meaty ex spd stuff
***UPDATED 12/9/09 - Adding to the list moves that are punishable with non-meaty timing; ie starting the exspd during the opponent’s start-up frames. So far I’ve only looked at dp-type specials.
You can grab these characters out of the start-up of their non-ex dp’s: Akuma, Cammy, Dan, Ken (medium only), Ryu, Sakura
I don’t know if you can grab Akuma out of his fierce shoryuken, but if you can it won’t be with the same timing as the other two strengths.***
Meaty #1: df+HK, M. GH shortly after sweep, EX SPD (normal SPD should whiff for all three meaties)
#2 (for sagat, cammy): d+ HK, H. GH shortly after sweep, EX SPD
#3 (for blanka): lp+lk throw, H. GH shortly after, EX SPD
^Gives point blank grab, opponent wakes up into active frames.
Q: Which reversal special moves lose to meaty ex spd?
Abel ? CoD, wheel kick, roll, falling sky, ex command grab, super
Akuma ? fireballs, tatsus, and demon flips; jab & medium shoryuken (not meaty)
Balrog ? dash straight, dash low straight, dash low overhead, TAP
Blanka --> horizontal ball, electricity
Cammy --> spiral arrow, spin knuckle, hooligan combination; non-ex cannon spike (not meaty)
Chun Li ? Legs, fireballs, non-ex SBK, super
Crimson Viper ? non-HP knuckles, non-ex hammers
Dan ? projectiles, tatsus, super taunt; non-ex shoryukens (not meaty)
Dhalsim ? yoga fire, yoga flame, non-ex yoga blast, ultra
E. Honda ? hands, non-ex headbutt, command grab
El Fuerte ? command dash, quesadilla bomb
Fei Long ? rekkas, flame kicks, command grab
Gen ? hands, gekiros, rolling attacks, non-ex ogas
Gouken ? fireballs, shoryukens, non-ex tatsus, parries, non-ex demon flips
Guile ? sonic booms
Ken ? fireballs, tatsus, LP super; medium shoryuken (not meaty)
M. Bison ? non-ex psycho crushers, non-ex double knee press
Rose ? soul sparks, non-ex spirals, non-ex soul throws, soul reflect; ex-spiral (not meaty)
Rufus ? non-ex messiah kick, galactic tornado, HP super
Ryu ? fireballs, tatsus, super; non-ex shoryukens (not meaty)
Sagat --> fireballs, tiger knees, HK super
Sakura ? fireballs, non-ex shoryuken, tatsus, otoshi
Seth ? sonic booms, QCB + K, tandem engine, tandem storm
Vega ? rolling attack, sky high claw, flying Barcelona attack, super, ultra
Zangief ? ex spd, green hand, lariat