Been facing a lot of solo players lately and I’m wondering if there is any incentive to not do this. I am getting wrecked because single moves are taking 50% + (+ for counter hits) without even having to combo. I also don’t like the fact that this is allowed in ranked matches simply because…well those are my damned points! But in all seriousness even in the player matches i’ve played same shit happens. Not sure what they were thinking with this one but I think there needs to be 2 separate online modes for this. Also it kind of kills the whole spirit of it being a tag game. Would be like adding tag to SFIV or taking it away from SFxT. I’m not really liking this added feature…wondering what everyone else thinks.
For new guys yeah. Since the game focus on Juggle/Tag Assaults new players will have a hard time against those who know what they are doing playing solo. Now having two high level players shouldn’t be an issue though since the solo one has to work harder. Right now my main is Yoshi as I never bother learning any other character till now. Most of the time I try to learn to play tag though if I’m struggling then I go Solo.
Speaking strictly in more of a high-intermediate to high-level play scenario, Solo and Tag options are fairly balanced out, though I personally believe that Tag players have a slight advantage. Solo characters do more damage, and you only have to learn one character, sure, but when you play with just one character, you’re sacrificing the ability to have one character make up for options that another character is lacking in (an interesting dynamic of tag teams in general), and the lack of Tag Assault means that you’re losing out on extra wall carry.
:eek: Statistically speaking, the math is skewed in the solo player’s favor.
The incentive to not do it is twofold.
1] A concrete reason, being that nobody anywhere outside of local meetups will play solo; you’ll find every tournament only allowing tag mode. Get togethers with friends while people are still learning might have solo, which is what is was meant for, so that’s fine too.
2] A more abstract reason, that it takes away from the spirit of the game. Sure, this won’t get you your points back, but it’s not like beating solos are impossible. Just think of them all as…boss battle matchups, LOL. If anything, it’ll teach you to not get hit!
It really is forcing me to re-learn my defense (considering I sort of skipped T6). Plus with rage still accessible to the solo character I get nervous when I have them down to 25% or so and they 50% me with 1 counter hit Still from an online perspective it seems a bit skewed but I do realize I need to learn to block better.
It seems to me that 2v1 should be quite balanced. For example, while being solo means you don’t have a backup character for unfavorable matchups, solo characters have the luxury of getting away with mistakes in those matchups due to their higher health and constant regeneration. There’s less (if any) chance of getting hit with ToDs as well. A solo player just has to know how to weather an offense more carefully than a team player, but that’s something all players should have anyway.
Where did you get that idea? Hasn’t the TTT2 scene in Japan been using solo characters since they were implemented? And aren’t most Tekken standards dictated by the seen in Japan? If there’s no precedent for banning solos, there probably won’t be a banning except for one-off local events.
Infact, R4 characters weren’t banned in CvS2 tournaments, so really, the precedent is geared towards letting it rock. For anyone to even consider banning solos, it would mean there’s an issue with them being overpowered, but even if they were, that wouldn’t mean people would stop playing them outside of tournaments. The online scene would be full of people playing solos, just as the SFxT online community is dominated by players using gems.
Wait, solo characters are overpowered? By what standards are we adhering to here? I’ve faced numerous solo players online and after playing multiple people using two incredibly unique characters, it feels like I’ve been in the hyperbolic time chamber. I don’t have to memorize two characters gimmicks, strings and attacks and can simply focus on defending against/poking holes in one characters defense who just coincidentally has a bit more health, regens more and gets rage twice, which seem to be the easy to notice factors and the ones that people are primarily complaining about.
Not to mention that when one of my characters gets on low health, I can tag in (basically) for free after a knockdown, or do it at an unexpected time with Tag Crash, which is something that the other character cannot do. In addition to that, I get better wall carry, damage (in most cases), more moves to use, two sets of unique mixups to use and two characters that can optimally cover most matchups.
Should they be banned in tournaments? No, but it’s ultimately up to the tournament organizer and the general consensus of the FGC, should they want to listen to them.
