1/4 block auto-block and 1/6 block auto throw tech: effective destruction of SFxT

At this point I’m playing regardless, it’s whatever. If I was going to drop this game I’dve done it a few days ago when even I hit that wall of “Fuuuuck these gems.”

I need to get my ass up and show up to the local stuff as you have though. I’m always finding an excuse to be lazy about it, lol.

That’s a stage. First you’ll make up excuses, then you’ll go and not feel its a place you should be, then you’ll start playing people who completely outclass you and it will suck and you’ll think its not worth doing.

Just have to power through it all – it’s all part of what always happens, and its over a lot quicker if you don’t drag it out by popping in and out like I did. Sticking to it, now, and going to all the events I can, I feel myself improving - a lot - on a almost hourly basis at times.

True, true. Not to take things too off topic but I used to do that way a few years back - kinda dropped out of the local scene when a lot of friends moved away that I used to go to tourneys with, and life and such. So it’s been a struggle to get myself back into doing it as much these days alongside all this other stuffs.

But I’m hopeful that I’ll be more involved soon.

It just keeps getting better… LOL…

Are you fucking kidding?

Capcom wants that $.

This. I hate it when ppl say that the gems are not a problem and they can be excluded from tournaments and that games should be balanced around tournament standards. 1000 tourney players are not even 1% of the ppl who bought the game. Online should be their first priority in balancing the game.

I wonder if Capcom will end up pissing off if their ridiculous payed DLC ends up flopping. If SFxT dies out because of the crap they’re ladling in to it, I feel like Capcom will end up blaming it on the supposed crashing game market rather then their own greed and stupidity.

Disclaimer: Posted while baked

Before the game came out I (and others) mentioned that auto-block and auto-throw escape were fundamentally retarded. Most people gave it the benefit of the doubt and some were vocally on the other side, stating it obviously wouldn’t affect anything. They were proved wrong pretty quickly.

After the game came out a number of people complained about these gems citing the same problems that were predicted earlier (impregnable defense = carefree offense) but there were still defenders. One aspect of the defense was the claim that these gems were “meant for” lower levels players. Can I get an L O L here? It doesn’t matter who the fuck they’re meant for. What matters is what they do and how they are used, despite what Capcom claims.

Now we have superpowered versions of these gems and there are still people defending them. For fuck’s sake use some common sense. Intentions don’t matter, only actions matter. It doesn’t matter what Capcom states a gem is intended for, it matters what it does. What it does is absolutely kill offense of any sort. What it does is make these gems indispensable. If you want to be competitive in a gem format you NEED THIS GEM. There is no doing without. Autoblock is better than everything else combined. Your options are as follows: 1) Never play this game online unless in a gem-free format 2) Use Autoblock or lose. This is a must-have gem, there is no escaping it. I don’t think this makes for a healthy competitive game. Gems could have possibly been a good idea but no implementation was actually, meaningfully ever good. All of them pandered to low levels players and made for competition destroying changes. This game is easily worse than CFJ (with gems) and yet it gets exposure and play. My advice to online players is to **mercilessly abuse this gem. **Keep it real, break the game and fuck what anyone else says/thinks. Do your best to win and you will prove that the game itself is at fault. Everyone wins that way.

Once again: always use this gem in online ranked play. It is your duty to do your best in online competitive play and this can only be realized with the use of the improved auto-block gem. Yes, it makes the game unfun, but it is not your fault. Capcom is solely to blame. Gems could have been a good idea, but from day 1 of their revelation is/was clear that this wasn’t going to be the case. Some optimists held out till release and I cannot blame their resolve. Yet now it is all too clear that gems and competition are incompatible. Evolution has wisely banned them, online play should do the same. Start clamoring for gem-free formats and Capcom should deliver. They usually acquiesce to overwheliming community demands. Good for them, but this gem experiment will shatter a lot of people’s trust and good will. I hope they realize what they have done / are doing…

Erm… can’t all that be done without the gems though? Only, you know, where you actually have to pay for your mistakes?
It’s one thing to claim to learn from them. But stick with em too long and you’ll almost forget what playing without them was like. This is what we call a “crutch.”

