25th Anniversary Tournament to feature HDR

There are only 8 qualifier spots for HDR. But according to Rufus:

Unless Capcom “invites” 8 more players into the finals (highly unlikely), it’s only going to be top 8 in San Francisco.

Fixed for you.

So technically Capcom is able to surprise everybody by introducing 8 more participants in San Fran? So you could show up day of the tournament, and all of a sudden there’s 8 Japanese killers because Capcom decided it would be fun?

Not that I mind, but a little heads up and/or clarification would be nice. I’ve gotten more info about these tournaments from Afro than the TOs.

Hmm, Afro has been talking to Capcom reps and everything he has relayed to us has been true so far, so I’m not sure about the extra players Capcom can add.

Hey Rufus, where did you find this info?


afro being the nice (to his socal brothers) guy that he is, flew himself to TX to steal that spot.

although damdai is the favorite to win at the NYC spot, I want to see the other EC guys giving him a challenge - tech monkey, mars, rizone, mikeidge, john rambo, dsp, howard, etc etc

it’s free to enter and a trip to SF

to eltrouble : it’s a conspiracy (since there is no jp qual) but i will be very surprised if they will actually do that.
8 plan tickets from japan to US + hotel is not cheap. but then again they have a sizable budget for the tournament so…

I remember reading it - though wasn’t able to find it again. It’s part of the standard ‘it’s our tourney, we can do what we want’ stuff.

Aw damn. You caught onto his plan, lol. Still, I highly doubt this makes the LA qualifier spot any easier. Still got plenty of killers out on this side of the States.

I don’t think John Rambo, DSP, Howard, are even still currently active. I hope they attend their qualifier, especially since it’s free. Mars and riz were doing very well at the ToL, and I’m sure they’ll give Damdai a challenge.

Based on the amount of money they’re throwing at these tournaments, plus the fact that to enter is free, I’m sure a plane ticket or two plus cheap hotel stays aren’t going to be too much of a hassle for popular talent to show up.

Afro says it’s eight for the finals according to the Capcom rep and he even showed me the email.

End of story.

I posted it here:
"(NOTE: Players in a Grand Final Tournament shall be comprised of the Winners
of each Qualifying Tournament AND any other international tournament competitor that Capcom in its sole
discretion may choose to invite)"

I got this information from here:
“Grand Final Tournament: An individual tournament for a Tournament Game at the
Grand Finals. Players in a Grand Final Tournament shall be comprised of the Winners
of each Qualifying Tournament, as well as one winner of each International Qualifying
Tournament, and any other international tournament competitor that Capcom in its sole
discretion may choose to invite.”

It does not say that CapCom will add any players. But it seems to clearly say it has the option to.

That pdf also does list 16 spots for the “Street Fighter 2 HD Remix” GRAND FINALTournament.

I’m not sure about John and DSP but I’m pretty sure Howard is still active. We spar on GGPO from time to time. I’m going to try and go to this, Blanka needs representation. :slight_smile:

man eltrouble… I have to say … It always feels like you take the words right out my mouth.

I like you , no homo.

It’s all good. I just got that natural swag that people seem to like about me, LOL. jk

No you’re not. And if you are you shouldn’t be.


Seems about right…

^^ I miss that show. Oh, Special Ed, you and your antics…

I love his shirt though. I wonder if I can actually buy that. Who DOESN’T like fried chicken?!

Yo Afro can I get my pre registration money back wince u won. I didn’t get a fighting chance. Get it FIGHTING chance since it’s street fighter. Ok I’ll stop

Jk Afro. Wish I could have made it n sucked even more since I payed. Baby momma drama is alive n real!

Sup Carlos…sucks you couldn’t go, man. Was looking forward to playing you.

Anyways, just so everyone knows…the official speed for this game has been changed to turbo 3 per the capcom rep. They should have announced it if they haven’t already but it’s turbo 3 from this point forward…so practice up!

Afro is the new Seth.

Pretty accurate statement, since we’re not getting this info from any other source. All these nuances of the rules constantly being changed are being told through word-of-mouth.

To Capcom’s credit, their rep is working and communicating promptly with Afro and is open to running things for the best of the community, as evidenced by this speed change.

There is supposed to be an announcement on this. I’m not sure if that has been released yet though.