Keith, I am down for carpooling at 12. Seriously down. I don’t want to drive both ways to Portland alone (hella boring) and pay for gas.
None of the people who have contacted me have access to a van. So whether we take my beat-up fake SUV or someone’s coupe, we’re limited to 4 in a car. 5 could fit, but they can’t be gamer-sized individuals like myself. Right now, there are already 5 people (Pablo, Beasley, myself, maybe Blake, and maybe Cole) in the mix. If folks drop out, I’ll be sure to let you know. If you DON’T get in on this carpool, will you still have a way to get down there?
fuck…my chances of goin to this are jack and shit…i swear i work for nothing nowadays
What happened, Nate? Weren’t you going to drive down on Fri and get back on Sun? Did they schedule you to work on Sat? Is Mandel going on Sat? You two should carpool together.
- i have $60 in my bank acct, 2) im fighting to have Mandel at least have the option of taking Saturday off so he can go because he asked for the time off in a timely fashion but after i did asked
Yeah, I’m just going to feel like a tool dropping 50 on gas to get my ass handed to me.
I’ve gotten really addicted to riding the bus. I’m saving close to $50-$60 dollars a week not driving to UW. Probably more since I don’t make little side trips also. It feels great. I’m starting to feel like driving is the last thing I want to do.
I just figured everyone was going to take off at 9 o’clock or something. If I can’t ride with you guys, and no one minds leaving after 11, I have room in my car. Just didn’t want to ask people to stay late for me.
Okay, more and more developments. Cole said that he’s definitely going. However, he completely dodged Beasley’s question as to whether he wants to carpool with us. Beasley’s busy at work tonight until midnight, so he wanted me to get in touch with Cole. I’m working on that now.
Blake and Pablo are definitely in. However, given the number of people who now want to get in the carpool (and taking gamer heft and the lack of a van into consideration), they’re considering just making their own car consisting of 2 or 3 people. I can sympathize, as 5 gamers in a coupe can be taxing on the olfactory senses. So, if Pablo/Blake and Beasley/Cole take separate cars, it’s gonna be a more comfortable ride for all. It would also open up seats for 2 or 3 more people.
I’m probably gonna ride with Pablo, since MvC2 is higher on our list of game preferences. Pablo’s turbo can only seat 3 anyway. Beasley only wants to play ST. While Cole is interested in lots of games, I’m not certain which ones he is actually going to enter. If they only want to play ST, they’ll leave Seattle as late as 4PM. If Cole’s actually going to enter all the games that he registered for, they might leave much earlier. I’ll know more as the night progresses. If anyone else in Seattle needs a ride, or has a seat to offer, let me know and I can try to direct people in the right direction.
I feel as though we’re thread jacking. Perhaps a Seattle based carpooling thread should have been started a while ago. Edit: use this threadif you’re coming from the direction of Seattle.
dude look what you started Spammie. wat u mean Neo will not Saaaaavvvvvvvveeeeeeeee me? I ammmmmm onneeee with NEO!
And who is coming down the night before?
SamB said he got something that is “BRAND NEW!” that hes bringing, cuzz his new style is BRAND NEW! thats gonna send peeps home crying.
why?? because its BRAND NEW!
what specifically confused you?
take it home guy…
with your rocket punch, your storm
and your magifreak.
i’m expecting to hear good news when i come
back from seattle brobro.
Cool, I didn’t even know about this tourney 'till about 15 mins ago. Hope I’m no to late to register! I’ll be coming down Friday late afternoon, gonna play some games at Ground Kontrol in Portland if anyone’s interested in beer (they server there) and SF. Let me know or just show up. I’ll probably be on the ssf2t machine. Not sure where I’ll be staying the night at though :shake:.
Hey when are people trying to get casuals in? Friday night? Saturday night? Are Mandel and co comin? what’s goin on?
theo holla if you come through tonite, maybe we can game at my place or jetays.
Anyone want to pregame it at ground kontrol today in portland?
hi, you must be new to the internet.
^ what the fuck?
Most people are gonna wanna keep at cheap and play at peoples house’s. couple guys are gonna be over at my place, you can come too.
sounds like tomorrow works better for Sam and I. So unless Seattle people are coming down tonight then we’re gonna play tomorrow after the tourney.