925 Beatups! Dublin, Pleasanton, San Ramon, Livermore, etc. THIS SAT! [11.14 7p-2a]

EDIT: Details for EvilBowlofCereal’s November 14th

i’m not that good but i’m down to play.

i live in danville.

I stay in hayward about 15mins away from both of you. I play about 4times a week I’m decent in sf4 ill post up on nights I play like tonight.

i dont live to far from dublin also. I also play mostly at night. So let me know when you have people over.

Heyyy you started a thread :tup: Haha hit me up too if you ever throw a session. SUMMER MADNESS :wow::looney:

i might be down for this…do you have sticks already?

Thanks Rudy. You told me to do it… plus… the drive from Dublin to Vallejo is kinda far. Even though I used to live in Vallejo & Hercules.

Sure… but most of my sticks are octogates.

I might be able to make Sunday evenings too. Wassup Ramin, let’s carpool dude :tup:

Louie i am down to carpool. i have a dinner thing to attend to on sunday, but should be free after that. please let me know if its going down yuro.

I’m in the planning of stages of having this go down on Sundays. This Sunday is too soon, and I have to spend it with GF.

Speaking of which, I’m trying to get her into playing more SF4. She loves playing super puzzle fighter. Any of you guys got gf’s/wives you want to bring along. Totally cool.

I’m in Castro Valley and looking for some good players. I"m a little bit better than a scrub, I think, but it’s my goal for summer to get better. Do you run xbox or ps3? Thanks!

I’ll be running xbox 360, but I do have a PS3 and looking for a copy of SF4 for under $40. (It was on sale a couple of weeks ago, but never thought I’d be organizing a get together, so I missed out.)

I also have news everyone! I have Tatsunoko vs. Capcom :rock: (Japan) on my Wii. I can’t understand a lick of japanese, and I just have one Wii Classic Controller. So if there’s interest, and someone can bring a tv/screen with Component inputs, some sticks, controllers, I’ll be more than happy to host it. Just speak up!

I also updated my OP to say I now have 3 setups for SF4.

john b here,
im interested in playing sf4 tonight
holla if anyone got shit goin on! im in antioch this week

tvc?!?! im there! any one from antioch i can carpool with would be sick. =]

I live in dublin, and I would be down for some SF4 some time.

SF4? Count me in! I can bring an extra PS3 and sticks if you need it.

If anyone wants to roll through tonight, I’m having a mini-session till like 1 or so. Just PM me. If you want the address faster, I can txt/email you back if you leave your info in the PM.

I’ll have 2 Xbox360 setups. Bring your stick!

Planning ahead–will there be a session on 6/21? That’s a Sunday night. If so, how late can you host it 'til?

Yuro, How often do you host games at your place because I’m sure my friends and myself would be interested in heading down from Livermore.

I’m glad to see there is actually people who play in the 925 area I didn’t think there was many players out here. My friends and I all live in Livermore and we have been looking at trying to hold a SF4 gathering too. I got 4 Tvs and a lot of space in my front room so we could get a nice set up going.

I was looking at hosting this on June 27th. That would be the day before the Fuddruckers tourney on concord. If people are interested let me know and if it turns out popular enough I was thinking of doing this as a weekly or bi -weekly thing.

EvilBowlOfCereal, I’m going to have a session this Sunday night at my garage. I know the Sunday after would be Fuddruckers Tournament, then the weekend after is the 4th of July weekend, which I won’t be around for. I’m down to help out your gathering on the Saturday before Fuddruckers.

I too am very glad to see fellow tri-valley members! That’s the whole reason of starting this thread up. SoCal has great representation. I’m just doing my part for this area.

Where in Livermore are you? I have a business across the street from Ruby Hill. I’m here all the time. Be nice to get some impromptu games at the spur of the moment. Let me know.