Wow, if you can beat Bison/Blanka with Gief you probably shouldn’t have problems with Cammy. Bison can punish ANYTHING that gief whiffs. He can even slide, psycho crusher, or knee press + activate spammed RC lariats.
Blanka is just hard, but not an impossible match. RC Bear / Lariat shit is ok, but K-gief is great against him.
You just gotta have good footsies and RCs or lucky Just Defends to beat Cammy. Main advice is not to whiff shit. Whiffing cr. fierce isn’t that bad up close because of the beefiness. Other good pokes are diagonal crouching forward / roundhouse. Only RC lariat jump ins or if she pressures way too much.
Vega is difficult. Don’t chase or you’ll die faster. Good luck.
I believe you on Sagat and Sakura tho. Lariat trap Sagat and Sakura can’t jump in on Gief.