I’m actually gonna be in VA at Ft. Eustis for my annual training with my unit, but I doubt I’ll be able to make it where you guys at :crybaby: but at least ill be in the area! Post vids on youtube sucka!
it was fun playing 3rd Strike with the few I did play with.
yeah i had a good time. good shit to ray and chandon for hosting.
flame: you are too funny. i need to start coming up there more to play with you more.
spec: good talkin to u as always, despite i’m not the biggest a3 fan, i had fun playing.
ericv: good playing with you.
and good games to all the other locals who were playing. (i’m to lazy to name everyone )
OMG where to begin with this.
#1 I want to make sure I emphasise how GDLK Ray is for putting this event on, real talk.
Also mad props to Chandon for hosting and making his room available, If we’d had all those people in just one room it woulda been straight nasty. Also bonus props for the Sun Drop, GDLK.
Anyway, this thing got started off right, with me, Amp, and Eric V heading to SONICS where I purchased a BACON cheeseburger. Then when we went to one of the other Mariotts and bothered some dude in room 217. Who the fuck puts 3 Mariotts back to back on the same street? I’m calling stupid ass SOVA gimmicks on that.
Then we got to the room and Bacon pizza was also available (but nobody knew where the fuck Nelson was.) Ollie rolled in with the rest of New Edition and put on a show, we even got to put in A3 despite protests and I beat some people senseless in ST for NO motherfucking reason. (I seriously haven’t touched that game in years.) There was also waaaaaay too much advanced Chun in there, I mean for real I get a hedache just thinking about it. VA needs to have gatherings like this more often, or at least on the regular.
Chromer, if you read this, I didn’t get to see you in GG which you said you played, but to me it just looks like you need to work on your defense. Your offense is pretty solid from what I saw but you need both to win, and that’s a skill that I am miles away from learning myself, but keep at it and you’ll get better.
That about sums up part 1.
Part 2 happens at 3:34 AM when while 2 miles away from TornadoFlame’s house on the highway, I blow out a tire…then we spend 40 minutes putting on the spare, only to find that it’s pretty much flat too…So this morning when I rolled out of there I filled up the spare tire waaaay too full and rolled out with a ton of air and a prayer. The most frightening 1 and a half hours of my life were spent with me rolling up I-95 at 45mph with my hazard lights on hoping that my spare tire wouldn’t either A)go flat or B)explode. Somehow I made it back…
Also Eric V. When you passed me on the highway, that was GDLK. I totally called it too.
lol Awesome write-up Spectre!
I will try to cover all the bases as best I can. I met quite a few people I had never seen before and learned a lot about what needs to happen in terms of the next 757event.
The people:
Chandon: thanks a mil man for having a 2nd room to post people in…also, you left your AH in my room, and I have it…along with your SFac lol U gotta stop doing that
Norfolk’s RSJ: Jamal, Tramell, David - you guys didn’t stay very long, but thnx for showing up
Scooder: GGs…you are so serious…lol gotta love that Marvel
Ryry: Just when I reach the point where I can take you in Marvel, you pull this Saki AH shit out ur ass…that’s ok because now that Chandon accidentally left his copy in my hands, the uproar will soon be following…oh yea, and don’t worry about Tekken anytime soon
Eric V.: …I died a little inside after playing you in Marvel. Please forgive me for wasting your time. j/k lol
Anthony: Wish we had the chance to do our Popeye’s matches man. That’s cool tho, because next time, I know how the event needs to go down. Still, gs!
Spectre: GDLK 2 u 2 sir! You, sir, are one cool dude. Not only are you a cool gamer, but you are a cool person. Rare. p.s. Iron Man would have been a cool idea -_-
WTFJAH!!!: dude, our MM in 3s never happened! I’ll remember it for next time…be there! if you’re going to NY before then, good luck!!!
Otis: you, my friend, are too funny for your own good
OJ4, Chromer, TatamiG: where were you guys?!? sorry you guys didn’t get the chance to get as much out of the event as I’m sure you would have wanted. it was late, but you still decided to show up and support the scene. i respect that o_o
Random people: Bacon.
Tourneys: we have to set these up on SRK for the next event. they have to be in the works before people start showing up…but if we did have one it would have looked somewhat like this:
- Eric V.
- Tornado ???
- Eric V.
- ???
Tekken Whatever:
- Ryry
- O-NO
Virtual Tennis:
- Ryry
- Tornado
- Ryry
Ok, this is the rundown on the money matches.
Eric V. vs Judge (10-0 Eric V.)
*he wiped my ass w/ MSP…I only came close to getting a win maybe 3x with Matrix -_- damn Magneto. You know the game is broken when you pushblock (the mechanism in the game that is supposed to create space b/w you and your opponent after guarding an attack) and your opponent is still right in front of you…damn man
Nelson vs Judge (9-10 Judge)
*Nelson was really racking my brain with his Clockwork…so bad he ran with it all the way to score 7 over my 4. After having enough, I decided to counter-pick with Matrix and brought it back for the upset
Chandon vs Judge (0-4 Judge)
*this was supposed to be Ft5, but when we started, Chandon looked a little wasted, so we only got to 4 before he stated how much he needed to go to bed…Chandon, you’re lucky I’m a nice guy!!! lol
that about it. this is probably a big post, and SRK likely logged me out already, so I’ll stop here.
Thnx to everyone for coming together and making this a decent gathering!
Any comments/ideas towards the next one?
wait until the higher Dizonger’s know of this unlawful event at an unregistered Chapter.
You forgot one.
Alpha 3
- Spectre General
Bet it.
