You're Puny Like BANNER! (MvC3 Hulk Combo Thread)

…why are most of these combos not written from left to right?


I think this thread needs to be cleaned up, it’s not helping anyone in its current state. There are a lot of unoptimized combos in here, many of which have been posted several times or require really specific assists. The Hulk has only a few combos worth doing; if those combos are compiled in the first post, new players would know what to practice.

Agreed. Some of these combos are just for showing off, since the damage rate scales down after a certain amount of hits. I’ll start posting the most useful combos to be used in matches in my first post this week…

Awesome, thanks man :slight_smile:

I don’t know if anyone has found this out yet, but after say, a standard j.:h: j.:s: :m: :s: j.:m: :m: :h: :s:, you can do a Gamma Charge before you do a Gamma Tsunami to get more hits.


Found it out today during training.

Yeah it’s just another way of moving Hulk a little bit forward. Most of players use jump canceled dash to do this.

Good to know though.

found another pretty easy combo that does huge damage

needs dr.doom (hidden missile), 1 meter, no xf, corner

s.L -> s.M xx H charge AA (all hits) -> j.H follow up -> s.L -> s.M -> S+Assist (missiles start)-> j.M -> j.M -> j.H -> j.S -> (missiles hit OTG) s.M xx GAMMA CRUSH

does around 850k damage

the first j.M has to hit early otherwise dooms missiles hit in the air and not OTG as they are supposed to do
but you can let one j.M out and the missiles hit 100% OTG (830k damage)

you can do some variations and start with a jump in but than the second s.M wiffs after s.L (after AA gamma charge) at least if you jump in with j.H
but if you let the second s.L out , s.M connects and gives you a 851k combo

a variation of this combo might also work midscreen…but sometimes dooms missiles just dissappear if i do the combo…seems to be a bug

What is the optimal version of this combo? the one that can be considered his bnb off of the gamma charge?
And also, can the :l: and :m: in the beginning be ommitted if this is used as an anti air to catch a jumping opponent?

In the corner I’ve been using j.:h: c.:h::s:, sj.:h::s:, Shulk torpedo assist (or other OTG), j.:h::s:, walk forward, c.:h::s:, sj.:h::s:, gamma wave xx gamma crush.

I can’t remember offhand what this does, but it’s a shit-ton on damage for one meter. I don’t know if it’s on par with Reinhart’s, but it’s pretty good.

Edit: it’s 930k

Also found this midscreen:
:m::s:~immediate sj.:h::s:, She-Hulk torpedo+dash~jump cancel~land immediate j.:h::s: : Now this is the base for the combo, it leaves them in a floor bounce, which you can finish in a few ways:

-:h: charge for 4 hits xx Crush: Let them fall about halfway down from the bounce before you Gamma charge :h:. This can be done anywhere for 778.3K.

-If you land in the corner, you can c.:h::s: sj.:h::s:, Gamma wave :h: xx Crush for 862K. This covers a lot of distance so you’ll get corner a lot.

-You can also do :h: for 497.3K. Pretty bad damage, but you can catch techs for a Tornado throw corner reset.

I’m also messing around with some AA charge air throw reset stuff too. I’ll update when I get a chance.

I’m doing it with Wesker’s assist and it deals 852k :\


Oh, I’m sorry. Accidentally my damage was set to low :0

On Sentinel it deals amazing 946k :smiley: (953.600 if you add one j.M)
Great idea Brahma!

It’s really easy and I think it works on every character though on smaller ones like Zero it’s gettin a little bit tricky and it’s probably better idead to stick with standard corner combo (885k)

Corner Combo, character specific, you gain meter, you can do it from a whole screen away, 948,000 damage


Dash, Jump, air :l:, air :h:, air :m:, Jump, air :h:, air :m:, C. :h:, :dp::h:, after 5th hit: :h:, C. :h:, :s:, Jump, air :m:, air :m:, air :h:, air :s:, Charge(:b:) :f::h:, :qcb::h::m:

That’s a good one, but it’s character specific and doesn’t work on a lot of people because the j.:l::h::m: only hits tall characters.

I’d like to share another Hulk/Wesker/Taskmaster combo with you, and this time I think I’ve reached my limit. This corner combo is a variation of my previous combo with these 3. It does 1,100,600 damage and builds exactly 2 bars of meter before the Gamma Crush. Perhaps the most damaging 1 meter combo in the game? I have no idea but it must be close.

j.:h:, call Task H. Shot assist, :h:, Gamma Charge H (Anti Air), followup H, cr.:h:, :s:, j.:m:, j.:m:, j.:h:, j.:s:, call Wesker OTG assist, meaty cr.:h:, :s:, j.:h:, j.:s:, Gamma Wave H, Gamma Crush.

