Just hand him the $$$ and trophy now…
Endless… Snake Eyes snakes it… LOL… Afro v Snake Eyes. Would be a nice showing.
Hmm, qualifier in LA and the Grand Final in San Francisco…I think I might fix my stick and start playing HDR again
Damn. That means Aniken is going to come back to Singapore for the HDR tourney. What is a good counterpick for Ken? lol
Practice the walk-forward sonic boom with Guile, and use the block infinite.
LOL. Good idea! I might be better just learning how to say “I have your wife and kid, so you better lose.” in Japanese. Translation please?
Write this down on a piece of paper and show it to him before the match:
Then profit.
Aniken’s mind games are so sophisticated that he will let you think you have his wife and kids when in fact they are safe, and then proceed to kidnap your loved ones at the same time as he is corner-trapping you with meaty Jab Hadoken into throw/Shoryuken mixup for 100% efficiency.
Yes, he’s that godlike. LOL
Ken matchups?..
Slight advantage
Everything else is even and bad matchups.
I’m pretty sure Ken > Cammy.
On HDR yes!, on ST is even IMO.
I thought that Ken > Deejay , cammy , dictator , honda , blanka , and guile.
Nah, Ken only beats Honda and dictator.
If you do pick Dhalsim, beware, Aniken is probably just going to walk at you and disrespect you something vicious, lol.
Yeah. Same thing he does against everyone, though, which is why I gave up figuring out match-up strategies for him. Ken does not have a real keep-away game.
So I actually got to play Aniken (buhilaro) on xbox live yesterday. First time back on a my stick after a long while on touching the game. He ended up beating me 7-5, but this guys gameplay with ken was unlike I have seen before. He loves to just walk forward and throw, yet he also falls for it when I did it to him quite a bit. I had a lot of fun playing him, he never misses a combo, but also I felt he thinks nobody will jump in on him (he is pretty on point with uppercuts) because he throws quite a bit a fireballs even with in range for me to punish him. I didn’t care and I kept jumping in an punishing him wish made him switch his gameplay to less of a rush and more of a cautious stay back ken.
But that’s the primary difference between the shotos. Ryu has a solid zoning game and a fireball that’s difficult to deal with, whereas Ken has to rely mostly on his close-up pressure, the threat of his awesome DP, coupled with his extremely good cross-up j.forward. That and his option-select knee bash/uppercut is pretty vicious.
Ken’s best selling point for me is the fear of the knee bash. Walk up knee bash, or walk up dp. So good getting in the head of your opponent with that. Make them mash throw and eat a DP or have them afraid of the DP and eat knee bash.
For some matchups, it’s nearly inescapable. Knee bash, safe jump, option select knee bash/uppercut, rinse and repeat.