925 Beatups! Dublin, Pleasanton, San Ramon, Livermore, etc. THIS SAT! [11.14 7p-2a]

:lol: dang. I won’t be there till late probably 10:30pm but hopefully I get there as soon as I can. :cool:

Thanks everyone for coming out! GGs to all! Let’s do this again 7.12.

I’ll definitely make time for this next one and just out of curiosity how many people did you have there?

You should change the thread title to reflect the new date. I lived in pleasanton forever and there was never anyone play against or anywhere to play. I wish this kinda thing sprouted up when I still lived there =\

there any plans for a session on the weekend before fuddruckers? could use some offline leveling up before fuddruckers.

ggs yuro you have a really good set-up

If you’re gonna have this again then I’ll be game as well! I’m coming from Tracy area.

By the way, I have a 360 + sticks as well if needed.

Well if anyone is interested I’m going to be holding a SF4 gathering at my place this Saturday 6/27/09 That’s the day before the Fuddruckers Tourney. I live out in the Livermore area and I’m going to have about 3 or 4 TVs set up. I only own the PS3 version so if your only able to play on Xbox then someone can bring their setup down and we can hook it up to one of the Tvs also be sure to bring your own Pads and Sticks.

I’m planning on having this start at 8pm- 2am and make sure to tell me if you have others coming with you cuz I can only host about 10 people maybe 12. I do live in a apartment complex so not that It will be a problem but after about 10pm we do need to keep the indoor noise down but like I said I don’t think that’s gonna be a problem. Just PM me and I can send you the info. If you got questions feel free to ask.

i may be down for this… ill let ya know sometime around wednesday or thurs if thats cool

:lol: good games and nice set-up. Even though I was only there for a bit it was great getting to play other people offline again. With homework, work, Father’s Day and a birthday I was very happy I was able to make it. :wgrin:

just a small update.

I have someone coming over who has the xbox version so for though who can only play on the xbox we will have one set up but make sure to bring your own sticks and Pads.

Just renamed the subject, and quoted the details for this coming Saturdays gathering.

im down to come this saturday… if you can PM me the address and such that would be awesome

You should PM EvilBowlofCereal directly.

will do

PM have been sent out so hopefully everyone who sent me one got a reply from me. I am going to be stocking up on foods and drinks for people but I don’t wanna totally over stock so if any more people are coming let me know asap.

please create a drink called “the pink chang” tributed to the great work of one of the p-groove masters, John B.

:lol: dang just got home from work and I totally forgot about this. :bluu: If you so happen to randomly check this please send me a pm. :razzy:

yuro are you still bringing your setup tommorow??

well I hope everyone enjoyed themselves at my place and I am planing on doing another one since the turnout was pretty good. If enough people show interest I’m thinking this Saturday July 4th 8pm-2am. I can understand if people have family plans as it is a holiday so just post here if your can make it out and PM me if your coming over and if your need directions just ask in the PM.

Also the matches that were recorded will be going up soon and I’ll be sure to post a link here once they are up. So just to summarize

SF4 Gathering At my Place

July 4th
PM me for more info