You seen Coming to America? What if that guy was also Batman? - Black Panther General Discussion

This is what I got for him

My Black Panther users. Donā€™t give up. As tricky and unorthodox as Tā€™Challa is in comparison to the rest of the cast, rest easy in the fact that Tā€™Challa tech is being worked on. He CAN work. In fact, all the videos posted so far are awesome. Theyā€™re not only good for combos but they are going beneath the surface of how to even play effectively with him. Keep grinding it out. After playing a session today, I noticed that wall bounce into wall cling cancel creates some really insane mixups for the character. Combine that with the fact that his j.HP is a fantastic crossup, and I can start to see what he can truly do. Heā€™s going to be a bitch to block. The only thing that completely halts his movement outright are Reality Stone users and characters that can set up traps on the ground like Rocket and Dorm. Other than that, his speed is blowing past anyone. Iā€™m liking him a lot but Iā€™d be lying if I didnā€™t want to give up his wall cling loops. But itā€™s fun going through this grind.

Wall bounce? Power stone?

Smart man. I was working with power and time stone. It just caters to his literal off the wall stuff.

Seems the general consensus is heā€™s gonna need Reality Stone though. Think thatā€™s overblown?

Made a BnB video for Panther, combos pretty much work anywhere on screen, notations are in the description.

Only reason why that is is because Reality Stone caters to EVERY character. Whatā€™s not to like with Reality? The stone also benefits BPā€™s side switch wall cross combos. I just donā€™t want to use Reality for every team out there. But Iā€™d be lying if I said Reality didnā€™t fit BP very well.

How much health does he have?

9000 health, You really canā€™t afford to get hit ever with him.

After spending half a day with him i can definitely say he needs Reality Stone to even remotely be a threat. RS can save you if you screw up on your rush most of the time and it also stops the player from doing stuff momentarily.

It does get a little dumb though. There were at times when both of us respected each others reality stones a bit too much and the clocks was running down to the 30ā€™s. I understand its part of the game but I do feel Reality Stone just messes up the neutral. Its not perfect, you can beat it in many ways but mostly its just OP.

Wow seriously? I would have never expected him to have below average health. People were expecting him to be like wolverine but he actually seems quite differentā€“and not in a good way. Was interested in playing him with Strider but not feeling a glass cannon team. Weird he has less health than Gamora and Ms. Marvel.


So in neutral:
1.Black Panther will be fishing for a crossup j.HP from a wall dive. In the case he gets stuffed, he can tag for the side switch mixup. He can also dive cancel if he thinks the opponent will try to stuff it.
2. His dive cancel might as well be treated like Zeroā€™s downward teleport. A simple naked jump into the downward dash catches people standing up, which you can then go for the low.
3. Reality stone does appear to be the answer. Projectiles just naturally help with his approach, especially his wall bounce mixups.


These are the times when Black Panther plays. Take a look to see the overall gameplan. A lot of tag tech with Strange. Also, something that people underestimate a lot but the standing jab tech that Nova and Spencer incorporate is very effective with him too with how fast his comes out. And itā€™s rapid fire.

Important: 1:36:36 what the fuck happens here?
These are my personal BnBā€™s that Iā€™ve pretty much settled in on. As weā€™ve all been finding out Panther takes time, practice and good execution to be solid with but I think thereā€™s more tech to be found for sure. The wall cling cancels are easily the toughest part to his combos. Once you get that down(I still donā€™t have em 100%) than that opens up more possibilities. Yes I do know my midscreen combo can be optimized a bit more but as I said these are BnBā€™s for me since Iā€™m having trouble dashing in after Predator Arts for an OTG normal. Hopefully this helps somebody out with a BnB of their own or gives someone some ideas

Black panther is so execution heavy. The thing is, heā€™s never been in a fighting game, so thereā€™s most likely black panther fans that are newcomers to mvc and running themselves ragged trying to master arguably the hardest, most execution heavy character in mvci. It doesnā€™t even result in higher damage. Wakanda forever but I canā€™t do this anymore.

Not gonna lie. Yesterday is the first time I genuinely considered giving up as well. Zero/Sigma or Zero/Thanos was looking mighty appealingā€¦

Apparently, even Desk agrees that BP has the most difficult combos in the game.

I hate that my 1st analysis off NY Comic Con footage was pretty spot-on. :disappointed:

Yeah more power to you fellas, and Iā€™m big on playing a cool brotha character, but Iā€™m not a kid anymore or a pro gamer. I donā€™t have time to grind high execution techniques in a video game. Plus Iā€™m not feeling the low health thing. Iā€™m moving on to Gamora.

And like Nemoking said, heā€™s a very weird choice in terms of deciding to make a character high execution. If anything heā€™s one of the characters most likely to attract a casual. And as much as people joked about it,with Wolverine being gone it did make sense to give him a similar play style.

BP in Mvci is one of those situations where it was best to follow the KISS principle.

Giving Thanos/BP a try. I feel with Thanosā€™s high durability projectile and huge damage that he can help BP get in and also capitalize off stray random hits BP can land.

If that doesnā€™t work, Iā€™ll try Gamora/BP since she instantly gets him in free (though I donā€™t know what iā€™m supposed to do when im in lol).

If neither works, I quit. Zero/Thanos until they buff him.