Should they be banned online? No, but I wouldn’t frown at the addition of a ‘tag only’ option in Ranked.
We don’t really go by JP standards, if we did every tourney would be single elimination (lose 1 set you’re out for good).
The problem with the “tag out if 1 character is low on health” thing is that if you have 75% helath you can die in 1 combo if the character is strong enough because they already get a damage boost and if htey are low on HP they get rage too. Also those tag combos that used to do 50% or more on a character who has a partner now does 25% -35% damage instead. Basically you’re putting in more work as the tag team and can make fewer mistakes.
Solo character doesn’t do 2 times the damage compared to a tag team character, only about 20% more IIRC. If you eat a raged CH death fist it would still do about 50% if it was a tag team character.
common consensus from the top players in asia say that solo mode is stronger overall, not sure why though. probably has to do with the damage / health regen.
acctually i just did some checking combos dont do more damage if your doing solo mode or not its still the same damage its just the same, solo char has the health of two chars i think.
checked with bryan
Only rage combos do more damage, but look at what Solo can’t do.
-Can’t remove red health via tag launch
-Can’t tag crash
-Can’t tag assault for wall carry and stronger non-Rage BnBs
So on top of never being able to match Tag’s damage unless your character hits hard as fuck anyway or you are in Rage, your opponent will always have red health, and they will always have the threat of safe-on-block tag-in attacks, and they will be able to strip you of red health constantly.
Only way I see it, Solo is really only good if your character is versatile to begin with. I think some people are jumping the gun a bit, even the top players, but take my opinion with a grain of salt.
Well here’s just my observations.
-They don’t usually get stuck with much red life because tag teams do way less damage on the solo to begin with so its negligible. In addition red life for the team gets shaved off in literally 1 hit anyway without having to combo.
-Yup big disadvantage here
-Many of the solo characters I see being used do not need the wall damage to kill a single character.
And here’s the thing, what happens when the tiers become more evident? What if I just happen to use 2 characters who lack options and someone picks a top tier solo? Im fucked. I’m not saying the option is bad, I’m saying when you are thinking competitively (online or off) it should be equal grounds period. Just bugs me that I can barely put a scratch on someone because I use Jun but they punch me once with Paul and i’m down 60% health. I know I have to adjust, but even so I should have the option to NOT have to face a solo.
Yeah its only in tiny tournaments like SBO that solo is allowed…
And if solo’s are so dominant why was there only 1 in the top eight?
i choose to try something new this tekken and decided to jun and jaycee…Paul is a problem or he just seems Op. he hits jun 3 times she is dead, juns lack of attacks for downed opponents does not help. i dont know if Paul is just op or he just owns jun, but i feel ya.
Ill flipkick, then sweepkick 3 times then into the flyng scissors kick juggle his ass for 9-10 hits across the screen , i get 25% health, he 3 punch strings me= im dead…Juns ruff to play against alot of chars , she seems to have alot of bad match ups or lack of starting tools with speed.
She definitely has some bad ones. I realize that now especially since everyone is whoring Kunmitsu, Jin, Steve, Paul, and the Laws. She suffers BIG TIME against them. Thing is I haven’t played Tekken since 5 really so I don’t even know who’s a good counter other than choosing one of these stronger characters too.
yeah forgot my few matchs with kunimitsu,she just so fast for jun with them knives
If you’re just looking at the combo data in practice mode, your combo is always going to indicate the same damage regardless of whether it’s 2v1, 1v1, or 2v2. Solos are still doing dramatically increased damage because the health of a single character in a tag team is less than a solo character’s. It’s just using a different method to get the effect.
I’ll put it this way: in game like Third Strike, where Q’s taunt increases his defense, you can also say that it’s decreasing the opponent’s attack power or giving Q more health to work with. It’s just a matter of perspective.
I don’t understand why games allow this, if you make a tag game then make it a tag game.
I actually like that the game lets players have the freedom to go solo or tag, that way new players don’t have to try to learn two characters at once. That is, unless they choose a character that has a clone, like Eddy/Cristie/Tiger.