Zangief vs Rufus
Zangief probably wins this fight 6-4. Rufus needs to be close to do damage, and he doesn’t want to be close to Zangief b/c of lariat/SPD. Rufus can’t really abuse dive kick b/c deep lariat will at least trade with him. Rufus will get most of his damage from EX messiah kick, throws b/c you’re afraid of EX messiah, anti airs, and c. FP. Let’s talk about them, shall we?
Rufus C.HP
Crouch Jab is the best solution, either preemptively or on reaction if you are out of range. Buffer into Jab glove ON HIT to close the gap quickly and grab Rufus with a jab spd. I’ve actually had this work against a good rufus in a tournament.
C.FP is -14, so if Rufus misranges, it can be punished w/ EX hand. If he only hits with his hand, you can’t really can’t over to him, even w/ kara glove. Try just walking forward and using c. jabs.
EX Messiah Kick
Always be aware of Rufus’ meter and your opponents tendency to use this move. Safe players only use it w/ 3 stocks to FADC the flip kick. Some players mash it out during poke strings. Other players will throw it out after one of Rufus’ many safe moves (dive kick, galactic tornado, Messiah kick sweep ender, etc). Baiting this move and punishing it is how you beat Rufus. Thankfully, Gief has PLENTY of options.
LK ender- flip kick
-This ender is used to end if Messiah kick hits.
-It is also used to FADC backwards if it is blocked and Rufus doesn’t want to be punished. EX Messiah->LK ender-> FADC backwards is still -7 on block, so if YOU are cornered, you can punish him with a S.MP, C.LK, or S.LK, since it doesn’t push you back.
-It can be delayed to not combo. This will beat lariat and focus, but will now lose Ultra/Super/EX SPD. This is why you shouldn’t just spam lariat/focus.
-It is horribly unsafe and leaves rufus close. You can spin the stick during the flip to bust out ultra when he lands, or your choice of punishment.
MK ender- sweep
-loses to early lariat
-loses to focus attack
-loses to early grab/ultra
-safe on block.
HK ender- Overhead
-Loses to PPP lariat
-Loses to focus attack
-Is punishable by super/ultra on block (it’s -1 on block, better get that REVERSAL)
As you can see. Any of these options can lead into guaranteed ultra/super for zangief. Without 3 stocks of meter, Rufus is taking a HUGE risk.
Rufus Anti Airs*
Are incredibly good, especially w/ meter. The uppalm normal on the ground, Stand Fierce, j.RH into snake strike or ultra, EX Messiah, and EX Snake strike are all really good options. Don’t jump. You don’t need to, and it’s going to hurt if you do.
Dive Kick, Dive Kick/Dive Kick, EX Messiah/ Dive Kick Throw Mixup
Block the dive kicks low and try to crouch tech on reaction. EX Messiah cannot hit your low short if you are crouch teching. Eating throws are preferable than eating a divekick combo->ultra or being hit w/ EX messiah->FADC ultra.
Rufus will get his damage from anti airs, punishing stupid lariats/spds, throws, and really risky offensive setups (like w/ dive kick or random messiahs).
Zangief will get damage from normal pokes (C. LP, S.MP) and punishing Rufus’s attempts at doing damage.