Hey guys I have been using zero since vanilla i’m a huge fan of the character however i just picked up umvc3 on the vita because i wanna play marvel anywhere i go and i cant do any of his combos because i dont know how to keep buster charged, i play on stick on console so i need some tips to transition a little bit, i read the other thread of zero players on pad however the vita doesnt have trigger buttons
There are 2 solutions.
-Give up an assist.
-Use the touchscreen.
Yea zero isn’t very friendly on vita. I mainly just use vita for practice since I play on pad. Most tournies ill carry it around to warm-up my fingers. It is actually a REALLY strong tool for practicing on the go if you play pad. I learned how to consistently lightning loop from the vita as opposed to the console version. Working with the bad d-pad makes you more careful about execution.
Forget the d-pad. I’m having to build up calouses on my thumbs for the face buttons!
Anyway, one of the biggest secrets to keeping Zero’s buster charged on a pad still holds true on the Vita: you can switch between attack buttons when you want to charge. That being said, for me, it’s easier in theory than in practice, and harder still in application of an actual match. The trick is that you have to practice sliding your thumb across the attack buttons rather than simply pressing them as well as practicing pressing buttons that are across from each other.
When I try to charge the buster for a combo, I usually start by pressing L, sliding to M, and holding it there as I press H and S for the launcher. When you send them into the air, the same principle applies. Yes, you’ll have to sacrifice the first M attack in the air for L, but if you do it fast enough, you can get a third hit in when you do H. If you practice LMH, 6H, S, j.L, j.M, j.H(3hit), j.S with that technique, you should have a fully charged buster by the time you start falling and using the dive sword.
Doing the Lightning Loop is going to be a lot harder. The bad news is that you don’t have a shoulder button to use to do Sougenmu when you touch the ground after a Raikousen L that you have to charge up for. The good news is that, like using X-Factor, the buttons are closer to each other, so you can use M+H with practice.