how (non phoenix) anchors work: pick a team with an unblockable and pray to god that shitlord doesn’t touch the ground or figure out a way to beat it that you haven’t
2015 UMVC3 SRK Tier/Theory Discussion. 7/10 First Page Tumblr: Power of snapback, Future power teams
oh u
Time to bump Skrull and Frank up and drop Magneto only one placed.
There’s a concept referred to as “outliers”. Doom is just the only outlier that is over half the sample size, you guys are right.
dang. if i had only put my vergil + missiles throw xf combo on youtube maybe chrisG would have won
I’d like to see someone pick Lariat assist on PR balrog or any of the other ultra ham players. That assist is counterpick only tier but its funny how it can change things sometimes.
Eddie Lee where are you?
Are we gonna have the same discussion we had like 10 hours ago? Should I just copy and paste my post or does it even matter?
Dat theory thread loop is strong.
Chris G isn’t crazy enough to watch a Texan :rolleyes:
The sample size would be useful if the same guy didn’t win half the events. Though I think someone already did a recent stats breakdown that was more useful than Doom placed these many times.
I only wonder how these guys at the top win all these events all while happening to use the same character.
Coincidence is a hell of a thing.
and a bad character at that
Doom is the best because he’s the only one on all winning teams minus Justin and Yipes. Top 1 free just for his assist/infinite machine value
The worst.
don’t worry guys, doom is just a phase like wesker… viscant’s character didn’t last long, fchamp and chrisG are also going to become obsolete in favor of new guys popping up with dante
Texans really shooting their guns in the sky tonight. What a knee slapper of a hoodananny!
here is my tier list
s+ zero vergil
s morrigan doom
s- magneto dante
a+ viper strider dormammu
a wesker haggar wolverine taskmaster
a- spencer nova skrull amaterasu hawkeye
b+ sentinel strange modok akuma cap-am ironman
b trish firebrand
b- storm
Fuck you I dont talk like that.
I wonder what Wolverine with Jam session would look like…
also, I should change my SRK avatar.
Drop Zero in tier placement; he doesn’t win shit
wolverine’s best assists are: plasma beam, drones, and jam session
I don’t get the logic behind:
Doom>Dante because more top players use Doom and win tournaments with Doom on their team
Doom<Zero because… Zero has less players using him and he does not win tournaments?
I’m pretty sure viper has placed better than zero, yet the same people say zero is much better than viper and whatnot.