25th Anniversary Tournament to feature HDR

I wonder if aniken will still compete if it is st mode

EDIT:Why hold it on ps3 then, and why haven’t the official rules been updated?
EDIT2: nvm they just updated it now, what a joke, changing the game the day before it is played

Supposedly half a frame. I haven’t tested it.

It sucks but Afro’s still gonna take it regardless.

Just got back from the qual in Singapore. They are using Sony Bravia TVs that feel like they have some lag. I’m not too good with identifying how much delay is actually present, but I definitely felt a difference. Could’ve been the Speed 2 setting though.

How’d you do buddy?

That remains to be seen ;).

Did you bump into aniken?

Nah. There weren’t very many players at all. No Aniken, but Tokido was there. Surprisingly, he didn’t want to play in the tournament (I asked).

is classic mode speed based on the US version? i though HDR made the speeds match JP CPS2? meaning turbo 3 = JP3 = US2? if i am understanding this…it would mean classic mode speed is left as it was on the US board? if not, why is the game being played on a slow speed?

I haven’t looked at SF2T turbo speeds (I guess I should add that to my todo list), but this:

Suggests that the frame skip - and thus speeds - are different in SF2T and HDR, with SF2T Turbo 0 close to HDR turbo 3 and SF2T Turbo 1 faster than HDR Turbo 4.

I thought HDR Turbo 3 was supposed to be the equivalent of ST Japan Turbo 2, and that HDR ended up running slightly fast compared to ST? Could that mean that HDR Turbo 2 might be closer to Japanese standards?

I’ll see about getting frame skip data from an arcade set-up so I can do an apples-to-apples comparison.

Weird. Any reason for not wanting to join? I’m thinking high travel costs and limited time.

And as far as I can tell, Turbo3 on HDR, on a PS3, on a slightly laggy TV, feels close to Jap3/US2 standard. Although I am pretty worried that they’re not using lagless monitors for the tourney. Hopefully that will change here on the state-side tourneys.

Hey Tren i like your avatar.

Jason: You got that tourney!

Darryl: You got that tourney too! lol

HDR Speed 2 is really slow and not comparable to the actual Japanese GMC Speed 3 or US version T2. HDR was originally based off the DC port, but they slowed the speed after the beta release. Also, remember, offline game start/versus speed is different then offline training mode on HDR/Classic Mode. IMO Speed 4 is closest to DC Turbo 3 which is pretty much the equivalent of Japanese GMC Speed 3.

I wonder if the staff there would actually listen to the players who noted the “proper” speed settings. Also 4:3 of Widescreen? :razzy:


Also I wouldn’t be surprised Capcom is making a huge mess of things because they lost their one and only savior Seth because they treated him like a piece of shit. Good riddance capcom

Seth Killian is gone now? lol

been gone dude, he works for sony santa monica

Well, not like a huge loss. The guy was just damage control, just listening to him praise SFxT before its release and the shitfest that game actually turned out to be proved that. The real issue is basically Capcom is becoming a shell of its former self, losing all of its original employees like the Megaman creator, and now their American damage control man.

Brackets. Tourney starts at 11:30 CT