757 Lock Down!



Y’all know what 1 topping to get. Real Talk.

Also, Ray any chance we can get like a room number?

i’ll be there saturday night after work which is about 930

yeah, i think i work that night too.

how much is that mas going for? i may have to get it from you.

Chromer…ill chicken match you in SSBM on saturday if your there.

casuals in brawl sound good, im honestly still learning the game myself. thus far its really campy. thats all i can gather from it.

idk i paid a lot for the MAS but I’d let it go for a lot less than I paid. Ryry you have used the stick before I didn’t think you liked it hehe. I’ll figure something out by this weekend and let you all test drive it.

I will be there all day Saturday, feel free to call me. 252.573.9029 and I will text message you the room number or tell you over the phone whichever.

Spectre, I would give you the room number if I had one. lol

I have a room reserved this Saturday, which means I don’t get an actual room # until I check in. PM me your number and I will call you as soon as I check in and let ya know. If Chandon has your number, I will get it from him when I see him. As aforementioned, neither of us have a room number yet, but we do have 2 rooms reserved. I’ll likely check into my room earlier, so I’ll give him the heads up, allowing him to try and request a room next to my room. Unless, of course, people don’t feel like taking the elevator up 5 floors after finishing in Marvel to go play Brawl haha

Any Marvel player will love a P360 although some players will prefer 8ways for other games that’s not Marvel. I guess some people just don’t like the hard spring sticks. At least we know there won’t be a shortage of sticks, although we might be a little short on PS->DC converters for Marvel and some custom CvS2.

1st to ten for 50…try to get it recorded…it will be a good fight im sure…c u there…can u call me in the morning with details how to get there…571 275 8461

Eric V

can we get soem girls to come to this i dont care if they only play ddr as long as we try to adjust the sausage to taco ratio ya diggggggggggg

Hey Eric, you mind bringing some copies of that custom CvS2 and MvC2 we used back at PAGG, I’m too lazy to put custom shit together myself and I’d like a copy of both too.

Ryry: I don’t even think we can get the number of penises equaling the number of boobs. I just don’t think it’s going to work with this thing, unless someone wants to haul a DDR machine on freeplay with free drinks and cake on the side or something.

Yeah and uhhhh gl ray

lol A sausagefest can’t be avoided but I’ll be too busy playing to mind anyway. Anyone have Xmen vs Street Fighter they can bring?

ooo and marvel super heroes i can almost guarantee that no one is touchign me in that game and i mean nobody

I’ll be bringing my girlfriend but her friends probably aren’t stoked about going to a hotel in va to play street fighter :frowning:

lol at bringing girls. I thought this was a gathering for gaming, not a dating scene. If you know some females who want to come (Brawl? Smash? lol), then feel free to invite.

Exist, I am currently w/o a camera, so if anyone has a camera and is coming, PLEEEEEEASE bring it!!! Flipkev, have you changed your mind yet? lol Anthony, you have a camera. What’s good?


Me v Unknownenemyzero Ft10 for 20 (gl to u 2)
Me v Exist Ft10 for 50 (yea, whatever man lol…I already wrote your name on my $25 lol :slight_smile: )
Me v Chandon Ft5? for 30
Me v Tornado Ft5 w/ MSP for Popeye’s Treat (if I win, everyone gets chicken! root for me!!! haha)

Everyone else knows what they have set up and be ready for whatever goes down.

EricV: I will call you in the morning and check on your status with directions (Mapquest!! woot woot!!)

Anthony/Spectre: Once I get Ant’s new number, I will call you guys in the morning also to check on your eta.

Aiight, so lemme get a final rundown on this.

How many systems do we have?
How many TVs?
Somebody’s got a PS3 right?

If all everyone does is play Smash all day I’ll kill someone.

I’m bringing a PS2 controller and the most epic film of all time (not that we’ll watch it), probably also some CDs.

As of right now Tornado Flame and I are planning to roll in around 3-ish.

Ya’ll have fun and tell me the turnout of this event; I still have to gather some pics from FFA but as soon as I get them I’ll let you know judge! Ko ne nah my son!

I got a camera too, but it’s nothing special and I can only record probably less than 50 minutes with my 1 gig memory card and probably a mediocre quality. I’ll bring it as an emergency.

Not every gamer is allowed a girlfriend sometimes. :rofl:

if anyone wants me to bring an extra 3rd strike or cvs2 , let me kno.


I will have 3tvs in my room. Chandon will have at least 2 in his room. As far as the PS3…Anthony. The man is on his A game. A. Game. Period. lol He has it, thus he gets in free. Only one for the PS3. I think he is also bringing his 360. GS


Gamers only get GFs when they have the skill to beat Shen Long. :slight_smile: Btw, Shen Long is a noob.


If you have it and you want it played, bring it! If you don’t have it and you want it played, most likely it will be there. If you don’t have it and someone else does and won’t tell you because they don’t want it played, then you just got played. Damn. -_- That would suck.


Son! (that pretty much sums it up lol)

Everyone else:

Let’s do the damn thang!!! Have fun and win your MMs!!! And side-tourneys!!! lol And please, if you have to fart, step out of the room. That is all.

Ill take ur bet for the next 757 lockdown…say 50 in cvs2 first t0 5…and in 3rd strike first to 7 for another 50…c u there…