3rd Maniax. 2nd Saturday of every month. Game-Newton 3v3 Tournament

It looks like there will be a series of 3on3 tourneys in the near future. It was mentioned on a recent Game Spot Versus stream. I happened to be in Tokyo last week on some business :slight_smile: and saw the flyer in the elevator at Versus. Here is a picture:

It’s great to see a big event being planned even though Coop Cup was last weekend. We can use this thread for any updates. I look forward to seeing some videos or a stream.

This is happening at Game Newton right?

ooyama game newton,yes
looks like i will be able to go to the april event - can’t wait !
game newton has its own niconico account so hopefully we’ll get to see videos

diaperbomb, jwaingggg. get your tickets.

On the day of the second tournament I’ll be on my plane back.


Truly an amazing news anyway.




thanks for the shoutout dude.

sup LUN. you should change your flight to one day later. do it now and it might be free. then just sleep at a manga kissa after the tourney.

Manga cafes are the shit. For 3000yen, you can sleep there all night, take a shower(for 500) and then spend another 500 on some ramen and snacks. Unlimited drinks, aw yearh~

so…it all starts tomorrow

rules,info,etc [taken from game newton website]

please note > UST配信有
let’s wait and see , yeah ?

Here’s the link to the stream:

Start from 1pm (JPN time)

Stream is up! Thx hismit. : )

loads of big names are showing up for this,apparently
first match was
hosshi - kowappa - arugure vs rx - yakkun - k.o
next up is team vanao - tokura - rikimaru vs kowappa’s team
so the teams are divided into groups ? no idea
rikimaru is shouting like there’s no tomorrow

damn, KO just double perfected rikimaru

Pierrot just OCVed Nuki’s team!!

Seikun Remy just double perfected Oryu Chun!!!

Vanao/Tokura/Rikimaru just won the tourn! MVP of the day has to be Tokura, destroyed everyone.

man if i was oryu id be pissed. raw ex flash kick on his wake up…i dont respect it.

Any archive available?

yeah tokura was fucking shit up left and right.