^^^^^ THIS (is your brain on drugs)

Major news

Assist Gem pack 5
Auto play level 4, Infiltration comes over and plays your games for you.

These gems are completely broken and kill online play for this game.

funny, because this game sold poorly (~450k copies)… so they might as well made it more suitable for competitions, since casuals see this game as another SF4 version

These Auto-Gems wouldn’t be an issue if they had some sort of downside. I’m thinking (Meter builds 75% slower) would suffice. Hell they can make it like every other gem and give it some sort of activation requirement like (Block 10 times).

Yeah, they would be better with a real downside, most people would agree with that.

However, I don’t want them fixed, I want them gone. This isn’t because of balance, it’s because I think assist gems are a bad idea. A bad idea that is detrimental to the overall health of the game. There’s nothing good to be gained by “balanced” assist gems. The whole concept is crap, so I say throw it out and work on the real game.

By the way, in case you didn’t realize, in the upcoming PAID Gem DLC pack, you can buy an auto-block gem that only consumes 1/6 meter.

Guys there is a gem that I have that increases dmg by 20% when u use super art. There is a weird thing. When I customize jin he can use it but when I try with another character it sais that I need to buy it wtf?

EDIT: Damn nevermind it is tekken exclusive:( It would have been perfect for my juri’s pandora combo

It also includes a gun with one round in the chamber to shoot yourself after.


Dhalshim is god tier with that stupid gem ><

Just realized tonight how much auto-block hurts my team. I play Guile/Hugo and get most of my damage set-ups off low pokes when the opponent is walking forward or backing away… fuck these gems. Especially when the characters equipped with them dont need meter to be efficient.


What if people just accepted this game for what it is, instead of banning gems and trying to play it as if it’s SF4 or something? I thought refusing to use something just because it’s strong or ‘cheap’ is the very definition of a scrub (mostly referring to assist gems here)?

As for overpowered or worthy of banning, maybe that’s true. Or maybe it isn’t. Perhaps if ultimate defense was used in tournaments, it would become an unbeatable strategy and everyone would use it. If so, maybe that’s how this game is designed to be played? Or maybe with enough time and effort people would find the counter to this strategy and render it useless? E.g. command throws (which can’t be auto blocked or teched) could become more relevant (just speculating off the top of my head). Or utilising a style of constant mixups to deplete the opponent’s meter and beating them with superior damage combos / limiting their options to switch cancel, alpha counter, etc., out of trouble.

These are obviously just ideas which may turn out to be complete rubbish, but the point is that we’ll probably never find out, because we’ve all ready taken gems to court via pure ‘theory fighter’ and sentenced them to banning, with any player who dares to explore this unique game feature accused of being a scrub, rather than the players who set themselves artificial limits because they don’t want to spend the time figuring out a counter. I’m hesitant to use these gems myself, just because of the inevitable hate mail I’d receive over PSN. It’s a very uncomfortable environment to be in.

Or maybe they are game breaking. This could easily be the case. But shouldn’t we leave it to months of high level competitive play to decide before issuing a ban?

(P.S. I understand the issue of gem selection adding time to tournaments when schedules are tight, and this is a separate issue the TOs need to decide for themselves.)

Edit: I also realise this ruins strategy for certain teams and makes certain characters less effective, but all that tells me is that those characters cannot be top tier if the game is played with gems. So what? New top tiers will emerge. Pick another character. Ibuki’s okizeme from SSF4 has been neutralised due to forward rolls, so does this mean forward rolls should be banned? Also, the suggestion that these gems ruin the ‘core’ mechanics of fighting games suggests there is one perfect example of a 2d fighter that every other game is a variation on. How about some variety? How about a new game, which is equally a fighting game, with some new ‘core’ mechanics. Bottom line: let’s stop all these comparisons and just accept it for what it is. Then we might just see how this game is meant to be played competitively.