SO I finally get the SPD down pretty well if I motion counter clockwise. but here’s what I’m noticing, tell me if this makes any sense to anyone:
If I do it facing left, I get the green glove a lot. but the thing is, I end my motion at UP! Doesn’t the glove motion end at DOWN? I could see if I was motioning so as to end at back or something, yeah… could happen by accident. but I’m ending at UP!! And I’m not pressing the punch early. How in the hell am I getting green gloves all the time with a motion ending at up + punch??? It’s getting really frustrating because I don’t SPD so well clockwise. I don’t think this is a fixable problem(other than swithcing my direction), i was just wondering if anyone knew WHY it might be happening. An explanation might make me less angry.
Oh and thanks for the vs honda tips UltraDavid. My “friend” did much better vs that Honda today
I got nothin to cool you off other than to say that green hand seems to come out at strange times sometimes, and also that that’s why I always do the 360 motion from back to towards. It’s something you really need to learn.
Or you could play Old Gief, I guess. And that way you also don’t have to deal with the stupid back/toward+strong/fierce hop. I’ve seen serious people use him, actually, but for me losing green hand, super, and throw teching isn’t really worth it when the main reason to pick him over New Gief is just that your execution sucks.
Hmm… I didnt even think about old gief. Does old gief have any little advantages other than executional? And is his SPD range the same? I rarely use the super sadly, so that’s not a bad thought.
I was just messing around about Old Gief. I’ve seen people pick him, but I don’t know why. I remember seeing some Jap vid where somebody uses him competently, and I’m assuming that guy wasn’t picking him because he had execution problems, so there must be some benefit to him, I just don’t know what it is. People used to say Old Gief had a faster walk speed, but if I recall correctly that myth was busted. His pokes and stuff probably have slightly different hitboxes, but I wouldn’t know what those differences are because I’ve never spent much time with him. His 360 range is the same though, I can tell you that.
The super and green hand aren’t hugely important, it’s true, but both can be important in some situations, so I’d be hesitant to lose them. Being able to tech an opponent’s normal throw also might not be a huge deal for Gief because opponents generally want to stay away and they rarely get a chance to normal throw him, but again, it can be important in some situations.
Isn’t the main advantage of O. gief is where he lands when he does the SPD…The original he lands right next to his opponent…The later series he is push further back preventing tick SPD over & over…
Can some tell me about safe jumps with Zangief please…
I’m sure Old Gief has mildly different hit boxes on his moves, I just don’t know the ways in which they differ. Could be advantageously, I just have no real experience with him. There are some characters where it’s an open question or simple matter of preference as to whether the Old or New version is better, but Gief isn’t really in that category.
No, you’re thinking of World Warrior Zangief, who’s only playable in modern times in Hyper Street Fighter II: Anniversary Edition. I’m only talking about Super Street Fighter II: Turbo and the old characters in that game. Go to the wiki if you don’t know about this.
Anyway, for safe jumping, if you don’t know what it is you should check out [media=youtube]t8dD3K2_Pz4"[/media] created by David Sirlin for the release of Super Turbo on CCC2. Basically it’s where you jump against a character whose reversal doesn’t hit for a few frames, so that even if the opponent does a reversal, you’ll land safely, block it, and be able to do whatever you want. This is very important for Zangief because it means he can do a jumping tick with impunity on a lot of characters’ wakeups. For the waking player the solution to this is to just wait to reversal until Gief has landed and is trying to do spd after a tick, so watch out for that. For Gief the best safe jump moves are jumping short, jumping down+short, jumping down+forward, and jumping fierce splash.
You can see Pony, one of the best Zangief players in the world (maybe the best), do it a few times [media=youtube]aNC8K-ihtXw"]here and [URL=“”[/media]. If you’re wondering why the Guile player lets himself get hit when Pony jumps in, it’s because he knows that Pony is safe jumping and he’s trying to save his flash kick charge for the space between the ticks and the spd attempt, but Pony mixes up when he goes for spd well enough so that he doesn’t get caught.
Here’s a question I desperately need help with. What the fuck do I do against Chun? This is becoming more and more of a problem with the seemingly dramatic rise in the number of Chun players recently(at FRX I fought 4 players, all of them playing Chun…AAAAARRRRGGGGHHH). I’ve just been switching to Vega because I literally have no clue what I’m supposed to do in this fight. Help!
Hm, I thought that only happened in Super, not Super Turbo. But it’s only in the World version? If that’s true then it’s fine because nobody plays that version, so it’ll never come up.
Well how about that, how terribly unfortunate. Bigode did you guys get CCC2 out there? Was that a worldwide release? And I thought there was a general Asia version too?
Man, I’m learning new stuff about the two games I know the most about all over the place today hehe.
CCC2 wasn’t released here, but we can buy it since most VG stores import the games.
To say the truth, the PS family itself will never be officially released in South America.
I think CCC2 was only officially released in the US, I never heard of an European or a Japanese version of it…
We usually play the arcade version though.