Zune software/synching question

So on this new laptop, I just installed the zune software to add shit to it because my old comp ran out of space but still has my old music [the music currently on my zune] on it. I only really use my laptop right now so I’ve been downloading some albums and member hearing horror stories about zune’s shitty software just assuming everything and trying to make it “user friendly” by auto synching whatevers on the machine your current zune is plugged into. Well, I have like 6 albums on my laptop and countless on my old computer.

What i’m wondering is if I try to sync/add my new music on my laptop to my zune, will it delete everything else because it cant find any of it? On my old comp ive deleted music to make space for music and it never got rid of it from my zune which is why I was going to do it but I wanted to check first.

And to those wondering, syncing IS adding music. Why microsoft couldnt make a simple drag and drop way to add music like GASP CREATIVE did with their vision m is beyond me.

:coffee: Probably should check here… dood:

you can drag and drop whatever music you like.

go to settings. click device. and sync options. you can check the manual sync box

lol, i guess i read that wrong. but, i really cant tell you. i got a new computer, but i moved all my music over then redownloaded the software. if it didn’t erase then, shouldn’t erase now…

you could click on device and right click everything on your zune then click copy to collection…

I wanna know what the hell do i have to do so that i can start getting recommendations? it keeps telling me to listen to more. and i have over 1000 plays.

I hate the zune software with a passion. I end up with duplicate songs on my zune and it didn’t organize my albums correctly. Would be cool if you could just add songs like it was a normal external HD.

I do like the ability to program games on it with the XNA kit though. Only have to make a few changes in the code to take a PC/360 program and get it to work on the zune.

yea the zune software is really crappy at times, adding whatever album art it wants to and that smart sync is a pain as well.

The entire Zune/Xbox web interface is offline today, so I wouldn’t expect you to get anything today.

Album art: make sure the track has album art then. =\ And don’t ever use the ‘folder.jpg’ only trick, that’s stupid and broken.
Smart sync FTL. Manual sync FTW. =\

i knew that much. but it still doesnt answer my question.

Right - it’s a point of clarification, not an answer. So - does this happen to you the day before yesterday and today as well? You posted about it in a six month old thread without a lot of context. :smile:

I used to have an older zune username, but a few months back i bought a 360 and linked that gamertag to my zune software. so now im just wondering how to get my recommendations back. i had recommendations on my old username. so im just wondering if i need a certain amount of plays. or medals??