YSB’s Special Hammer Mountain

Can someone experienced please explain this for me? If you look at YSB’s Hugo, his Hammer Mountain seems to get the full 5 hits EVERYTIME, no matter how far the other guy is. Even if his clap hits at almost maximum range, he can still cancel to SA3 and get the full 5 hits. I have tried a few times myself and it seems impossible.

I don’t think its because YSB holds down punch and lets Hugo run forward first, because his SA3. Just look at the videos. And I tried it anyway, it won’t combo if you hold punch that long.

This is annoying because when I play Hugo and pick SA3, sometimes they are too far away and my SA3 doesn’t deal the full 5 hits. Then they block the last hit and punish. So is there something about Hugo’s SA3 that I don’t know?

you probably releasing the button too early…

Not really related but, is there a trick for the 3x claps xx SA3? A kara or something? HP MP LP or HP LP LP? Need to hold SA button? (i also tried it btw, so similar problem to Miste one).
Few times i tried in training, i couldn’t connect SA3 properly. (on crouching Akuma/Remy)

This has puzzled me forever. I see it in training mode far more often than I see it in a fight so it’s never really bothered me, but I would love to know.

The 4th hit can whiff even when SA3 is cancelled in to at point-blank.

Yeah it’s just HP, MP, LP, but then you need to hold SA3 for a fraction of a second to make contact (it’s deceptive just how much hitstun you have to work with even with LP Clap, even moreso if they are crouching).

While I’m here, something else I’ve never been able to figure out with Hugo: when you D+HP in the air, very occasionally his regular J.HP will come out instead of bodysplash. I’ve seen this happen on every version of 3S that I’ve spent decent time with (arcade, PS2 and PS3) and other Hugo players have mentioned it to me too. I’ve tried to figure out why this happens but nothing. It can happen around the apex of the jump - different from the small input window where J.HP comes out instead of bodysplash if you attempt bodysplash too early in the jump’s ascent or too late in the jump’s descent.

I’m thinking body splash only works when Hugo is going down from his jump. I don’t think you can input it “too late” considering YSB is notorious for his deep body splash -> SA3s, and I mean like down to Necro’s shins deep. Otherwise I’m not sure what to say. I’ve never had this happen to me whenever I played Hugo.

No, you can do it very easily in the jump’s ascent.

I do deep bodysplash all the time too, which is one of the reasons I’ve noticed the J.HP priority window over bodysplash at certain heights (I’m talking deeper than deep in the case of the jump’s descent).

It happens extremely rarely, just one of those things I live with haha.

Got it down, thx.
My mistake was to “piano” the super, the held button must be the one used to activate the super.
Denjin works the same, stupid me…

Ah okay, my mistake then.

Haha, didn’t know you can hold EX Giant palm bomber too.

Someone please ask YSB about this :smiley:
I studied his vids and I realized that his Hammer Mountain is DEFINITELY different.
If you look at the distance traveled during the super in HIS videos, and then try your own SA3, you will see that he definitely travels further during his super, getting all 5 hits. That’s why his claps are so deadly…


this video is showing specifically what youre talking about.

from doing some testing it seems as though you must hold the punch button for a bit but not enough to where he starts running too much. yuuki and i got hugo to go farther by holding the punch button just until the super flash ends. i think it says you must hold the button for 2 frames. correct me if im wrong someone (aku).

wow this is excatly what i was asking, I knew there was something different. Thanks a lot.
But I did some testing according to what you said (holding the punch for a fraction longer) and it didnt work for me…
It just made Hugo delay the super long enough that they could block it.
If they put this option of a long range SA3 into the game INTENTIONALLY, I think 2 frames is too tight of a timeframe

I can do it pretty consistently now. you want to hold the button for just a split second after the super freeze.

i believe that by 2 frames we are talking about 3rd strike frames. as in hammer frenzy takes 4 frames to come out so youre holding the button for 2. not that tight of a timeframe. keep practicing and im sure youll get it.

Its strange that nobody was aware of this option, because having a long range SA3 makes quite a big difference… You can clap at max range and still combo into SA3.

Eh? Sidewinder and I both said about doing exactly this around the start of the thread.

I need to test this again because it occurred to me that the problem could be some kind of accummulated push-back in pokes which works in conjunction with the held/unheld versions of SA3 which have been discussed in this thread. When I was doing the point-blank cancels in to SA3, perhaps I was inadvertantly storing pushback just before that somehow.

(For an example of what I mean by accummulated push-back, do HP Clap, MP Clap, LP Clap, then some kara LP Claps, then stop and watch how far away from the opponent Hugo jerks in pushback… he flies across half of the screen as soon as you stop.)

Watching the vid again, it seems the real range gain happens on 2nd or third hit, which make me think each hit may have the same ‘hold button to go farther’ properties?

i have been trying it but i can’t get the “different version” of the hammer mountain as seen in the video.
I just get a slight extended range that comes from his run (holding down punch), instead of getting an entire different version of the super (as shown on the video).
This is clear to me because the extended range is nothing like the video.

Made some tests, Ryan is right. You need to hold button after the superfreeze for min 3 frames and max 6 frames.
I get the exact same position shown in the video.

Thank you to you both. I now have the answer for exactly what I asked in the OP. I thought before that Hugo as a character didn’t have many difficult or strict combos (outside of various gigas setups), but now with this, I guess not all of Hugo inputs are so simple after all.

It’s not difficult, once you’ve done it a few times you’ll probably rarely miss it again. And is there a reason why you’re ignoring me?