They’ve got to push the version they’re actually selling, rather than one they’re not.
Wrong Forum! this is ST!
They only have tournaments on games which have a modern console port. It’s very reasonable for them to do.
Considering that there hasn’t been a decent console port of ST that satisfies everybody, this is the best scenario they can come up with.
That being said, I fully intend on supporting the HDR/ST scene by showing up to the tourney, plus the money ain’t a bad icing on the cake. Let’s show Capcom how dedicated our scene is by supporting their tourneys.
Tournament Dates:
‧ Austin, TX: July 28-29
‧ New York Metro Area: August 11-12
‧ Hong Kong/Taipei: August 26*
‧ London (Eurogamer Expo): September 29-30*
‧ TENTATIVE: San Paulo (Brazil Game Show): October 13-14
‧ Los Angeles, CA: Oct 20th-21st
‧ Paris (Paris Games Week): November 3-4*
‧ Grand Finals in San Francisco, CA: Dec 8th
Qualifying Tournaments
The top 16 players will receive the Prizes set out below:
1st $1,250 + Trip to SF
2nd $750 ( + Trip for LA Qual only)
3rd $350
4th $300
5th- 6th $200 each
7th-8th $150 each
9th-12th $87.50 each
13th-16th $75 each
Grand Final Tournaments:
1st $3,000
2nd $1,500
3rd $1,000
4th $600
5th- 6th $500 each
7th-8th $400 each
9th-12th $300 each
13th-16th $225 each
A “Trip” shall include : (i) one round trip coach class air transportation for the Winner, originating from an airport of Capcom’s choice near Winner’s primary residence, to San Francisco, (ii) three (3) nights hotel accommodations in San Francisco for Winner and (iii) round trip transportation between the airport and hotel (ARV of $100).
Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix:
. Game version: PlayStation 3
. Game Settings: Versus, 99 seconds, 2/3 Rounds, 2/3 Games, Default Handicap
. Akuma character is not allowed in any Tournament play.
. The top two (2) Players at the Los Angeles Qualifying Tournament of Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix shall be advanced to the Grand Finals. All other Qualifying Tournaments for this Tournament Game shall advance only the Winner.
Japan is not in this.
Free to enter. But $20 to reserve your spot (refund when you show up).
It is not clear whether there is a (last chance) qualifier in SF.
Looks like grand final for HDR is only top 8, but the payout they mentioned is top 16. Not sure what’s that about.
No mention of bracket cap for qualifiers.
I thought they had Japan listed as one of the qualifier locations in the original press release a while back.
Looks like they changed it now.
Huge turn-off…
Wish I’d known that before I just bought it on PSN.
Ps3 version?! Hell no…
PS3 version is laggy and sucks and HDR is lame and afro will probably win but it’s in LA and GFs are here in SF so I’m considering it.
What I wanna know is
Who the hell plays HDR in Hong Kong?
Paris, sure.
Brazil, maybe.
Hong Kong???
Also +1 ew to PS3
Yeah I don’t get that why Japan doesn’t have a qualifier. Unless all the Japanese players fly to Taiwan, which seems possible. But leaving Japan out seems like a huge oversight. Would have been interesting to see who would play HDR in Japan if they did have a tournament. I read there is a 256 player cap so each qualifier going to be pretty significant.
They probably refuse to play that version.
But the payout is so good… I don’t have a ps3 stick though… I don’t know how I can adjust my timing to the insane delay. Hopefully everyone else is just as screwed as I am.
So they’re having 2 people qualify in LA, if I’m not mistaken? There are 7 qualifiers, so one of them needs 2, unless SF has a last chance. Socal is the place that deserves two qualifiers the most, if not LA then NY.
Capcom probably isn’t interested in hearing what the community’s thoughts on this are. They just decided to hold whatever tourneys they feel like holding without much feedback from the actual players. Might have to do with why Seth Killian left? Food for thought.
Most likely. But, at least, now we do not have to play pinball.
So since afro is going, who do you guys think will take second?
My guess is DGV. Both guys actually liked HDR, and did very well in it back when it was a major game in Evo. That being said, a lot of Socal players actually came from HDR, so I’m sure they’d be happy to play in the tourney and prove their worth.
Not sure which players from around the other parts of the US would also do well in HDR.
Do they refuse to play sf4 too or what, there are no quals in japan.
PS3 is also ew