You seen Coming to America? What if that guy was also Batman? - Black Panther General Discussion

Not every character can be Dante for pretty obvious reasons, cmon now.

I bought the game for panther. If capcom didn’t care enough to make his pure brawling a viable playstyle or couldn’t care enough to research what kind of tools he has in the comics and cartoons, I’ll just trade in my copy.

That’s not what I said.

Dante is faithful to his character, Black Panther deserves the same treatment. That’s what I said.

Dante isn’t limited to sword slashes, Strider isnt limited to sword slashes, Zero isnt limited to sword slashes, Gamora isnt limited to sword slashes, Ironman isnt limited to Unibeams, Arthur isn’t limited to lances, Chris isnt limited to his pistol, Haggar isnt limited to wrestling moves, i can go on & on really. BP should’ve gotten that same respect.

Dante retains his DMC3 moves partly as a gimmick in and of itself, almost like ‘dare’ and internal homage to their own product. Zero is similarly made with a kit that adheres to many abilities.

But as others said here we can’t do that with every character. And BP is not commonly known for all those abilities. This is what I call the ‘Issue X’ fallacy that makes versus debates online so dumb:

Most people will talk about what a character is COMMONLY known to do. So if we’re talking Superman we’re talking strength, flight, laser eyes, super breath (his offensive stuff, telescopic and xray can be ignorer). I would bet Capcom would be thrilled translating these mainstream known abilities.

But then comes a smart-ass who will reference ‘Issue X’, where Superman learned how to hypnotize people because of his kryptonian irises. That is, canonically, true. But it is also some silly thing a writer on that run pulled out of his ass for that plot. So when talking Supes vs Goku, smartass will bring up an Issue X ability that will be responded with some oscure thing Goku did in a manga 30yrs ago and convo ends.

When most people think BP, they’re almost certainly thinking a badass tribal warrior of his people. That would inform his playstyle because Capcom’s thinking the same thing. They’re not gonna Issue X BP and have his jet, mech, Wakandan tech, personal bodyguards, and african gods pop in for is kit.

Wolverine is an expert of many firearms and melee weapons - NOBODY was Issue X’ing him in 20yrs of Marvel Vs games.

@“Kalyx triaD” I simply disagree.

BP’s #1 signature is his claws, but that’s extremely surface of the character, and when people say that’s all he has, they’re speaking from a place of ignorance.

Black Panther’s Vibranium suit, his energy weapons, the Panther Jet and the Dora Milaje, aren’t some one-off/obscure/‘Issue X’ that happened one time in a comicbook. They’re prevalent aspects of BP that mainstream audiences will have strong knowledge of very soon, since all of these things are in his upcoming movie; and his movie is why Black Panther is in MVCI after all. So why not showcase cool elements of the movie in the game?

And speaking of Wolverine, you’re going to extremes with the firearms & melee weapons to try to prove your point. The true secondary ability for Logan is Healing Factor. Capcom should’ve kept Healing Factor in the VS games. He’s more than claws also.

Does BP dig into his bag of tricks as often as Superman uses his various abilities?

I ask this to everyone. Because we all know the answer to this. And movie BP will not do much more than punch, kick, slash, and flip about. Just as he does in the game. Just as people know him for.

And the Wolverine example was apt; he does know weapons and he’s still known for claw attacks. Nobody wants to see Logan use a machine gun for half a movie. Cap is a soldier, could technically play exactly like Chris and Gamora. But no; Captain America uses a shield. His gameplay will be shield attacks and nod to his agility.

You can disagree but everything about how these characters have been built so far falls in line. If I was tasked with designing a character’s kit, which I did for fun years ago (MvC3), I’d stick close to the most known version of the character abilities to build an archetype.

BP kicks and scratches things. I know he does more, I’d add daggers myself, but he primarily kicks and scratches things.

@“Kalyx triaD”

Black Panther is more comparable to Batman than Superman. They’re both elite martial artists and master tacticians.

Oh you have no idea :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Capcom could’ve done more with BP, plain & simple. And it will be more apparent to common folk in the very near future.

I don’t know why you’re ignoring that not only did I state that BP does have many resources, but I even mentioned a few. I ‘have an idea’.

My point is why that doesn’t matter. And if Marvel’s past games are any indication, there will not be an outcry once his movie comes out. There’s no precedent for that.

