Zero and Me.

I figured I might as well pick up Zero considering how much I love him. The hipster in me kept saying NO,NO, DON’T PICK A TOP TIER but I got over that immature side and here I am scouring the Zero forums.
Practicing with him brought back the good ol memories older Zero games that I also grinded hours on end (although it wasn’t the lightning loops) like Megaman Zero 3 (I’d recommend it to any Megaman game. Simply amazing) and one of my personal favorite Games Megaman X Command Mission.

Just wanted to share how awesome he was in that game

Here’s his theme

Some of his weapons! Not just lv.3 buster

And here is his hyper mode (Sorry for the crappy angle not many people uploaded it)

And here is his other hyper mode and one of the coolest things ever Absolute Zero

Here is some cool art with both X and Zero’s Hyper Modes.

Another long time megaman fan here. Been playing megaman since “X” on the snes at the age of 6. He’s pretty fun to use and being top tier is just icing on the cake for me.

I’m a Mega Man and Zero fan, too. But I don’t play Zero in this game. :frowning:
He was the first character I ever tried when I picked up Ultimate but when I started getting serious I found out I had to do Lightning Loops and my execution was sub par back then. So I had to use other characters, and now when I try to go back to him I find that I lose almost all my fundamentals because of how differently he plays.