3SOE Priceless hate mail

Still getting props, a friend request and no hate. I’m doing the best I can dammit. :bluu:

you on psn? ill send you some hate mail.

Can definitely do that as well.

Uh, no. I’d rather *earn *my hate mail than just get some for no reason.

Fuck you nigga spick bitch faggot. I hope your family dieds or AIDS you pussy spamming no-skill faggot bitch. All you do is run and be cheap. STOP BLOCKING AND FIGHT. You fucking Noob trash.

Sorry to spoil it for you but this is what your in for.

This guy by the name of XIr0nC0mb0X or some crap keeps **repetively **avoiding me.
It all started when I beat him in ranked a long time ago, then I one day came into him and his friend’s player match room and I end up steam rolling them. They were basically laughing and talking shit a first, but fell silent soon after we got to it.

[media=youtube]IGTsKaYWiiY[/media] )

After about two sets from each of them, I get kicked from the room.

And ever since, he’d avoid me. Hard.

So a couple of days ago, I jump back into it, pretty rusty and whatnot and I guess he forgot about me, which leads to this -


Now he’s avoiding me again.

Not to mention I’ve had a SLEW of ragequitters. At this point, I just play dumb for the whole first round, act like I barely get the win and just quickly steamroll them the second round before they know what’s going on.

That way they still think they have a chance and don’t ragequit.

YOu on PSN? I actually need an Ibuki to fight. Its one of my toughest ones.

why would you think that fighting ibuki online would teach you anything about fighting ibuki in 3S.

Because Online is all I have D: theres no FG scene here or at least not a accessible 3s scene here. And I have good matches with some legit players and Ive learned a thing or too.

I sure am. SN is the same as it is here.

Lmao, so I was playing a few in player matches before I headed out for Christmas and this dude was facing this guy who had been winning all the rounds. 'Caused an upset and it was good, however I was next and that wasn’t good for him.

I’m literally just goofing off the entire round and still beat him. After which, he sends me a message saying “HURRY UP, NIGGA.” while I’m playing other folks. So then, I play around with them and take my time and when I get to him, I literally just steamroll the shit out of him.

Needless to say, he left right after that round.


Misspellings, lack of creativity and a big bunch of misconceptions? Booooooringgggggg. :yawn:

“[LEFT]oh yeah im bad for a community? come on, be a man and talk like one, silly-community girl, i will find ur robotic hands again” [/LEFT]

I sent a guy hatemail today because he picked red Ken + Elena’s stage.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: Robotic hands, too good.

I’ve played that guy. Unfortunately for him I seem to be one of the few not bothered by her stage. And he sucks.

Some 12 player said I was bitch made 100%.

I don’t know.

I dunno about y’all, but I love it when I get messages complaining about me “camping”. Its even better when they complain about blocking.

I also had someone say I counter picked them. I was playing Remy, he was playing Akuma.

Had a nice exchange today. his messages, with a couple short ones omitted:

this dude is a wakeup super/shoryu machine. we played in ranked twice, he beat me the first match and then we had a really laggy second match that I won. so after his first message I said “FT3 I’ll invite” and won 3 straight, he DCed before the third one could end. he kept complaining, I pointed out that only our second match was laggy and told him that if he thought I was bad he should come back and play me more. I beat him another three games, and he left. no response since then.

the advice I gave that he doesn’t need is that Ken’s sweep is not safe on block and that he probably shouldn’t super or DP every time that he wakes up. I was a gentleman about the whole thing! Think he’s just a troubled kid who needs a friend.