That’s like saying people would optimally always snap-in viper though. And getting first hit vs her. This argument goes both ways.
2015 UMVC3 SRK Tier/Theory Discussion. 7/10 First Page Tumblr: Power of snapback, Future power teams
IIRC it now has 2 frames of vulnerability before it’s invincibility kicks in. You can still kinda mash it, but anything meaty will end up bodying your assist. Zoning teams have also become more popular and obviously lariat isn’t gonna help much there.
i had a dream a few days ago that i was using viper. the dream quickly turned into a nightmare when i fought against taskmaster with akuma.
how does viper even approach task/akuma?
that being said, i tried out task/akuma today. shit is pants on head retarded.
shield skills, call akuma, stinger/arrows. best part is that you can call akuma anytime during shield skills.
shield skills, opponent think you can punish, gets hit by akuma. follow up with whatever.
rapid seismos is really good against task.
really, REALLY good. it kinda destroys his keepaway game entirely, especially combined with strider. you have to go in as him against her, which risks ex seismo and ex tk and whatnot. also ex thunderknuckle makes jump arrows possibly lead to your death if they do guess ex tks.
it’s slightly in her favor but only because she forces him into a certain playstyle. i kinda feel he can still fight her up close but i can’t put my finger on why. (better normals/close up poking game?)
Task/Akuma is so good. Lets you go nuts with rushdown with Taskmaster and gives no fucks about any keepaway.
Task/Jam Session/Tatsu is the most optimized Task point team imo and it’s pretty damn fun just my Akuma is ass. If your Task team doesn’t let you mash on Shield Skills with Taskmaster you are playing the character wrong.
I think the question of Vajra for characters that can’t confirm off it is an interesting question, it’s certainly not optimal, but it’s very very good if your character has a strong keepaway game(see JRosa’s Morrigan or HowToRead’s Joe as Cheech mentioned) it limits your opponents options heavily if you are playing a keepaway character. Hawkeye can confirm off it but I’m more than happy to just utilize it for keepaway. So I think the assist is definitely worth using if your point character has a strong keepaway game. Magneto with Vajra is an interesting conundrum, just with how effective Magneto is with missiles I don’t think it’ll end up used since he gets no confirms off Vajra and his keepaway/zoning game benefits more from the lockdown missiles gives rather than the hard knockdowns of Vajra.
I think the 3 characters that get the most out of Vajra are Wesker/Deadpool/Dante, those three are made complete in neutral with that assist and can utilize it for full screen mixups with teleports, zone well with it and rush down well with it while protecting it relatively well, and have the mobility/otgs to get easy confirms off it without meter/xfactor. Viper/Morrigan/Chris/Nova/Nova etc are also godlike with Vajra, but Deadpool/Dante/Wesker get so so much from it and synergize very well. Viper/Vajra, Morrigan/Vajra, Dante/Vajra are some of the scariest things and most potent things in the game, and will all be a staple of end game teams.
On another note:
How do you guys feel regarding Skrull/ Viper or Task or Firebrand/ Assist as a possible end game team, or even 3 unblockable characters/ Tenderizer/Assist? I think they can be very potent as you only need one hit with Skrull to DHC into Viper/Task/Firebrand and setup unblockable loops with that character, or simply get any hit with Task/Viper/Firebrand on point to go into unblockable loops. Do you feel it’s off any practicality/use?
Note that I didn’t mention Jam Session for unblockables since Jam Session based unblockables are escapable unlike Tenderizer, I just won’t expose myself.
Characters like Captain America, Task and Akuma force you to learn how to utilize focus. Focus is another heavily underutilized tactic because it’s the main tool they gave her to beat footsies that she normally has trouble with. Especially characters with high priority non rapid fire normals or moves that generally absorb projectiles.
The only other character that still has hyper armor IIRC is she hulk and she has to commit to a special move in order to get it.
What do u guys think about these three morridoom teams
Ammy/morrigan doom
Elaborate if u will
Its just that thor gets free command grabs between blocked bolts and he can tod thanks to dhcing to strange for fof loops.
SRK UMvC3 Tier Thread: Please Lurk Before Posting
If I Remember Correctly
Put Iron Fist in high tier please, thanks.
If I Recall Correctly
Vergil/Morrigan/Doom or Morrigan/Vergil/Doom are both excellent teams. Vergil helps out alot with Morrigan’s damage issues if she’s on point by going into sword loop DHCs without relying on TACs for kills, allows her to combo into Soul Drains plus gives her serious confirms off throws/command grabs. Rapid Slash isn’t half bad for Morrigan since she can protect it and it pushes back full screen. The Vergil/Doom duo is actually fairly good too once you abuse the Round Trip glitch and has serious lockdown/mixups. Vergil can’t really protect Dark Harmonizer with projectiles and he likes assists for lockdown, but he benefits alot from the bar it build to go into Sword Loops/DT. Overall it’s the strongest team Chris G came up with yet and is very strong.
Morrigan/Doom/Ammy. Nothing much to say here, Doom/Ammy is a very well studied and explored support shell. Doom provides great TACs for Morrigan’s damage, hidden missiles is great for her neutral, and Cold Star is really good for Morrigan’s mixups which are really really good. Plus you don’t have to rely on Doom anchor and get to play Doom/Ammy with THCs which is a solid shell.
Magneto/Morrigan/Doom. Arguably the strongest Magneto team in the game and is one of the stronger teams in the game overall. Magneto is a very solid point character that can be played well with only Missiles/Plasma beam, he can call Dark Harmonizer fairly safely with Magnetic Blasts and flight and play a very strong game with missiles alone. The best part about Magneto is unlike the other top tiers(other than Zero) he is not meter dependent or optimized with Meter, you can simply play him as a battery with abusing Dark Harmonizer and Doom TACs + TAC resets(by calling Dark Harmonizer at the end of combos) to build meter for Morrigan. Once you build enough bar or get kills you can Shockwave xx Astral Vision or raw tag her in and mess around with Astral Vision.
All teams are very strong and all are end game viable imo. Switching points between Morrigan/Magneto or Vergil/Morrigan will cover the majority of matchups in the game too.
The point/support/(point+support) tier lists are the first ones I totally agree with. I never saw anyone playing Ghost Rider in any position but point, though. Can he work on support?
Man, Strange/Doom is awesome. Hidden missiles helps Strange a lot, as it can crossup with teleport, extend combos (Faltine loops included), save your ass from being killed and Strange has tools to make Doom safe when called. Plus you got safe ways to get Doom in the fight when needed. Also bolts assist allows Doom to control ground really well. Need to say that anchor Doom is pretty ass, though.
More like ask Chrisis. Plus everyone will just label him with the “Iron” effect.
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I highly doubt morrigan is a top 2 charcter outside of morri/doom
champ, chris G and others at champs house said that morrigan isn’t nearly as overwhelming as morri/doom.
For people with mvc2 knowoff, why did Spiral/Blackheart fall off?
lolabegen thor…