1/4 block auto-block and 1/6 block auto throw tech: effective destruction of SFxT

there are a few, but speed gems don’t alter the frame data of moves, so outside of being able to stick in a few extra step>jabs the speed gems don’t alter your combos.

Fuck auto block Hugo! If I can’t mix up wtf’s the point!? I can counter him but why give him a chance??

Jesus, that is the worst shit I’ve ever seen. Someone send that bullshit to Seth ASAP.

I just played a laggy match against a neon assist gem’d team. It was akin to the time I decided to tuck angry bees under my foreskin.

I’m lost for words, what the hell were Capcom thinking??

those were grace periods extended to games that were otherwise good, we gloss over the bad in favor of those moments. when in sfxt’s timeline has the game been good?

They thought the gems wouldn’t be that good because of the meter it costs.

Unfortunately, they didn’t take into consideration the amount of meter some characters can build and that some characters don’t need meter at all to be effective.

Just ran into this online for the first time. It has almost turned me completely around on my opinion of this game. I used to really like it. How in the fuck could Capcom let that shit fly? Fucking wow.

I know, right?

I just had a match that was actually worse than that video. Auto block must have activated 20 times or so lol

The worst part about that video is that Bob is so underused that the Ibuki player has no idea about how to react to his overhead. Despite this, he autoblocked up to five times in a row with meter left. But now, change Bob for a character he already know how to react to… his meter will never ran out.

Why are gems a factor/problem now? Auto block was there since launch and it never was a major concern as it is today, but since those new assist gems are around they effectively destroyed the game? I guess…
Im not going to preach about the game anymore and i’m kinda done defending it when it comes down to this kind of crap. You believe the game was never good, ok. Why do you even post in this thread then? don’t answer that though because I don’t care about your reasons. Just leave it be, good day~

The new auto block gems only cost 1/6 of a bar to auto block. The old ones took an entire bar. See the difference?

Auto-block/Auto-tech was a serious potential balance issue early on. Before we had a chance to really figure that out, they released ones that are 6 times better.

…silly Capcom…

This, pretty much. SFxT is on life support now, and that shit will be flatlined after EVO, unless they do something drastic about these assist gems. DLC characters be damned.

how did these auto tech/ auto block even pass as balanced gems lol.

even the 1 bar autoblock probably would’ve squeezed itself into top-level play in a much more long-term setting. spending a bar to get a free block is still pretty good, spending 1/4 of a bar is flat out broken. it makes a game with such slow and pondering footsies even more boring to experience

Why is this still going? For people who actually want to improve they won’t use these gems since they aren’t allowed anywhere anytime. They’re obviously not designed for people who actually know how to play the game they’re for people who block with their face and just wanna muck around with the game.

Why this would only be relevant online - the most meaningful place in the wor- oh. OH. ohhhhhhhhhh

An interesting video from Arturo

From his youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/FGCSabin

I lost my shit at 4:50

For those who don’t know, Yoshi can’t block during Flea stance…well…unless he has the autoblock gems. Happens a little after 1:30 in the video. I lol’d.