I find long range short, crouch roundhouse is a good, long range, basic combo.
Nice combos FreshOJ. I’ll try them in training mode and report back.
Here is a combo that dizzies if everything connects:
Cross-up body splash, st. strong, cr. forward XX running bear grab
Basic combo:
Jump fierce, st. strong, cr. roundhouse
edit: All these were tested in training mode against Ken on auto-block.
2. Didn’t work for me. Seems like the fierce comes out when they recover from hit stun.
5. Couldn’t get the lariat to connect.
6. Banishing flat was getting blocked. Minus the j. roundhouse, st. strong XX banishing flat worked.
Too true. I’m trying to give more of a wide range of sample combos, if you will, moreso than listing every combo he has. I actually included that link in one of the harder combos down below, but I think that’s a good basic combo for me to have in there.
I’ll add it. Thanks.
Hmmmm…I’ll have to try #2 myself. It worked in Super.
As for #5, are you certain you’re hitting deep and close? The Lariat should be hitting with the first hitting frame. If not the Lariat, maybe the Spinning Clothesline (3P)? If all of that doesn’t work, sub out the crouch forward for a crouch jab. I’m sure it’ll work then. (It’s not that I doubt your skill. It’s quite the opposite. I’m just trying to cover all bases.) Let me know what you find.
As for number 6, look for inspiration in combo number 20. If a Banishing Flat can combo from a max range standing short, I’m very sure it’ll combo from a mid-range standing strong.
I’ll add the Running Bear Grab tick throw you mentioned. Thanks.
Yea could be that my timing is off.
#5 definitely works as a cross up. I’ll have to try the jab instead of cr. forward.
#6 I may not be cancelling the st. strong correctly for the BF to hit.
I was wondering what were giefs main anti airs. Im having trouble agaisnt people who do jumping shorts from close and hit my blue hitbox on my head when i lariat. The standing roundhouse doesnt come out in time because they are 1/2 screen or closer.
Standing jab (chop) may work. You can either block it or let it connect and then spd or normal grab as they land. Also depends on what they follow it up with. Some shotos can dragon punch you after the jumping shorts. Also, watchup for Blanka’s jumping short as he can bite you right after. If I know he’s going to try that I jump and roundhouse him out of it. Make them pay for doing that and they may stop.
wow. long thread
i just finished reading all 19 pages of this thread (over 2 days) and put down all the info on a word document. i would like to share it but idk how to put a word document in a post. I just have to say you guys covered so many things and so many matchups its insane. i feel enlightened. i feel like i kno every matchup. can ne1 tell me how to post a word document in a thread? i want to share the combined knowlage
If you really want to share the knowledge…put it in the Wiki. That would be the best place for it. The other option would be to have that information compiled on the first post of this thread…but if you didn’t type that post, you can’t edit it.
Just make sure it’s organized because the last thing we need is another 19 pages of info that we could read by simply reading the thread ourselves. You know?
heres the guide. ket me no what you think.
o.lol. well now everyone can read it
ino there have been many guile q and a’s. but real guile players are tough. even if they throw a sonic boom, you can still be clean hit by either his st. fierce or a cr. strong. he can also make you land on a sweep. also, when you larait, can can either overhead(forcing you to block high) or low forward you(forcing you to block low). does anyone have any tips?
ino gief is supposed to have an advantage against dic. but i was wondering what the advantage is and how do you play him? and how to stop head stomps?
Dict doesn’t have many anti-air attacks, so your j. splash can trap him in a corner sometimes, but his counter is j. strong (x1 or 2). Gief’s lariat can always stop the psycho crusher and sometimes the scissor kicks at the right distance. If you can anticipate the headstomp, a j. attack should be able to knock him down. If he follows up a blocked headstomp with the skull diver, then Gief’s cr. punch should be able to beat it. If he follows up a blocked headstomp by trying to land next to you, then lariat him.
I was in a player room the other night with Haru Tejyo (#1 on the leaderboards) and posted a bunch of videos of him destroying some pretty good players. Nerf haru.
I have read in both Zangief and Balrog threads that Zangief has the advantage in their match-up. Apparently one of these reasons is that the lariat works well on Balrog’s rushing punches but for some reason I always get stuffed by the dashing low. Am I doing something wrong or is this information false?
Also what else does Zangief have to take advantage of Balrog?
Thanks in advance.
Use the KKK Lariat (Jab+Short).
I was giving Gief a good go a few nights before and have to say I’m really enjoying slamming people’s heads into the ground!:wgrin: There’s two problem matches I have that have come up though:
Guile when played well is a pain since Guile does the whole SB, cr.RH, FK nonsense. Seems I have little time in between to get him. The best I’ve done is to do psychic jumps over SBs into SPD, jump straight up to bait him into FK, Green Glove SB to get in range to do some damage. Wondering if there’s anything to punish cr. RH effectively and/or FKs?
DeeJay is also another problem. I just can’t seem to find which moves stuff his (specifically the up kicks), how to deal with his zoning game, and what’s the best way to deal with his crossups.
If the info is already in this thread or someplace else point me to it. Thanks in advance.
EDIT: BTW, what’s the difference in KKK lariat and PPP lariat?
KKK lariat makes Zangief’s feet invulnerable for the first rotation. That can help out against Guile’s low pokes.
F+Fierce hop can also be useful to jump over lows and set up a SPD