25th Anniversary Tournament to feature HDR

I don’t think n ken can option select knee bash and dp because of the crazy kick motion being qcf kick.

o ken however can do OS throw or DP.

I think it is impossible, too. Unless there is some different input leniency for the crazy kicks.

Should be possible, just extra-technical.

I support your captain save a hoe mission.

Don’t trust him MuffinMan… That says “You should be open minded, Anikensan. It all feels the same with your eyes closed…”

Shame on you ElTrouble!!! That is a foul prank to pull on a friend… :wink:

For some reason, when I re-translate that back to English it says:

“Since I already have your wife and children, lose more.”

I laughed.

IIRC, There was a place where Aniken was interviewed and he said that he felt the Sim V Ken match was 5-5 if you could master the use of his juice kicks to help close the gap around the fireball.

Personally, I am much more afraid on N.Ken than N.Ryu. Knee loops and mix-ups are really good versus Sim.

Nope definitely says “You should be open minded, Anikensan. It all feels the same with your eyes closed…” LOL… J/K

You know I am just trolling (poorly, at that), b/c I love team “White on Rice.” Hope you two are well. :slight_smile:

Interesting. I’m not sure how many Ken players would agree with that matchup listing. Even with Ken’s knee bash mix-ups and juice kicks, he can still get zoned out pretty hard by a good Dhalsim. But then again, there are few Ken players on Aniken’s level of skill and sandbagging ability.

All the more reason why I gotta get in some more O.Ken/O.Ryu practice against you. I’m trying to perfect my safe-jumps and shoto option-selects to the point where you are dead once I land a hard knockdown. I’m making it a personal goal to somehow make this match 6-4 Dhalsim favor, instead of the conveniently believe 7-3.

I like your interpretation better tbh, lol. Team White on Rice is still around. Haven’t touched ST since Evo, since I’ve been so busy, but I’m hoping the Super Arcade crew will get together soon for another local tourney.

We might be throwing a special ST tourney down here in SD in the near future. Trying to work that out. If so, we hope the SA crew can make it out. :slight_smile:

You won’t have to twist my arm to drive down to SD. I had a great time last time we were down there. Plus, I seriously miss that Golden Palace Asian Buffet restaurant, or whatever it was called, that fatboy took us to.

Any sort of time frame?


sounds like you want to learn how to play hawk

I’m tempted to try him out. He looks pretty fun to play. Unfortunately I’m pretty bad at doing 360 motions, plus we have too many Hawk players here in socal, so I think I’m better off sticking to my old shoto characters for now.

I’m tempted to just switch to Vega, Balrog, or Dhalsim. I should just pick top tiers from now on, lol.

I like eltrouble’s will to get strong, but the fact it there is no way to guarantee a round off a single knockdown as a shoto. No option-select will beat perfectly timed reversal throws, and the cream of the crop can do that with some consistency. The shotos have a pretty mediocre throw range, and their walk speed does not help much either. In order to beat reversal throws, you have to rely on them to mash more than one button, so an input is received after the reversal frame, and a normal move comes out. Then you would need to beat that by predicting it with a perfectly timed SRK (or tatsu, if it is Dictator), which should have a 2-frame window so you are invulnerable to the reversal throw but avoid hitting before blockstun ends.

I believe a better idea is to train and master the very few links and hit-confirms they have. They are few, but being able to add that extra damage and knockdowns on hit while maintaining pressure if the attacks are blocked helps a lot in the long run.

Well said.

Yeah I doubt they can get a guaranteed win off a round, but at least they have a deadly throw/uppercut option. I love the shoto OS. So reversal throws will beat out a well-timed meaty attempt? Normally if I notice my opponent going for reversal throws, I tend to throw in a meaty cr.lk OS uppercut. If they manage to get the throw out, an uppercut will come out, if they just block, I’m safe against a majority of the cast. Also I know of very few people who attempt reversal throws with just one button, and in any case, it’s pretty difficult to time a reversal throw with a single button.

I plan to train both, but I love the idea of having a solid, well-balanced character with strong zoning capability, combined with consistent safe-jump installs, old shoto OSs, etc etc.

Anyways, for HDR tourneys, I’ll probably just train up a Ryu and Ken. The latter having the best uppercut in the game, combined with a knee bash? Delicious. It will be extremely weird playing N.Guile, since I’m used to playing O.Guile.

If you do that inside their throw range, you will get thrown. I use that OS all the time, but when I tried it against the guy who won the two national HDR (Classis Mode) tournaments, it only worked for two rounds. And almost never again, at least not with any consistency worth of trying when I finally got him on the ground. It can be done, and they do it.

The best idea against reversal throws is to do what the Japanese do (e.g., the videos from MAO which have been recently posted by Fuud), which is to walk away just before they wake up.

Learn to read, stop being so ignorant:
“Grand Finals - San Francisco, California”

“8 qualifying placements will be available for Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike – Online Edition and Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix.”

So its pretty stupid for anyone traveling to the other qualifiers, since grand finals have so many spots available.