Did anyone play the HDR setup capcom had at Evo??? It was god awfull!! If that’s what one can expect of this tournament…I say no thanks. If capcom expects the tourney scene to take hdr serious it should be xbox360 on a lagless monitor.
well, with lag like that, anyone can win! It’s more exciting!
I predict many a hyoubal
Here was the original schedule:
July 28-29 in Austin, TX
• August 11-12 in the NY area (location pending)
• August 26 in Taipei, Taiwan (location pending)
• Mid-September in the Tokyo Region, Japan (date and location pending)
• September 27-30 in London, England (in conjunction with Eurogamer Expo)
• October 13-14 in Sao Paulo, Brazil (in conjunction with Brazil Game Show)
• October 27-28 in Los Angeles, CA
• October 31 – November 4 in Paris, France (in conjunction with Paris Games Week)
• December 8 Finals in San Francisco, CA
I have a PS3 with HDR on it, and let me say that it’s nowhere NEAR as bad as the HDR setups at Evo.
I played exactly one game of HDR on those setups, and it was god-awful. Those dumb Samsung TVs were a primary factor in the lag, this combined with the inferior PS3 version, made the game unplayable. When I try to do a safe-jump with j.forward, and the lag is so bad, I land before the attack comes out, you have a severe problem. When I went for a cr.short, and the kick doesn’t even come out until near 0.2 seconds after I release it, you’ve got issues. I’m amazed that they didn’t even bother to test the setups before bringing it to Evo.
That being said, it’s still important to show up and show love for the game, even if Capcom is doing a botched job of it.
All of the Capcom fighting games are worse on the PS3. I wish people would quit using that system. Hopefully they’ll use decent monitors at least.
Anyways, still cool to see SF2 as one of their official games and with decent payouts to boot. I’ll probably go for the fun of it. Heh, maybe I can scrub out top 16 in SFxT since everybody hates that game too.
Playstation version really sucks … tournament setups will probably suck … HDR is not preferable.
But whatever – tournament is free and Capcom will never do this again probably so check it out guys and support the events! Even if it runs crappy, at least it will make us all appreciate community-run events even more, I guess. At least Capcom bothered to include SF2 – I’m surprised they did.
Input lag on the PS3 version makes it unplayable IMO
I definitely encourage you guys to get involved in this and take heed carefully because it’s not the time to be elitist about it, even if you prefer HDR or want to try and stand there to explain what a “safe jump” is to some employee. Just the opposite in fact. There was a GameStop chain store tournament campaign for sf4 some years back, and you had to play on the regular controller or whatever, but that exposed our FGC scene to a ridiculous number of people that would not otherwise have even heard about us and what we do. I heard about N0M4D that way, who plays FPS’es competitively, who showed up and, let’s just say, he made every one stop whining and crying about the standard controller restriction. If you want to grow the scene, this seems like a fantastic way to get similar exposure and recruit the next generation. You can’t expect Kurropi’s Tournament of Legends or anything close but that misses the potential gains and we can’t take it for granite. If you can make it out to one or more of the qualifiers, please represent us well and chat it up a bit with the people who show up and make sure they know about EVO and the ST scene, and how to get involved while you guys are waiting around. You don’t need to wear a suit and tie but maybe some small paper/cards with links to ToL footage or something like that could go a long way. Certainly no need to go overboard with it, let Capcom do their promotions etc. I know not everyone is so social with the schmoozing but if breaking the ice comes naturally for you I think the effort could have big gains.
If Japan isn’t involved, my guess/speculation is that it just has to do with legal issues involving the music or something like that. And while Capcom might benefit from hdr promotions in Japan, they probably get much more bang for the buck in the US and these other countries.
Capcom is picking up the bill too. This is a good faith effort to help build up our community and lend the official Capcom name in the process. Let’s show some appreciation and make the most of it.
The real winner here is the SF3 3rd strike community, they r the ones that really can rebuild strong from it.
About HDR, not at all, it had its chance back in 2008, n it will not help ST scene to grow, just go for it n win cash.
I’m prolly gonna go to the qualifier in Texas…who else is going?
I’d go to the one in Austin, but I’m lazy and don’t really like hdr.
I would rather watch HDR than SFIV or MVC, admittedly, but it is a slap in the face to everyone putting their heart into the ST revival.
(I understand why Capcom is doing it, my point is just that it’s too bad they can’t at least do classic on 360)
Is Gouki legal for these tournaments?
Funny how he went from being “the hardest working game developer in the world” to working on CCGs and board games.
If so, I predict a lot of Akumas in top 8. Damdai’s probably going to pick Akuma again just to re-prove how broken he is.
He was never a game developer. He took a game and ported it and made minor changes, the guy didn’t even do the programming. I never understood how that made him a game developer. Capcom/Backbone let his ass go right after that too. If anything he was a director.
I believe he described himself as “the hardest working person in the industry right now”. This is all according to him. I think he believes that making the CCC and a “perfect rebalance of ST” has made him a deity among video game directors/developers/makers, whatever.
Not even close hahaha.
A suggestion: although in this particular case, kuroppi.com’s results is fine but in general don’t use kuroppi.com for SF2 results. STRevival’s website has more result and more accurate results.