@“Kalyx triaD” it doesn’t matter to **you **.

Actual fans of Black Panther, however, notice these omissions & missed opportunities to his character in the game. Black Panther fans are the ones largely expected to pay $7.99 after all.

And I’m not saying there will be a big outcry against MVCI when the movie comes out, I’m saying that there will be people, who play fighting games, saying to themselves “I wish BP did that in MVCI because that was damn cool.”

I really don’t understand why there’s a defense here to make Black Panther less authentic lol. So many characters in MVCI are true to form, doing some of the most outrageous things. But when it comes to BP, there’s all these excuses and reasons to be conservative about his playstyle. Meanwhile Frank West is leveling up plungers, shopping cart supers and throwing zombies… & Gamora is wielding two pistols, sword, daggers, & a giant laser gun… Lol

Oh this is an ‘actual fans’ kind of argument. Let me go get a T’Challa tattoo so my point carries weight.

I’m not making a case for less authenticity. I’m explaining why things like this happen in this game, and really in any licensed game about any comic character. Name a character and I will tell you what they are missing from Issue X. None of them are actually ‘true to form’, even Dante with all those moves is still a shell of his DMC3 self.

Listen, my top guy is Thor. I could write an essay about what he should be able to do in this game. And being that he’s also royalty, I could also start throwing out crazy assists with Valkyrie and whatever. But in MvCi - he’s a meathead with some hilarious armored attacks. Because that’s the archetype; heavy hitter. Thor is more than a guy who hits things with his hammer - but as far as most people are concerned he’s literally a guy who hits things with his hammer. So when Capcom gets their shot to adapt him, they’re not gonna flip thru Issue X for that one time he curved the hammer in a way that would make for a tricky projectile. No. He big and hits things really really hard.

I’m not making excuses, BP is not my kid, creation, or anything. I just had this conversation before about other comic games with people and I always end up saying the same thing about mainstream perceptions and character design.

Dude. Black panther has mastered all forms of armed and unarmed combat. He only uses his claw to cut things and kill. When he’s not kicking and punching his go to weapons are leathal/non lethal intangible energy daggers that can be thrown as projectiles. He’s also a tech expert and has some mystical powers.

I don’t know why you’re arguing that he should only be a claw guy.

Because that’s the first thing people will think; martial arts claw guy.

I’m done. I’m not in the habit of repeating myself.

@“Kalyx triaD”

Imagine your top guy, Thor, in MVC, but he only had Hammer attacks. No lightning attacks. Just Hammer attacks, he gets to throw his hammer, and possibly flight…that’s what they did to Black Panther in this game. Thor’s lightning isn’t an “Issue X”, his lightning powers isn’t a one-time thing, it’s integral to his character and happens ALOT in all other media. The same can be said about Black Panther’s special suit/Vibranium & Wakanda tech.

And the reason why things like this happen to licensed characters in videogames is because of subpar research & development. I can say with great confidence that Black Panther is one of the most undersold characters in MVCI. He’s a Wolverine/X23 replacement and nothing more in MVCI, which shouldn’t be the case.

For neutering the character, those wall clings and rekkas better be godly

Thor’s the god of thunder, he’s doing lightning stuff.

BP is an african ninja dressed like a cat. He kicks and scratches. Hyper armored rekkas would be interesting, and I already said he should have the daggers.

But I already explained myself.

@“Kalyx triaD” “Ninja” :lol: :lol: :lol:

Someone made a “fix” mega man x thread and X has busters coming out his ass. Ungratefuls

“B-B-but he just scratches. Capcom always gets it right” :lol:

Why are you strawmanning my argument? Why are you even this invested in an ‘explanation’. I didn’t even give you my opinion yet. Like… what are you on right now? Smiley faces and shit. Wow.

“B b but”? Do you think I’ve defended anything here? For what? I’ll pull an oldschool discourse approach:

YOU explain to ME what my argument is. This is a good way to highlight contentions and misunderstandings. Because you’re clearly triggered by something when all I did was explain why things happened the way they did.

He does some glaring issues with his kit. He ‘double up’ gimmick is nice but bizarrely doesn’t link to his main buster. And he really should keep his charge from air to ground.

The difference is they’re probably making a gameplay case, whereas this thread went on about why BP doesn’t have his jet.