A sakura:rock:
- b1gazn
and sorry to say but the good players around here do not care to help out those that they might deem scrubby. You might learn from getting beat down repetitively but to get useful advice, you won’t get it from the best players around here.
www.gamefaqs.com it’s where the best learn
Seriously fun event, wish I could have played more games other than Marvel but it seemed there was no choice. But seriously wtf was with that ST that was just ridiculous. Good money match Ray, but we will never know if damage was lowered or not, too tired to care anyway but we’ll leave it for next time and just leave it in arcade mode.
But I do remember someone saying they wanted a Mario Party MM? Hahah… we’ll just save it for next time.
Sounds like lots of fun. I might want to come to one of these one day when the gas price lowers or I hitch a ride. I’m kinda picky of what I attend since I do go to a game gathering every week here locally but if its really fun, I might come one of these days. I didn’t go but I respect the people who put the effort to get rooms, host it, and make it all work out. Sounds like you’re really good guys.
Good shit to everyone who came out and supported the event. Thanks for making for some good times. Heheh, I wasn’t wasted (?), I went to bed because I thought my girlfriend (who was wasted) was annoying everyone. I didn’t even drink. Anyways Ray I owe you $15 and I’d like to get my other money matches in at Oh-No’s house if possible, on the 3S machine. If we’re allowed to then lets plan something for then or else a random night at Judges house. I am glad to see that everyone had a good time and that we’re going to do it again. Next time I probably wont bring Evie though so no excitement for you guys
Tornado: It was nice to finally meet you. Sometime I’d like to make it up to casuals at your place.
Eric V: Thanks for coming out and supporting our rag tag scene. Until next time
Spectre: Nice to formally meet you as well. Good games in 3s!
757 Gamers: Always a good time folks!
WTF: When are you moving to NY son? You’ll have to come for a weekend on the obx before you move. That way I can be like “I’m coming to NY” when you move.
I wanted to touch on a few things I've read so far, and I really, really hope that some are jokes.
Wtf? The good players? Scrubby? Who brought up the topic of learning anything about a game before you posted this? The discussion was on how people had fun at the event meeting other people and sharing matches with other gamers. If you want to throw in your 2 cents about how scrubby the players are, then please just don’t post. If you are not interested in the event, why take the time to read the posts?
The higher ups might not agree with this gathering? Wtf? You’re joking right? Wow. After this, I really wish you would stick to bacon jokes.
Nelson, I highly doubt your handicap was on 2 during our matches. I, for one, always pay attention to the handicap setting in between matches just because I have experienced stuff happening before. Also, I pay attention to the amount of damage I dish out in order to keep track of what I need to focus on doing to finish a character off. I never noticed a change. I really believe it was just notched down when you and Scooder changed sticks in your p1 port while on the handicap/stage select menu. If you agree to disagree, we could always re it up. Ft10 for $20. Doesn’t matter to me.
…No longer allowed, huh? Please tell me YOU’RE joking. If you are serious, I’m not doing this again. If it is this serious that players who are considered to be of a certain caliber are not allowed to attend events hosted by players deemed a lesser caliber, then I say to hell with it.
Fuck trying to get people together if the thoughts of who is better than who will always be predominate. Forget trying to build bonds and friendship amongst gamers. I’ll work on my shit, show up at tourneys to compete in what I want to win, and go home. That about it.
I’m not well aquainted with the other 2, but I can pretty much guarantee that what Anthony said didn’t have anything to do with player caliburs or anything.
I know I’m not driving Anthony down there again. It was his side of the car that the tire blew out on too…:bluu: I got a new tire btw.
I’m not exactly sure how to interpret B1gazn’s comment. I think he might just be saying that NOVA thinks that everyone else is scrubs and that they will never travel to an event outside of NOVA because they’re elitists. But there are obviously exceptions, Eric V and B1gazn himself being two of them. I can’t speak for the other NOVA players because I’ve never met them. I will say that I believe that NOVA/MD are of a much, much higher caliber than the rest of VA. In fact I’d probably put them 3rd overall in the entire country (with NY and Cali being 1 and 2.) When it comes to them “teaching” other players, well that’s just a personality thing. Some of us have no problem playing casuals and/or teaching other players tips and secrets (teaching Advanced Chun is off limits though,) others are just asses and believe that winning is all that matters. I’m not trying to start anything, I just think this may have been what B1gazn is implying. Why it came up though I’m not sure.
All and all I was pleased/surprised at how well I did. Either I’m better than I think or y’all all just suck. I’m starting to think it might be the first one.
YO, next time you wanna host one of these, let me know, we can host it at my house.
5$ venue. and its done. this shit was mad fun, Flame is one funny ass dude.
it was good to finally meet some of you, and even better to play. hopefully my game will be on point next time around, i got shited on a few time but its cool.
ALSO, im pretty sure ill be hosting that lock in tournament on th 7th of june. once i get confirmation ill get a good post out here. i expect to see you ALL here. you guys are also welcome to stay at my place that weekend.
My bad for not being clear.
Top players around this area do no care for players who do not have the potential of being a good player. If that potential is too high, either two things will happen; cock riding or hating. The cock riding is self explanatory. The hate happens when that Novice, ask questions in attempts of getting better. From my experience, all of my questions were ignored and my efforts of improving as a player, dwindled. I was basically forced to learn from game situations or watching videos.
Basically, the top players don’t do shit. The average players, like you and me, are forced to keep the scene alive while the top players just show up and win the money. Think of the last time that a top player hosted a tourney, brought equipment, gave rides, and chipped in when money was needed?
Why do people have feelings online?
NOVA = Jokes
SOVA = Serious
Once you guys find out that video games and video game forums are for fun, you’ll be better off.
I am more likely to help out the scene than 90% of the active players in NOVA.