This works on everyone but for MODOK you need to replace the standing :h: with cr.:h:; you lose 17k but he’s still a dead MODOK. Also, when it comes to Viewtiful Joe, after the first launcher as you’re going up to combo him you need to move backwards in the air just a bit. If you don’t do this then you will be too close to his little hitbox in the corner and Wesker’s gun won’t hit him. I made a video showcasing the combo and these two tweaks. [media=youtube]7GiLu5c7fIk"[/media]

how come this thread isn’t stickied?

I got 1,019,600 Damage using Reinhart’s combo but subbing Arthur daggers and Shulk torpedo for his assists.

Also got Tornado throw, dash, Shulk OTG, j. :h::s:, walk forward, c.:h::s:, sj.:m::m:slight delay:s:, :h:Wave, Crush. This works from corner to corner, the only tricky parts are the walk forward after ground bounce and slight delay sj.:s:, which are needed to get you close enough for :h:wave, Crush. And you do need the :h: wave as it’s the most reliable for this combo. Does 649,100 Damage to cap, slightly different #s on diff characters. Tested vs. Sent, Ammy, and Cap. Not sure if it works with other OTGs

This is nice because you can do it from a corner TT and carry them all the way to the other side. If you are midscreen, you can usually finish with sj.:m::m::h::s: wave xx crush in the corner.

Awesome, dude, I think the best thing about this combo is it works with really any fast projectile assist and OTG assist so it allows for some diversity in character selection. I think it’s important to know for anyone who doesn’t already that not all midscreen OTG combos work with any OTG assists, whether it be because of lack of range or speed. As a matter of fact I couldn’t get almost any of my Wesker midscreen OTGs off of j.:m:, j.:m:, j.:s: with any other assists, so just throwing that out there.

Also, that’s a pretty tight combo, and I dunno if you saw but we were talking about gamma waves in the corner. I personally have been using :h: in all my combos just cause I got used to it, but :l: is probably the best version in the corner since it comes out faster and you get the same hits and damage. I still need to get used to it myself.

Good shit, I always love combos that bring people to the corner, that’s where Hulk has his happy fun time! :slight_smile:

I figured I would transcribe the combos in trag13’s videos since it hasnt been done yet here…

j.:m:, :l:, c.:m: xx :dp::h:~:h:, j.:l:, j.:m:, j.:m:, land, :l:, c.:h:, :s:, sj.:m:, j.:m:, j.:h:, j.:s:, land, :b:(charge), :f::h:, 586,600 dmg

:l:, c.:m: xx :dp::h:~:h:, j.:l:, j.:m:, j.:m:, land, :l:, c.:h:, :s:, sj.:m:, j.:m:, j.:h:, j.:s:, land, :b:(charge), :f::l:, :qcb::atk::atk:, 800,600 dmg

:l:, c.:h: xx :dp::l:~:m:, land, j.:l:, j,:m:, j.:s:, land, walk up, c.:h:, :s:, sj.:h:. j.:s:, land, dash, :qcf::atk::atk:, 714,700 dmg

:hcb::m:(mash!), j.:l:, j.:m:, j.:m:, land, c.:h: xx :dp::h:~:h:, c.:h:, :s:, sj.:h:, j.:s:, land, :dp::atk::atk:, 615,500 dmg

Full credit goes to trag13 of course

Playing about with Hulk & Doom [media=youtube]t4oYMSLDA2s&feature=channel_video_title[/media]

Mid screen you can do:

j.:h: j.:s: :m: :s:+doom hidden missiles, j:m: j:m: j:h: :s:, gamma charge cancel into gamma crush
762,400 dmg

You can do this one in the corner (same combo minus one j:m:, also after air s there is a delay as seen in the video)

j.:h: j.:s: :m: :s:+doom hidden missiles, j:m: j:h: :s:, gamma crush
758,300 damage

edit: wrong thread.
on topic though: I’ve been playing around with j.L instant overhead, and that’s a pretty fun way to start combos if you can actually find a way to use it. j.L j.H j.S c.H S into whatever you want is nice IIRC.

Cool I didn’t know about that instant overhead. You can combo it into the combos I posted above

That Doom combo in the corner is not really that useful as Hulk can otg by himself (and I believe damage is also better). Also in the corner combos go with c.:h: instead of :m: for more damage.