757 Lock Down!

sup sup

GG at PAGG tourney folks…im trying to come down and session wit u guys…lemme know if their is a place i can crash at if i come down…till then peace…

Eric V out

^Dude, when will you next be in town?


wen someone wants good comp and can house me…lol

then come down this weekend. i having a session at my crib saturday night (4/19) for all fighters.
9pm sat- 12pm sun

get at me if you need an address or more info.

Ok I just booked my room for May 3rd. O-No how about a Chun/Chun Mirror Match first to 5 for $50? Fun for us boring for whoever is watching.

hell, its not even fun for ME. i honestly hate chun dittos.

i will however, think about it. i mean, that would be th most i ever MM for in any game AND its a matchup im not to confident in. im leaning 60/40 in favor of doing the match just to make shit more epic though.

this match is now pending…

awesome. i thought our matches at the last PAGG event were great and I am looking forward to it. Hope you decide to go with it, we can ajust the money part if you want just let me know whats up.

OMG! My signal sucks E.Honda’s ass! Mini re-post%3

I know I won’t be going :(…but at least they finally got Garou: MOTW and KOF '98: UM at FFA! I’ll take pics :slight_smile:

Ok, I’m going to post this again in hopes it will actually show up this 3rd time:

757 event is just around the corner and I would like those who have their s/n on the roster to repost indicating whether they are still definitely able to make it. Again, the entry fee is $10 for casuals, food, and drinks. MMs and/or mini-tourneys are already posted and others will be up to those attending and the number of players interested.

For those who are of age, alcohol or no alcohol?

I will be sending PMs to those who are on the list to ensure noone misses this post. Chandon, good stuff. Your room is still avail for 3-d games? (VF5, Tekken stuff, SSBB?)

Guess I’m first. Well I’m a definite, get off work at 5PM so no problems here. Would like a mini-session the day before or something.

Alcohol? I don’t drink to begin with so I don’t really care.

i’ll be there. i might work around the event since i work arcoss the street from your venue. either way i’ll be there.

I will be there in full effect. I will have my own room with 2 TV’s and am bringing 2 additional TV’s. I have two dreamcast, but would need extra ‘fan disc’ and controller converters. I have SF:AC on ps2 and xbox, which i can bring an xbox but my ps2 doesn’t work right. Can someone bring like 2 extra PS2s? I have AH, SF:AC and KoFXI for PS2, along with a bunch of games I don’t play as much. I can also bring a Wii plus Smash. Do we need anything else? Does anyone know how to get up with the Latino Hugo player and the Black Dudley player that wears Ice Cream shirts from GB? They would make a good addition for 3S.

Ok I just read your post. 3D room is fine by mean, except I don’t play 3d fighters (other than Brawl, I guess) but whatever is fine. As far as alcohol goes, I don’t drink like I used to but I will probably bring some beer. My girlfriend will also probably be drinking out of boredom. I do, however, smoke, so if that isn’t your cup of tea then tell me now and I’ll distance you from it so you don’t see it or whatever. Plus because of the type of event I won’t be smoking in the rooms, obviously. Do I need to bring anything like food or what not? I’ll set up my room with food and drinks and alcohol at no charge, because I’m, you know, ballin’.

lol. I’ll be bringing:

electronics/systems: 1 tv, 1 ps2 w/ 2 controllers, 1 dreamcast w/ 2 controllers

-dreamcast: 1 tdc final, 1 marvel mix, 1 3s copy
-ps2: 1 chandon’s sf:ac, 1 sfa3, 1 tekken 5, 1 soul calibur 3?, 2 kof xi

food: i will be picking up pizza from chanello’s OR domino’s and getting snacks from either the dollar tree OR dollar general (same thing) :slight_smile:
*the popeye’s run will take place after the pre-announced matches have been played and winners announced

Also, if anyone wants to invite other players from GB or wherever, feel free. Again, the fee is only $10.

Chandon, pass on that ballin’ knowledge and I may let you in on the zen of accomplishing Advanced Chun. :slight_smile:

a guy from where i work is gonna be requesting a shift switch that would have me available on this date…still waiting for it to be confirmed…but if i’m able to attend this little shindig…

OPEN MM CHALLENGE IN TEKKEN - Mokujin vs Mokujin - ft5 for $10


ft3 for $10 - KUMA VS PANDA

that is all…

I’m still down to come. If I can’t get a ride, I’ll find a way to GB and see if I can’t come over with Ollie.

ill be there, i have a bunch of stuff i can bring ( im to lazy to type it all out) and if chandon is running smash, ill have my wii and MM will be in full effect for Melee.

should be a good night.

My attendance has been moved to shaky. In order to get to this I would have to take off 4 Saturdays in a row, they don’t like that. I am going to try as hard as I can to make it though. Other bad news is that I’ll be completely broke by then as it is NOT a week that I get paid.

if me and that guy wind up switching shifts, then you can ride with me…don’t worry about the gas. just drive me to a future tournament, and we’ll call it even.