Zero- Combo Thread

214A>5B isn’t really worth it. Just do it with A. 214A>5A is much easier and consistent The 5A hits a bit above and in front of zero. While 5B hits at a tougher angle (isn’t as vertical as 5A).

I do 5a after 214A, My problem was the second hit of 5b whiffed after the launcher. Sorry for not being clear. I would try to launch and second hit of 5b would whiff in mid air and they would drop.

I think I figured it out. With Alex assist, I should wait a bit after launch before I go up after them.

Yeah, from now on people who post up about having trouble with the charge shot corner combo need to specify which assist they’re using lol. But the part you described near the end of your post iNerd is standard. The jump cancel after the first 3C is always delayed. For the relaunch, the only part you may have to delay ever so slightly is 2B from the chain 5A (hold) 5B 2B 5C 3C > air combo ender

I’ve got an updated version (still WIP though) of that Zero/C.Joe combo I posted here before.

236C, 5A, 5B, 5C, 2C, 6C, BBQ, 5A, 5C, 2C, 6C(assist during 6C), launch, j.A, j.A, j.B, 623C - 21k damage


Take this situation for example people. I’m using karas as an Assit. I start my ground combo.
5A,2A(Hold for Charge),5B,2B,5C(1-2 hits),6C(3 hits)BBQthe enemy is in stun from 6C allowing me to actually run into the opponent and then start to combo with 5B,2B,5C now from the 5C I can use 2 hits and then call Karas in to stumble my opponent and get the final hit in on 5C, from there I can rush in combo to air combo 5B,5C,3Csjc.B,release Charge shot 2 into Shoryuken. OR I can extend my ground combo increase my charge, throw the enemy into a cornor and procede to loop them. Inputs after BBQ would be 5B,2B,5C(1Hit)6C. But the problem is when EXACTLY do I call karas in? To far into the hits of 6C will cause Karas to miss, to early will cancel the hitstun from Karas because of the 6C. I usually get lucky when it connects but I need some help on the timing, anyone wanna share some light?

[media=youtube]KMgRobSrxOM[/media] - new combo vid showing off every combo i’ve thought up so far.

I also use Karas and Zero. I find that if you simply charge the Z buster before starting the combo with A, and then start the combo with B; you avoid proration from the A’s, and then either before BBQing or after when you call in Karas (during the 6C usually), you can either Sougenmu and start the Buster loop, or you can skip straight to the air combo and use the level 3 Buster into Shoryuken. If you don’t have the buster charged fully buy time by letting all 3 of the 5C hits connect and waiting until 6C is finished before BBQing. This also has the advantage of allowing you to have access to the Z buster outside of combos since you’re normally charging it, if you need your A moves just change the button you’re holding.

Anybody here got any tips on the LVL3 buster shot BBQ relaunch combo?

I can’t get the timing for the life of me

I have taken the liberty of writing out the all the combos from this video

all of these are @ 10% red health
every 5c and 6c hit all three times
all of these are in numberpad notation
most these need a projectile assist (ryu/morrigan) as far as i know.
the assist should be used as soon as 6c hits the first time.

p= partner,
charge= charge buster,
shot= shoot buster,
JC= jump cancel
BRQ= baroque
shot-charge= shoot buster and immediatly begin a charge so that the attack associated with the button doesnt activate

Combo 1
5a (charge), 5b, 2b, 5c, 6c, p, 5b, 2b, 5c, 3c, (JC),, (JC) j.b, (shot), 214a, 5a (charge), 5b, 2b, 5c, 3c, (JC),, (JC),, (shot), j.b, 623c (24.5 billion)

Combo 2
(Pre-charge, from air)
236c, 5b, 2b, 3c, 2c, 6c, (shot), 5b, 2b, 5c, 2c, 6c, (BRQ), 5b, 2b, 5c, 3c, (JC),,(JC),, (shot), 214a, 5a (charge), 5b, 2b, 5c, 3c, (JC),, (JC),, (shot), j.b, 623c (29.7 Billion)

Combo 3
5a (charge), 5b, 2b, 5c, 6c, p, 214abc, 5b, 2b, 5c, 6c, (shot-charge), 5b, 2b, 5c, 2c, 6c, (BRQ), 5b, 2b, 5c, 2c, 6c, (shot-charge), 5b, 2b, 5c, 3c. (JC),, (JC),, (shot), j.b, 623c (31.8 Billion)

Combo 4
5a (charge), 5b, 2b, 5c, 6c, p, 5b, 2b, 5c, 3c, (JC), j.b, (JC), (shot), 214a, 5a (charge), 5b, 2b, 5c, 2c, 6c, (BRQ), 5b, 2b, 5c, 2c, 6c, (shot-charge), 5b, 2b, 5c, 3c, (JC),, (JC), j.b, (shot), j.b, 623c (30.3 Billion)

Combo 5
5a (charge), 5b, 2b, 5c, 6c, p, 5b, 2b, 5c, 3c, (JC), (JC) j.b, (shot), 214a, 5a (charge), 5b, 2b, 5c, 2c, 6c, (BRQ), 5b, 2b, 5c, 3c, (JC), (JC), (shot), 214a, 5a (charge), 5b, 2b, 5c, 3c, (JC),, (JC),, (shot), j.b, 623c (33 Billion)

Credits to the zero in the vid

O shit wait! AMAZING RAPE! Screw everything I just said, I tottaly Omitted the "P’ in your notation xD Amazing detail fro notation :slight_smile:

You have to BBQ as soon as you release djBB>Release~BBQ. It has to be at the point of attack. The timing takes some getting used to but its not that bad.


