Zangief question

k i seriously tried to find this info on my own on srk. my friend always does the following with gief:

cross up body press, low jab, low jab, SPD.

and i can’t get out of it. there’s probably a real simple way… but i’m new at competitive ST. any help?

don’t flame me.

Just do a reversal (aka on the first possible frame) immediately-off-the-ground-or invincible special attack (for example, a dragon punch, a flash kick, blanka ball, or a super) or a reversal long-range command grab (spd) in between his last normal attack and his spd attempt. This can be hard to time, but if you time it right, your attack will win out. The Gief player can mix up his ticks (meaning normal attacks putting you into hit or block stun followed immediately by a grab as soon as the stun ends) to throw your timing off, both by using different ticks and by combining tick strings in different ways. If you’re a charge character like Guile, you have to hold your charge and guess when the Gief player will switch from tick string to spd attempt, which can be hard if the Gief player mixes things up.

If you’re playing Dictator, the only reversal you have is super, so if you don’t have that, you’ll be eating an spd if you let the Gief player tick you.

UltraDavid’s answer is spot-on. But I’ll try to add a couple of things:

  1. If you’re not aware, you can use the piano technique to help get your reversals out. What you do is roll your fingers across all three of the buttons used to do your reversal move really fast when you do the move. So, to do a reversal dragon punch, do :dp: press LP, press MP, press HP, release LP, release MP, release HP. If you do this really fast you’ll have a much better chance of timing your move perfectly on that one frame where you can reverse the SPD.

  2. If you’re getting hit by that, then you’re already at an extreme disadvantage. Try to play your matches against Gief with the mindset that if he gets way in on you like that, then you’ve already lost. Doing this will cause you to play more cautiously. While it’s *possible *to reversal out of that, the truth is that it’s really hard. You’re better off just playing very carefully and trying to avoid the situation to begin with.

my gad. u know i was really hoping that wasn’t the answer

alright…i’ll try the piano thing. i just hope the guy who owns me with gief doesn’t catch on…don’t think he’s aware of the tick mix ups.

thanks for the help guys.