It shouldnt be a problem though. Ive been to and ran several tourneys in the past and this has NEVER been an issue. a bunch of the people that come to my tourneys or tourneys I host I know and we all watch eachothers stuff and watch out for others as well.
Seriously, a round of applause for Tyram for getting this thing actually set up. This is the first tourney in Sac since…? I rememner one for Alpha 2 like 3 years go at CSUS, but other than that…
What the TS and Orochi?!? What the tournament at great escapes?!?! This is madness!
I’ll try and make it, As well as try to get some old school guys to come out and get owned the these newer guys…
-David G
Maybe the next one you can get them to lower it. I don’t think TCGs and board games draw enough of a crowd where they can demand that amount for a half clean warehouse during an economic recession…well they can demand it, but I don’t think many people want to spend 15 where 10 of it isn’t even prize money.
Most major magic tourneys are 25 dollars for pre-releases, regionals, and other tourneys. Unless your talking about fnm which is free unless theirs prize support.
not too sure about magic, but i play tcgs. Usually the 25 dollar tourneys = 4 pack draft w/ prize support usually equaling to about a 5 dollar venue fee. They do markup packs as well so i guess…just seems kind of high per person. Ah well, hopefully the tourney works out without a problem :tup:
I am confused about the venue fee as well. If this IS indeed the same place that does the TAG monthy tournies for brawl, then why the hell are they charging a venue? They didn’t for TAG tournies, so why for this?
Unless I am getting it wrong and the organizer and not the place hosting the tourny is asking for the venue. In that case, I ask a bigger WHAT THE FUCKS UP WITH THE VENUE?!
the venue fee consists of money that needs to be payed to great escape games itself. they want 20 % of what we make. that 20% is coming ONLY from the venue fee.
the rest will go to our group at Sac State called SP (Sama hang pilipino). We are doing the fundraiser for that group.
the $5 entry fee will be like my normal tourneys where the money is always given back out to the winners of the tourneys.
I mean come on its FREE PLAY and on console.
I also think that its fucking cool that great escape games even gave us a chance to do this and I’m really confident that I have SRK’s support for this shit. I’m not some fucking noob who just decided to post up and run a tourney at random. Sac needed a fighting game scene and tourneys so I’m here to help bring that to life.
Hope all of you once again can make it and i’ll work to get the venue fee lowered next time but please lets make this tourney a good turnout so that we can have more for Sacramento and the scene as a whole.