help these children, regardless of race, so they can get home safely.

More colored people in the world? Isn’t like 75% of the U.S. population white?

So the search for Baby Irwin is stopped since everyone knows it’s more than likely another murder case.



Shit is still looking grim for Little Jhessye.

In other news white people love them some autistic children that run away on their own accord. Going so far as to leave their jobs in order to help search…

The thing is, the black kids that are missing are usually from the ghetto urban areas, so people believe “oh, this isn’t news” but if a white kid ends up missing and he/she happens to be from a very safe suburban area, people lose their shit because it is indeed unusual for something like that to happen in such an area.

Safe from what?


Domestic Violence?

Or maybe…

Poverty and the reality of the world that is around them?