Zero Tips & Tricks that should be common knowledge (but aren't)

Think I’ve said this before, but this is such an awesome solo carry - and probably easier than the jump loop cary. Good stuff.

Not as Grimy, but Jago’s video did give me an interesting Corner carry.

cr.M, H, f+H, S, j.d+H, wait, j.M, Buster lvl 3, L Raikousen, S, j.M, j.M, j.H, j.S, Ender.

Thought what people REALLY want to find, is a Corner Carry that DOESN’T need the Buster. Confirming from a Buster to Lightning won’t give you enough time to charge back up before you land, and I hate the Jump Loop with a Passion…

Why is corner carry without buster needed? There are dozens of practical options for getting charge before and during combos.

I think it’s important, sometimes a Zero that’s on the fence may have already wasted his buster trying to get in, and while it recharges, He needs at least 1 option to do a buster-less corner carry.
Plenty of characters help him do that (Spencer, Wesker, Taskmaster, Hawkeye, Magneto, Doom, Phoenix, Sentinel [if prior to launching], the list goes on), but it’s hard to find a variation that keeps you in the air just long enough to recharge.

Also, If you Launch out of a corner, an Easy way to turn yourself around to get back to it is to Delay the super jump, j.M j.M (Should cross under) Buster, Lightning (if closer to the ground)/ Divekick, then whatever you want post that.

For me it’s crucial because I prefer not to “waste” for lack of a better word an assist just to get across the screen. I prefer to pack Zero with two neutral assists and if one allows me to corner carry (ex. Nova) then that’s just gravy.

Small piece of Zero/Ironman tech: From my testing Repulsar assist will always leave the opponent on the opposite side that it initially hit. You can use this save yourself from going corner-to-corner.

It would be nice not to need any help to corner carry off every hit confirm. So I’ll agree.

Jago’s video? Wut? He’s got that carry on there? That was fast :S

About that corner carry discussion, i’m starting to think having Vergil on your team is going to be a necessity for a lot of Zero teams, unless you run some kind of niche shell. After watching CEO, Flocker was getting so many conversions simply due to Rapid Slash being able to consistently hit that corner carry straight into lightning loop, whereas other assists or corner carries would have just straight dropped due to lack of a buster charge or HSD kicking in.

I mean off of an air throw, I don’t know of too many other assists other than Rapid Slash that will let you do a full corner carry, same deal for Raikousen+buster crossups.

Just an observation I suppose, I think a lot of Zero teams are based around giving Zero the best neutral assists, and some of them fail to give him the assists to kick up his consistency, and more importantly, the proper shell to back up the team if he dies.

Nova’s Centurion Rush is the best assist in the game for giving Zero a corner carry. Only one hit, so it’s minimal scaling and it lets Zero go from deep corner to deep corner. I have to try it but I believe Shopping Cart will also go corner to corner.

Most multi hitting assists will give you an easy corner carry, hell Dark Hole does and look at how limited that is generally. I often switch between using it as an easy relaunch midscreen or using a solo carry then using it after HM ender for an OTG Dive xx Lightning, Dark Hole, Ryuenjin BC Lightning Loop ender.

What about off of an air throw? Reverse corner-to-corner carries off a Buster+Lightning? The thing I liked about Flockers use of Rapid Slash is that he just did a j.QCF+M xx Buster Raikousen, straight into LLoop off of Rapid Slash. If you started your combo with shoddy scaling, I don’t think Centurion Rush would allow a full carry.

I’, sure Rush will work in those situations as well because of what it does. It literally pushes the opponent in the corner Nova is facing on hit and gives a huge ground bounce in the process. All you have to do is regular dash over and start your combo. You can easily go right into a LL if you feel the need.

TBH if there’s one thing you guys/ everyone should be finding a way to combo off is a neutral superjump knockdown from midscreen as it leaves them a fullscreen away. This happens very often to pretty much every Zero player, or any player in general. But no one can combo off it.

Think Hidden Missiles can but you’d have to be anticipating the neutral SJ to do that in the first place. Anything else out there? Mystic Ray maybe but no one really wants to/ uses Shuma.

Doesn’t really fix it can get a bit finicky with the relaunch possibly changing directions but good point, completely forgot about that >_<

really you should be avoiding that situation though, either by not neutral super jumping in the first place or by doing j.2H->j.H or something

Sticky :slight_smile:

<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/2288/Darkhadou%20X">Darkhadou X</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>TBH if there’s one thing you guys/ everyone should be finding a way to combo off is a neutral superjump knockdown from midscreen as it leaves them a fullscreen away. This happens very often to pretty much every Zero player, or any player in general. But no one can combo off it.<br>
Think Hidden Missiles can but you’d have to be anticipating the neutral SJ to do that in the first place. Anything else out there? Mystic Ray maybe but no one really wants to/ uses Shuma.</div>

Stone does this a lot. He just does a H dive sword from the top of the jump and OTG’s with that.

It’s been a long, long time since there’s been any activity here, but I just made a small update to the original post: TAC’s into Lightning Loop from any direction.

It’s been a year since anything was said here and I’m sure in that time a lot of you have come up with new tricks, feel free to submit them and I’ll add the really good ones to the OP.

Something random I found the other day. If magneto is using mag blast to cover himself without an assist you can use morrigan meter assist to take the hit while you s.H . This works on akuma’s air fireball as well, and is how I found it. Simple way to break dumb pressure strings that don’t hit multiple characters and lets you call your other assist later for combo extensions.