You May Be of Some Use to Me: The Dr Doom Team thread

I agree, though I only got to see him in the Grand Finals last night. I had not previously thought about the fact that Doom can easily pick people up off the ground after Haggar’s lariat. Unfortunately, I really don’t like Haggar and I don’t feel like that assist is anywhere near as good as some people seem to think.

Maybe it’s the team I use, but all three of my characters seem to be very good at blowing up Haggar assist. Hulk can stand out of Haggar’s range pretty easily and just s.:h:, while Doom basically does the same thing Chris G was doing - crouch beneath and blow him up after he whiffs. Dante’s long range and very low crouching stance allows him to do both of these methods.

Was watchign some of Eddie Lee and Timothy’s play from a month back and Doom seems to benefit a lot from Haggar Assist. I want to use a team with this in it, but dont know who to put in that last spot,

C viper

I guess I could try spencer but i’m not very experienced with him and I dont want to learn a new character just to try a new team. RYU/Hulk seem like good choices for DHC options but, i’m missing an OTG assist with both in order to do relaunch combos (with ryu/hulk obviously). guess i could always use wesker but that might get boring fast… suggestions? any other assists that work similar to the way haggar lariat and spencer horizontal shot knock an opponent down?

just do doom/haggar/phoenix

edit* that actually sounds kinda good… i may try it out

I am curious to try Diet’s Phoenix.
I have been playing Doom/X/Haggar for a while and I say Doom may need Haggar as much as Wolv his BFF.
I feel Doom is best in spot 2 not least for his great assists to the first character.

The team I play now is the Dorm/Doom/Haggar
Teams I think will be great :

Really just STier/Doom/Haggar.

Does anyone feel a Doom without Haggar is playable at all? I could use some variety. I currently abuse Haggar for corner mixups and countering Wolvie.

Of course he is playable. He is a great character with a variety of assists. Haggar just lets it be a little easier because of the hard knockdown and Doom’s OTG capabilities. My main team right now is X-23/Ammy/Doom and I really like ammy’s cold star assist with Doom because it can lock someone down while I try to apply some mixup.

Just give Doom some type of lockdown assist and he’s very playable. The only thing he’s really missing on point is something to help him lock people down long enough to employ his high low mix up without having to rely on dash cancelling through advance guards. Which using assists can help make the dash cancels stronger also post assist also since the opponent knows you’re going to be staying in even when the assist is gone…

wouldn’t the quintessential team for Doom on point be Ammy and Haggar?
Doom (B) Ammy (B) Haggar (A)

It would be good, but I dont see ammy/haggar as being much use to eachother. Doom-a/Haggar-a/Phoenix-a is the truth though.

looks like a liability if Phoenix is killed off quick leaving you with only Doom/Hag. The thing that makes a phoenix team good is the ability to not have to completely rely on phoenix. Clockwork is a perfect example, if his phoenix dies off he’s fine because he has two competent characters left. Richard Nyugen uses a similiar make up to yours with his Dante/Hag/Phoenix but I don’t necessarily agree with it because of snapbacks.

Yes, I was messing around with his team with Doom on point, but I really didn’t like that I had to rely on offense and I could get rushed down pretty damn easily. Using Doom/Haggar allows me to atleast make my opponent more scared of just blind rushdown. Hag/Doom is ok… Doom’s plasma beam really helps Haggar get in. too bad doom/haggar can’t DHC glitch together :confused:

cant haggar do his command launcher into rapid fist to trigger dhc glitch? then doom can just finger lazer and wait for him to fall and otg with standing h.

anyways i was wondering what you guys think of my team spencer(y)/sentinel(a)/doom(b)

I wish doom could whiff photon array to DHC glitch but one fucking pesky finger laser always hits the opponent before they hit the ground.Whats so annoying is that its only one.Doom/Haggar was so damn close to being able to do DHC glitch.

thinking about replacing Ammy with Dante for the purpose of a lockdown assist since he compliments Haggar even better. This team composition was mentioned earlier but I just realized it is pretty badass.

Doom (A) /Dante (A) /Haggar (A)
Seems solid. And depending on matchup I could switch Dante on point.

@Mexican: sounds like a pretty good team. I’ve seen something similiar to it in which a japanese player uses Spen/Hulk/Doom


wow that guy has a crazy spencer and hulk…

theres so many misinformed people in this thread i can’t possibly post in it. i would have to write several essays on Doom at that point. some people have touched on the right idea but many are just so unaware of how to maximize potential. i need to learn how to make concise posts before i try and say anything here.

Then why post?

Because i hope to change your minds about how to play this game. its a difficult goal to achieve but i think if i make it as logical as possible eventually people will agree. Theres a right way and a wrong way. the right way is the most efficient way possible and the wrong way is more arbitrary. thats why i can tell that I am better then most people here.

I’ve been running Haggar (Lariat) / Tron (Fire) / Doom (Missiles) for… since the game came out pretty much and eventually it became clear that these three characters have top tier assists, leaving them individually popular anchors just for their assist. The problem is they struggle without good assists.

Putting all three of them on a team together gives each of them access to very useful tools in a way I think works quite well… I’ve talked about how Haggar and Doom go great together in the past, mainly because Lariat covers many of Doom’s defensive weaknesses and opens up a lot of opportunities for mixups leading into hard knockdown OTG combos. Tron does this as well to an extent, but not nearly as well as Haggar does (potentially Doom’s BFF). She doesn’t help Doom much in any other way other than she is a universally great assist, but she does benefit from the OTG properties of Missiles.

Another great thing I like about my team is that both Haggar and Tron are rushdown/grapplers, so having Missiles covering them to set up blockstun traps into command grabs is useful in mixups. Also, calling missiles intelligently helps slow down the game and give time for both Haggar and Tron to get in, or breaks up combos if Haggar or Tron get punished (as they have generally slow normals and unsafe approaches).

Doom also helps the team out because of his variety of projectiles and good use of meter that Haggar and Tron build. Tron can use her meter but when she does, it’s normally in a bnb that builds 2.5 bars in itself. Tron can also DHC glitch into Doom seen here:

also, the combined team health is around 3.4 million, so doom gets tons of meter just from having haggar and tron die lol.

and lastly a sloppy preliminary video of some team tech showing how much damage haggar or tron can get using doom as an OTG. a clean pipe hit with 1 bar in the beginning of the round can kill an 800k health char iirc, and kill up to 900k with a DHC into lunch rush i think… a throw at the start of the round with tron on point can kill 1.2 mil characters using tron->haggar DHC glitch i think, i just whiffed the aerial rave to body press combo in the vid :x

…are you trolling or an ego maniac? just curious, both can be entertaining :smiley:

On topic: After seeing Clockw0rk’s recent performance on WNF with Doom on point and Ammy assisting, I’ve decided to give the doomster another shot. I’m not interested in running Phoenix, but there’s probably some other good candidates for the 3rd spot on a Doom/Ammy/___ team.
Maybe Tron or could toss in Zero as 1st or 2nd. Any ideas from people more familiar with Doom?

  • haggar for free combo off of lariat.

  • someone with a low assist for “unblockable” set ups. (I like wesker personally, especially since doom beam helps assist well)

  • dante for weasel shot or the pillar thingy assist.

  • hulk - i like hulk because if you are using doom, then AA gamma crush helps keep people off you while you zone. Additionally, doom helps build meter for hulk who really knows how to use it. all 3 of doom’s assists help hulk extend combos,(but that can be said for any character i guess.) and their costumes match, which is most important to me :slight_smile: