Challenging? Yes. Tiring? Never!
Darn and i found a pretty sweet color scheme for my team recently to. Arthur/Hawkeye/Doom in all Red. That was badass.
Challenging? Yes. Tiring? Never!
Darn and i found a pretty sweet color scheme for my team recently to. Arthur/Hawkeye/Doom in all Red. That was badass.
You efforts were not in vain, friend. While I think Arthur’s best position is second, and run him there, I have the utmost respect for all point Arthur players. Now I shall carry the flag, albeit online, into battle as well.
So many scrubs to slay, so little time.:badboy:
I use my PS3 for Netflix and UMvC3. Totally worth every penny IMO.
Ill remember you always D:
Even though i had a love/hate relationship with it, i’m Kinda missing the harsh battlefield that is marvel now.
One ritual i always had before hitting the Gym at night, is to first start with some strong coffee, and then play 8-12 ranked marvel matches. Sure i’d kick some ass at first and do well, but inevitably i’d start running into those damned Capt and Hulk users and you know how that can be.
Nothing fires ya up to pump some iron like a barrel of salt! :tup:
You’re right but for me it did seem kinda wasteful having a nice set-up and only ever playing one game on it.
Used old model X-Boxes seem to go for pretty cheap as of late, so later on when i’m doing better i could always grab one of those and get the game again. So its bye for now but i could always pop back in.
Also while i’ve fallen out of touch with gaming, i definitely want to get the next Hokuto No Ken 2 game…eventually. So thats more incentive.
My Arthur training partner? Selling his Xbox? I will hold the point Arthur flag while your gone. When you come back, we are running sets and next time YOU will be the one that will be destroyed
Anyway, I think my main team (Arthur MorriDoom) has gotten a little better now that I found that both of my other characters TAC infinites are piss easy. So that makes my Arthur combos build x500 more meter and I can kill a character as Arthur. Sadly Morrigans infinite is corner only and only down TAC.
I’ve been starting to play Arthur on point (generally with Doom backing him up) and he’s real I can tell ya that. I’ve always wanted to play him on point because many times I would blow XF with Haggar, then Arthur comes in with no XF and no assists, but some he would still win the day. I’m thinking him 2nd would be better tho, with a good battery on point. That way he has meter for GB or Gold Armor.
Has anyone tried out Stider with Arthur? I’ve been trying that out against characters with very good air mobility, and I’m starting to like it more than missiles since it brings them back to the ground, which is needed since Arthur has a tough time hitting the top of the screen.
Missiles versus Vajra is highly subjective. Missiles gives greater lockdown, breaks combos easily, and is easier to convert off of for most characters. Vajra is faster, knocks down, and comes with a much better anchor.
I’m surprised no one has mentioned Jam Session. I ran Sent/Arthur/Dante for a while, and that was insane. The vertical coverage and pushback from Jam Session is perfect for Arthur. It also helps that Arthur can always switch places with Dante and still form a solid shell.
I love Vajra. It’s great for rushing, the assist tends to be really safe, and you can DHC from Gold Armor to Legion to get Strider backed by gold Dagger Toss, which is vicious.
Having played him on point from the start of marvel 3 i continue to push the power of point arthur. Come back from your strange land soon good sir knight! The table will remember!
Sorry it took me a few days to get out of the clouds haha.
Yes I like strider assist for arthur so much that I can’t play my point arthur without him now. It’s actually great for combos/resets too. When chucking stuff and calling vajra you don’t ussually get anything off the knockdown but it is pretty hard to get past. The problem is I can’t play any of the characters that I feel work best in the Arthur/???/Strider team. I’d say Doom, Dante, and Strange would work very well as middle. There are a few assist that cover Arthur’s invincible heavenly slash very well like Nemesis Launcher slam and Dog’s cold star. Arthur is actually very difficult to block with cold star too, but your team could end up averaging very low life and damage with these two. I think Arthur/Doom/Ammy could work well though.
Ah yes, the loop is j.MMS xx 236L.
Sad thing is it turned out i didn’t really need to sell it in the end, but eh, always better safe than sorry i guess. Thought about fishing around for a cheap-o original model(that won’t die on me lol), and sticking one of my spare 16GB USB drives on it as storage(flash memory works pretty well on xbox), but i’ll just lay off it for the time being.
“I’ll return to terrorize you one day, Steelgutteyyyyyy!!!”
Thing with Marvel is, its not like Street fighter where you can go a bit without playing. UMVC3 is such a unforgiving game where you’ve got to keep training and be on your toes at all times. Going a solid week or so without playing? And you’re covered in rust when you get back lol.
Anyway, something “new” i learned with Arthur near the end is daggers on the ground are very useful for lockdown. Before i always exclusively threw daggers in the air to limit opponent mobility, and lances on the ground because they take up space and they win most projectile fights.
However, against a character without a projectile or at least not a good one, its a good tactic to throw daggers in the air, timing your decent and their release, then landing and throwing 3 more right after. Very useful.
I learned this with Hulk when i found out his gamma charge armor is based on hits and not power, and that big green f**** once strolled through a damned GOLDEN LANCE! Afterwards i started using daggers a lot more against Hulk and was able to lock him down much better than lances. That extra dagger makes a difference.
Say, what projectile formations do you guys use, anyway? I always go for ground lances, air crossbow, ground crossbow, and air axe for maximum space control. I NEVER use daggers for some reason.
you defintely want to get daggers into your mix of attacks. they work great for ground spacing, you can charge right behind them with fwd + h. Jump canceled crossbows are always good too, since you can fire down and then immediatly fire two more bolts going up. Think about the scythe too, its nice paired with an assist, especially on incoming characters.
I wanted to see what happened if I gave Arthur dash cancels in H&H…
He actually had a nice dash.
by chance what cards were those? I’d like to see my man with some proper backdashing.
Elektra primary and Vile secondary give the effect. Bonus points if you use “X” to give him an air dash too.
All depends on who you’re up against and what the situation is, such as if they’re trying to approach from the air, ground, zoning, etc.
Different uses for different situations and many snap decisions to make on what to throw.