Experiment with this guys. :V

[CENTER]Sougenmou Loop[/CENTER]

The loop is done like this[/CENTER]
[CENTER]In corner: 5A(Hold A),5B,2B,5C(3hit),release lv1x4?on the 5th it will end[/CENTER]
[CENTER]The key to this combo is to delay the shot release so that the spacing makes it so that the shots combo into each other.[/CENTER]
[CENTER]If you have a BRQ, you can go into a buster relaunch.[/CENTER]
[CENTER]5A(Hold A),5B,5C(3hit),release lv1[/CENTER]
[CENTER]5A(Hold A),2B,5C(3hit),release lv1[/CENTER]
[CENTER]5A(Hold A),5B,2B,5C(2hit),6C(1hit)release lv1 (needs proper spacing with any 6C)[/CENTER]
[CENTER]6C can also work on the second hit.[/CENTER]


Notice **5C **at the end. Zero gets pushed back. When releasing the shot mid-way of zero?s pushback the combo will flow smoothly. If you happen to release the shot at the end of the push back, it will still combo. But on the third chain 5B will whiff (miss). To fix this, do a dash 5A. This now leads to? [/CENTER]

5A(Hold A),5B,2B,5C(3hit),release lv1 Dash 5A?[/CENTER]
[CENTER]The key to this is releasing the shot by canceling the last hit of 5C. too early or late will make the shots not combo into each other. The dash is kind of strict.[/CENTER]

5A(Hold A),5B,5C(3hit),release lv1[/CENTER]
[CENTER]5A(Hold A),2B,5C(3hit),release lv1[/CENTER]
[CENTER]*****5A(Hold A),5B,5C(3hit),6C(1hit),release lv1[/CENTER]

It?s a timing issue. The dash is pretty tough to get used to. Press the dash after the first shot hits and make sure 5A hits after/right on the second shot.

***** I find that to be the easiest chain because I can nail the dash 5A with more ease then the original way. Just make sure when 6C(1 hit) hits, release the shot right away. Use what works.

[CENTER]Another way to set it up (doesn?t work with everybody)[/CENTER]

5A(Hold A),5B,5C(3hit),6C(2hit),xx sougenmou (release hold),assist,release lv1,dash-in 5A[/CENTER]
When activating super release, the A button so that the charge doesn?t rise to level 2. After Ryu hits the shots will combo and then just dash-in 5A. This is useful if you?re prone to holding a 5A at the start of the combo. This setup is tricky because it depends on when the hadoken hits. I believe his hadoken still has to be on screen when Zero goes into super (I’ll make sure later to state the right timing).


proyect zero is a compilation of combos from basic to expert level, notation of how to perform each combo will be post later, since i dont have much time now but i will surely deliver stay tuned and enjoy proyect zero


im sorry i havent post notation on combos im just lazy XD, however i posting the not so new proyecto zero 2, while i did this a few weeks back i didnt post it on the character specific section so i know is a bit late but anyway here you have it, i try to find the energy to actually put the notation of the combos i done on this an past videos:


5A, 5B, 2B, 3C, 623A xx 5A, 3C, j.AABB, dj.BB, 236B – 15.1 Billion Damage.

I have problems with this. it’s like after 3C 623A is a srk motion I can’t get it to come out consistantly off A. I can do if I cut out 2b. thou…

also what is zero’s overhead?

Looking for some constructive criticism for my Chun/Zero team, thanks.


what should I work on?

ok ya que escuche que hablan español tambien escribire asi, se me hace mas facil pues soy mexicano, bueno lo primero que note de tu equipo es qeu usas a chunli como el inicial, si me preguntas zero optiene mas ventajas de ser el que inicia la batalla que chunli, chun puede hacer sus acercamientos seguros zero tambien, pero zero se beneficiamas de la asistencia de chun, asi que mi primer sugerencia seria que usaras a zero para iniciar la pelea, lo segundo que note es que con zero usas la intercalacion de carga, y siendote franco aparte de mi y un caute al que le enseñe no creia que alguien mas la usara aunque aun no as desarrollado todas las ventajas de la intercalacion pero vas por buen camino, ahora yo te sugiero, que practiques mas la ejecucion de tus combos con zero practica algo de mis proyectos zero si usas la intercalacion seguro podras con eso eventualmente, por el mixups y reseteos es la parte en la que te falta explotar mas tus habilidades, tu chun esta bien usar el loop para un cross up esta bien usado, pero con zero puedes hacer infinidad de cosas, por ejemplo usar un buster nivel 2 tocar medio cruzarte con la sombra media, y entrar con abajo o arriba, es un 50,50,50,50 osea que hay 4 o mas formas de meterte en la zonad el oponente en esa situacion, vas muy bien exelente que alguien este implementando la intercalacion de carga de zero con el tiempo veras que esa es tu mejor arma sigue asi

another one for the zero thread


have a nice day

I made a combo video for Zero/Casshan specifically. I learned a lot from OZ so some of the combos may be very similar. There’s a few things I haven’t yet included but I might follow up with another video eventually.

Anyway here it is: [media=youtube]YHouX_U858s[/media]

Part 2 now available: