5/9 SOVA Monthly

Well I think the whole team tournament and having parts of that run best of 3 was a really bad idea. Everyone seemed to enjoy the team tournament though, so I can’t see that cutting into thing too much. Also maybe cut down colossium to top 4 for singles or something if were trying to run two events at once.

yeah i agree. also i think going from singles to teams then back to singles was meh. should’ve just ran through singles… then teams afterwards. IMO

Don’t even know who this fool is but here it goes…I was there ontime my friend. There is no complaining here. Constructive critism. Team tourney only 90 dollars at stake was ran first. Singles 200 plus at stake should have been run first but was run second. Yea let me bring a window a/c unit everywhere I go next time thats a great idea…Unfortunately prolly the last tourney RVA attends unless theres a different venue. Jamie already got my thanks.

i dont think troy meant it in a bad way. i think he just meant that lets try to work with wat we got for now.

Calling me a fool is uncalled for but w/e makes u feel better. I never said u weren’t on time I just said Half the people wheren’t so don’t get ur panties in a bunch. I didn’t stay for the Coliseum due to not wanting to leave my wife and daughter home alone all day so I don’t know how it was run but I agree with you on running the Tourney with more money at stake first. The window A/C unit was a joke. Yes it’s unfortunate if it’s the last one you guys attend because I myself enjoy having more comp at the Tourneys, can’t speak for the rest of SoVa but I’m sure they agree we enjoy having you guys attend.

Sorry if I offended u I just don’t like to hear people’s complaints/constructive critisim when Jamie was nice enough to open his place up to everyone every month. I don’t like to argue especially online nor do I want or like to have enemies, so once again I apologize and hope you all decide to attend next month.

Sry, everyone for ruining the thread with this.

It was hot as fuck in there, fans or not. GGs to people I played.

Troyboy - Glad to see other Abel players. Nice stuff. Ill be sending you an invite on XBL in the near future.

There are a few issues that need to be addressed.

First and foremost, people still don’t fucking know what be on time means. They think that because it says it starts at 4 that they can leave their house at say 3:55. That is unacceptable. We were supposed to start at 4 and didn’t get started until like 5:15. To those who were on time, thank you very much. You will receive a Foomy plush doll in the mail. :smile:

Two, and this was on me, the winner’s finals did take a while to finish. Not having run a 3v3 before, I remembered when we were at C3 in March they did finals 2/3 so I was following that. I had no idea that it would take that long to finish the finals in 3v3 so I’ll say my bad on that one. For future reference, when we do 3v3s, all finals will only be 1 match.

Three, also with the 3v3, it could have been finished a lot sooner if people were playing their matches instead of gathering around one station watching a single 3v3 match going on. There were 5 open stations and people knew which matches they had. And if they didn’t, they could have gone and looked at the brackets, grabbed their opponents, and played their matches. When I looked at my watch, I was surprised that we made it to top 8 in singles so quickly, though we did have 6 stations which really helped with that. We had ample time. If the above issues did not happen, the tourney could have definitely been over by say 11.

Four, I do apologize for the temperature. Everyone knew the temperature would rise when there’s so many people in there. Hence why I asked people to bring fans. Only 1 person brought a fan, RanDumbCat. I spent a good deal of money just getting those other two fans.

Regardless of everything though, I still enjoyed myself and I hope you guys did too.

Well there’s a simple solution for the timing part…
that simple. Nobody seems to understand that concept just yet. They show up late their loss…

3v3 wasn’t purely your fault. there were other reasons why it was LONG as hell. But I thought the finals were supposed to be on one station. I believe a lotta ppl did play teams on at least 2 up till that point right?

And yes it was hot as hell, but we all knew it was gonna be. it always has been. I just walked outside or sat right underneath the window.

Troyboy- We should get in some games of halo at some point. That way it’ll give me a reason to dust off my Xbox heh.

Randumbcat - Feel free and hit me up…If I’m not on SF4 which most the time I ain’t, I play mostly CoD4 and a little Halo3 just send me a message and see if I wanna play some SF4 and I’ll try and jump on.

Maj1nVegeta - Same to you bro, hit me up if you got XBL I’m always on mostly CoD4 but I play my occasional H3, if you ever wanna get together and play some Halo1 now thats my game right there.

i for one had an awsome time…to bad my abel was mad scrubby…but hey i was able to teach joe a few tricks…and thats good enough for me…but beware Gouken is a steam powered old bastard!!! im gonna shovel coal in his back and turn him loose!!!

I myself bought a fan it just never came out of the box…The only reason I’m addressing this issue is its not even summer yet…Its only gonna get worse :(/ I agree with everything you said Blakula. :slight_smile: I would have loved it to be over at 11. Good shit though…I would have loved to get KOF XII

moose, me and ryry played one set for first place

yes it was hot fuck there, but i mean otis offered PNT to be the venue for monthlies and ranbats… and i think PNT would use their a/c.

Blackula you the man!

Good job to everyone especially Joe S/Ryry/Moose!

Keep Sova strong guys!

-Eric V out

Superb. My first night in the Coliseum was short-lived, but sweet nonetheless.

The tournament did run long, but I mainly thought it was due to:

1.) Teams being thrown into the mix. We finally got to do Teams and it was awesome, but…(see below)
2.) Linking the TV’s for a LOT of matches. Doing the top Teams AND top 8 Singles on one linked set-up really took up a big chunk of time. I wish there was some way we could’ve run Teams on any of the other four other SDTVs while still doing Top 8 Singles, but I realize that people want to have them recorded or in a “main event” style.

Teams were an awesome event and definitely should stay, but we should take another look at how we run the top Teams/Singles. I think we could save a lot of time in that area to make up for people being late (which will always happen) or watching a hype match (which nobody, including myself, can resist because that’s what we pay for).

And the fans actually really helped, and now I want to go out and get one. Blackula did promt everyone to stay cool, so he did what he could. Whenever I couldn’t stand being hot, I’d just step out for about 5 minutes, and by the time I go back in, I’m good for another 1 or 2 hours, plus I always keep some water on me (I’ve been doing that for like 2 months, and I don’t know why other people haven’t gotten around to doing the same when they always mention being hot). I can deal with the heat if it’s for the sake of quality gaming, but that’s probably because (and everyone knows this) Guile players are more heat-resistant since we’re so used to bringing it and not feeling it, and we’re always ready to die.

Taj - don’t give up. Challenge again.

Syber - I caught you by surprise, so I won’t get ahead of myself. I know Capcom’s been one of your strong points way before I started gaming with you guys, and I imagine you’ll show me why the next time we play. See ya next bracket.

Moose - like I said: “It was fun while it lasted.” Thanks for bringing RVA to us once again.

Troyboy - I screw up two Focus-Ultras, you screw up two Crouching HP-Ultras. What can I say, we were all over the place. I played hard, but I was really losing my cool (no pun) during the fight, so I made a ton of mistakes. From my end, you looked like you were the more solid player, and hopefully when we play again we’ll both have our shit together and find out for sure. Next time, and remember…“Justice doesn’t need breaks.”

Joe E. - COMMAND THROW JOE. If there’s anything I like more than playing against you, then it’s playing again you in BLACKULA’S COLISEUM. Keep it up and go for top 5, man!

Fun times to everyone else I hung out with, and congrats to the top placers. I’ll keep working on my game. Gentlemen, see you next week!

:rofl: you can’t be serious

also, did you lose to ryry, or to sagat? HMMMMM…

Honestly I lost to myself. Sagat is just the worst match up for my character therefore I have every right to bitch. But yes i have never lost to Ryry with Rog with any other character than Sagat.

whatever makes you feel better, moose:) you wouldn’t suddenly wake up dead the next day to give anyone else some credit.

Nah he beat my ass with Sagat is all I’m saying. He beat me damn straight. But thats like watching the superbowl and being surprised that the Patriots won again. Yet, people get hype when the actually lose…When these videos gonna be up so everyone can see the fat man honda at work

no patriots in sf4, show me where the sagat dynasty is!