This thread will be a work in progress for probably a long time, but I will try to make it as complete as possible as quickly as possible and will be updating the thread as more and more options are discovered so we can catalogue everything.
When listing okie options in here i will always use the full combo before the ended because that can affect your options as far as spacing is concerned. I will also be assuming point blank on first hit before the knockdown, unless otherwise stated in the notes for that specific combo.
Moves in parenthesis () will denote either frame data on quick, back and no rise or notes on the particular wake up, or both.
All frame data will be taken from SFV OKI LOL
Old zeku
Koku enders
[] Cr.lp x2,st.lp xx lk koku: ( +18, +23, +77, 151 damage)
midscreen quickrise so Zeku is is only +1 after a forward dash here. Because of this, this knockdown only really gives pressure against 4 frame characters. If you think a 3 frame character is going to quick rise and jab, an immediate MK Koku will hit their jab.
midscreen Backrise basically nothing, you get one dash into close proximity to keep up some pressure
Corner quick rise LK Koku hits meaty and on CH links into, Ex koku hits meaty and and is at plus frames.
Corner backrise mk Koku hits meaty and ON CH links into
Covers both corner rises ex Koku hits both rises and is at plus frames
[], xx lk Teki xx lk koku: ( +21, +26, +80, 240 damage)
midscreen quickrise Zeku is +4 after a forward dash here, but he won’t be point blank against quickrise. Because of this it is better to meaty and confirm with CH Zekus meaty options here are:,,cr.lp,,st.lp which all work against 3 frame wake ups.
backrise midscreen basically nothing. You get a free dash up to continue pressure but no move will work well here after the dash.
Corner quickrise wiff st.lp, CH mk Koku hits meaty CH against 3 framers here and gives full combo by following up with,st.lp xx lk koku.
Corner backrise wiff st.lp CH cr.hp / mk koku hits meaty against 3 framers here and gives counterhit into, follow ups.
Covers both corner risesMk Koku covers both knockdowns but is only safe on block against back recovery.
Ex Koku covers both rises and is plus 3 on block against quickrise (use to frame trap), +8 on block after back rise (use cr.hp to frame trap)
[] St.hp or cr.hp xx mk koku ( +19, +24, +78, 179 damage)
midscreen quickrise Zeku is +2 after a forward dash here, so he gets a free meaty cr.lp or throw. This specific knockdown can setup the “infinte” vortex (dash CH cr.lp, xx MK Koku repeat) where the opponent that likes to quickrise with buttons will get CH by this over and over again.
Mid screen back rise dash, st.hp or cr.hp will CC 3 frame normals.
Corner quick rise wiff st.lp, CH Or lk Koku hits meaty and on CH gives conversion.
Corner back rise mk Koku hits meaty and gives on CH. or go for wiff st.lp, CC cr.hp
Covers both rises ex Koku covers both rises and is plus on block. Mk Koku can hit both rises but is very unsafe on block against both rises.
[], xx ex teki xx lk koku ( +24, +29, +83, 280 damage)
midscreen quickrise Zeku is +7 versus quickrise on this knockdown after a dash so he gets a very strong starter instead of a weaker attack. Bonus for this particular setup is that the hits meaty and is +3 on block so the will frame trap 3 frame jabs! As if all that wasn’t good enough, this knockdown also will setup into itself again on quick rise as long as you have enough meter. This is my personal go to knockdown from a starter… high damage, great setup, very plus on block and repeatable.
Midscreen backrise dash, Gives CC against wake up 4 frame attacks.
Corner quick rise mk koku hits meaty and gives, conversion on CH. for something more safe you can just go for the standard midscreen oki.
