Just found out I do have May 3 off so I’ll be there!
illbe ther right after work are u starting the tourneys at night? or all day?
The tourneys are up to the players that attend. Bring extra cash people for MMs and tourney fees ($2 pretty much). I already took this day off, so I see myself spending a bit of time setting things up in the room that morning (food, drinks, etc.), then chilling over at GB playing peeps in 3S (maybe scooping up some random players), and then heading back over to the hotel.
Are there any good movies out May 3rd?
Ninja Edit: Getting a disposable phone today so you folks can reach me. Gotta keep up the espionage lifestyle.
2nd post: I’ll call Scooter and see what he is up to on this date.
I’m coming. Any chance of bringing some Arcana Heart? My Time Kira and Gier Liso are itching for a fight.
I’ll be bringing my copy of AH, I know Ryry has a copy too. So it’ll definitely be there. I like to play, OJ4 will play, and judge will play too. I’m pretty sure there a few others too. Maybe enough to hold a tournament even though everyone’s scrub in AH :shake:
i’ll be bring a copy of ah but i played it last night for the first time and damn, i dont know what the fuck im doing. where do i go for info on it so i can practice up for before this?
check that site up for AH info
Yeah, tornado gave a good outline of the arcanas in the sova thread too. Ray and me have been having a blast with the game since I introduced it to him. Some of the commands are weird, just don’t get too thrown off by the homing cancel shit and guard cancel shit.
I’ll toss up $2 for an AH tourney if it goes down. Time Yuriko all day!!!
(insert 14yr old girl’s smile here)
why 2 bucks? lets hype it up a lil lets say 5 bucks? per tourney? ill enter all even the ones i dont play :woot:
^^Ry: $5/tourney ? Fine by me. We’ll see about everyone else when they happen.
^Amp: lol!
Well, I reserved a room today, and now just have to wait til’ this goes down on Saturday May 3rd.
Ok, now for some specifics.
Those who are travelling:
When will you be arriving (Amp and crew?)?
Chandon, when will you check into your room?
Those who are going, please PM me your numbers so that I can reach you. Thanks!
Tornado Flame, I take you like Eternal Fighter Zero and Immaterial and Missing Power too?
I will be at my room at 3 PM on Saturday so I can try to get moved to beside your room. I will run Mario Kart Wii with 4 wheel controllers in my room if we get bored of fighting games or want a break to have some fun. I will call you on my way into town on Saturday or something.
Anyone else have a camera they could bring for recording?
i wish i did. ~.~;;;
Halo 3 tourney today guys. wish me luck.
i dont even PLAY this shit. XD
Is anyone running smash or running a smash tourney? ( dont kill me X.x )
if anyone wants to learn smash, i can teach you brawl in like 5 min. Melee is gonna take some time.
this weekend is gonna be too good.
Share that smash/brawl knowledge this weekend. We’ll do smash/brawl in Chandon’s room, cuz if Aaron sees us playing he’ll go flip mode on us and start tick throwing.
Also, the pizza will be coming from Dominos located right across the street. They have a special going on this weekend with unlimited large 1-topping pizzas @ 3.99.
Hey O-NO you can go ahead and schoool me in Melee since my Sheik is garbage. My Snake in Brawl might put up a fight though. Also, any chance of you guys having maybe a spare stick you want to put up for sale? I need one since O-NO won’t let me come to his place to play 3rd Strike (You let Ollie over nigga lol) and I need one for AH, 3rd Strike, etc.
We’ll probably play a Brawl tourney I guess. I dunno much about the game or anything so we’ll let you be in charge of that aspect. I think most ppl that are coming play brawl casually.
I have an extra stick for sale but it isn’t that awesome. It is a MAS with a P360, which is the part that isn’t that awesome. You can try it out at the event though.
how much?