Corner back rise wiff, cr.hp gives CC
Covers both corner rises dash cr.hp covers both rises here and should probably be used over all other corner oki options outside of flips
Frame kill against no rise dash,wiff,wiff, dash, or cr.hp or st.hp
[], xx ex teki xx mk koku ( +20, +25, +79, 287 damage) +2 after dash versus quickrise this is extremely weak compared to the above knockdown. The primary reason for this knockdown versus the one above is that Zeku gets an immediate throw after the dash versus quick rise on this knockdown. For this reason it can be good to use this KD in place of the one above if your opponent gets complacent with blocking on quickrise. However, the discerning opponent will be able to see the difference between these 2 knockdowns.
[], xx ex teki xx hk koku ( +20, +25, +79, 301 damage) same kd advantage as mk koku ender above. There are only 2 differences: HK koku ender does 14 more damage and is slower to hit so it’s easier to tell the difference between this ender versus an ok koku ender. Probably best to use this until your opponent can see it, then switch back to mixing between mk and lk Koku since it’s harder to tell the difference between those.
[], xx ex teki xx ex koku ( +39, +44, +98, 315 damage) very meter expensive for a knockdown that Zeku can get with less meter. This knockdown is +5 after a double dash so Zeku gets a meaty mixup, however the throw will not beat 3 frame jabs so the mixup isn’t as strong as it could be. Still, this is a very strong mixup versus quick rise and has huge damage potential if Zeku lands a CH here on the opponents quick rise. Still a knockdown that’s too rich for my blood though personally.
[] xx ex koku (+36, +41, +95, 234 damage) this is +2 against quick rise after a double forward dash. This has the standard throw/CH cr.lp mixup from it. However this has the same exact numbers as mk koku ender with respect to frame advantage after the dashes. Picking between these 2 enders is making a decision for 32 more damage, slightly more corner carry, and using 1 bar.
[] St.hp or cr.hp xx ex teki xx lk koku
[] St.hp or cr.hp xx ex teki xx mk koku
[] St.hp or cr.hp xx ex teki xx hk koku
[] St.hp or cr.hp xx ex teki xx ex koku
For now I will be leaving out the cr.hp and st.hp starters as they are more than likely to be the exact same situation as the, starters when used at point blank range.
Teki enders
[], xx lk teki ( +45, +50, +104, 170 damage) wiff or, dash, cr.hp “the AutoMattock” this series covers both knockdown recoveries and is by far the best oki setup for this knockdown that I know of. Having said that I don’t like this particular knockdown because of its low damage from mediums, but if you do use this knockdown I highly recommend this setup.
[], xx ex teki ( +49, +54, +108, 210 damage) because of the high amount of frame advantage here there are slot of possibilities. After a double dash you are +15 versus quickrise and can meaty with an LK or ex Koku as an example and in the case of the ex Koku it will easily cover both quick and back rise while leaving Zeku at an advantage. However, none of those are my personal foavorite setup: stance change, dash, This setup will put youngZeku at +7 against quick rise and make his hit on the last active frame giving him +3 on block advantage and making cr.mpx2 a natural frame trap that beats jabs and combos if the first hit is CH. this is a VERY powerful string if you can consistently pull it off and is one of the reasons why I like going into the ex teki ender.
[*] Cr.hp or st.hp xx mk teki ( +52, +57, +111, 161 damage) after a triple dash this is +1 so it’s as bad as an LK Koku ender. However Zeku doesn’t have to triple dash here and can instead do basically anything he wants. A good start is this series: dash, ex/lp/mp flip. If using the ex flip here you have a nice 50/50 left right you can try for. Feel free to experiment with various frame kills. As an example you can stance change>dash (+10) YZ st.hp to beat 3 framers.
Young zeku
[] St.hp xx st.hp ( +29, +34, +88)
mid screen quick rise dash or dash st.hp will both beat 3 frame wake ups.
[] St.hp xx st.hp xx full ex run (don’t have the specific frame data for this)
Quick rise mid screen immediate counter hits 3 framers here and leads into full combo.
[*] St.hp xx st.hp xx run slide ( +12, +17, +61) gives pretty much the same oki and the same follow ups as the above plus does more damage.