You lack discipline oh foreign knight! The Arthur Thread

You just gotta love when you’re opponent has no meter and almost killed you with their last hyper and throwing out lances saves you from the barrage of projectiles their tossing you’re way

seriously had a moment like that on ranked where somebody almost killed Naked Arthur with A Shinku Hadouken
poor little arthur barely had any health left but ryu had no bars left so he had to keep using hadoukens to try and use the fight
luckily for me i was able to blast through them all and take him down using the lances

What do you guys use for X-Factor kill combos? I liked MrBGuy’s Hellbound slash loop on Page 22, but I’m having trouble pulling up the video again. Not 100% sure how to recreate it.

If youre in Gold Armor with XFactor lvl 2 or 3 you can do the Heavenly Slash infinite combo. Just to note In the corner youll actually push yourself out after every slash so by the time you get out of range just cancel into Goddess Bracelet. If youre midscreen, eventually Arthur will cross under his opponent so be sure to remember to input the Heavenly Slash from the other side.

If youre in no armor/regular you can do an easy relaunch combo with Magic Series > [ J.HS > land > Firebottle > Scythe > s.S >] Repeat Depending on lvl of X Factor.
With the next Hellbound Slash buffs im sure theres something you can do with that, I gotta check later.

A little musing after playing my Arthur team for a while now:

Daggers- They fly fast and numerous hits, but aren’t durable, don’t do much damage or stagger upon hit. Best reserved for knocking back an opponent trying to advance in the air. Hulks & ghost rider’s trying to get in for example, a flurry of daggers is very useful to push them away. Only occasionally for ground use. Main purpose: Knock back, especially in the air.

Lances- Not as many can be thrown out as daggers, but they’re wide, durable, nice damage, and stagger the enemy. Best choice when on the ground and can win a projectile fight. Pretty much functions as a melee as well, once the lance comes out it quickly occupies a good bit of space in front of Arthur. Only occasionally good for in the air, daggers should be used instead. Main purpose: Primary ground weapon. Lockdown, damage, close-range, and winning a projectile battle.

Crossbow: About same durability & damage as daggers i think. Good for slight anti-air when used on the ground, and when wanting to attack downward at an angle when jumping. Not as quite as useful as daggers or lances imo. Main purpose: moderate Anti-air & downward attacking to mix things up inbetween lance & dagger usage.

Fire bottle- OTGs, covers the ground to prevent dashing in characters like wolverine & captain america, great for throwing in the air and can act as cover upon landing. Plenty of times when my opponent had me confused so i just started jumping & throwing bottles for a while. Many instances when i was caught on the way down, but the bottle fell and hit him saving arthur from a combo. As well as slight cross-up when Arthur lands first on the other side, and they proceed to attack but forget about the bottle, which lands on them and i can forward+H and launch. Plus mindgames: since fire bottles don’t look all that threatening, i think most opponents seriously underestimate them. Main purpose: OTGs, cover, distractions and mindgames.

Axes- Awesome! Durable, nice damage and stagger on hit. Thrown in air to occupy space as well as knocking back airborne enemies who get a little too close. . Most players seem to find the axe intimidating and won’t try anything as long as they’re out and close by. Staple tactic of mine is jumping back and throwing an axe+projectile assist, then landing and quickly throwing lances. If axe hits a jumping character often my projectile assist(Ryu fireball)and lances will also connect. **Main purpose: ** Occupying space making opponent afraid to jump.

Scythe & SRK swordslash- I never use these and fail to see their usefulness. I’d rather just throw out lances if an enemy is close and combo that into the bracelet upon hitting. And as far as i can tell in training mode, Arthur can’t recover fast enough for forward+H or launch, upon landing the Scythe hit which sucks. Only goddess bracelet. Meh.

Overall, i use mostly lances & axes. Should probably use crossbow more.

Golden armor? Best forget about it for the most part. Arthur’s normal projectile arsenal is plenty useful enough.

Lastly, it seemed the majority opinion was that Arthur sucks on point and should be used as anchor. I disagree. My Arthur is always on point at the start of every match and can handle himself pretty well, and i’m far from the best Marvel player. I’m sure higher skilled players with better reaction time could do even better with him. He is the MVC2 megaman of this game…only better haha.

I’ll make some comments on what you said and add my own insight.

Daggers and lances: Agreed on general usefulness
but I think it’s matchup dependant.
Against teleporters, don’t use that much daggers, spaced lances and axes tend to do a better job.
against people with good projectiles, you need to use much more lances than daggers
against everyone else, more daggers than lances.

**Crossbow: **It’s in fact as useful or even more useful than lances and daggers, It covers a lot of screen and have a pretty good angle.
I spam it a lot while jumping back for spacing.

**Fire bottle: **agreed.

Axe: agreed, if you’re having time to spam axes with Arthur, then your plan is probably working.

Scythe: mainly as a combo extensor, but can be tricky if used while jumping, generates a free combo once in a while and protects you for a quite long time if done in the right distance, it gets ignored a lot, but have some potential, there are better options almost all the time though.

**Heavenly Slash: **It’s amazing… cuts through everything, even supers at point blank, if you’re in the ground, and they’re getting close, just spam it, they’re likely to eat it… just don’t EVER use it if you don’t have a meter to make it safe afterwards, you can connect level 3 or goddess bracelet from it on reaction.
I get regular happy birthdays with this move into lv3 into Xfactor into 2 dead characters…
use it… and use it a lot, it’s your get out of jail for free card.
It’s awesome used with Xfactor guard cancel, just block anything, xfactor, Heavenly Slash, profit.

**Hellbound Slash: **use it on combos, or just use heavenly slash.

Shield thing: Pretty good fishing for xfactor guard cancels, but too risky to use, this thing should block high attacks also, it’s usefull when trapped in projectiles such as Dormammu’s purification.

**Golden Armour: **Is a desperation move, It raises xfactor 3 bonus from 165% to 200% and makes anchor arthur retarded… I should NEVER be used without xfactor.
It should only be used if the situation is really against you so it’s your only chance, or when you’re sure you can overpower your opponent with xfactored golden lances.
You should use it when you’re totally screwed or in situations you almost already won anyway just to “win more”.
When it’s running out, your mission is make them block or get hit by a golden axe, if you do it properly, the hard knockdown from the armor breaking will not be punished… at least 90% of the cast won’t have a fast enough movement + otg move to get you in a combo if they’re blocking or getting hit by a golden axe when your armour breaks.

If you activate golden armour + xfactor, people will tend to run away and jump back, if they do, spam golden arrows while advancing, and catch them with j.S mixups, if they’re just jumping back without hitting anything, throw a bottle, so they fall in the fire and cannot jump for a split second so you’ll have enough time to setup your mixups.

I dunno how you can use Arthur on point… I tried many different teams, with a lot of different assists and never managed to really make it work… What assists do you use to make a solid point play with him?
As anchor he’s pretty powerful though.

second may be a good position for him in a team as well, he NEEDS meter to be menacing, and is not that good building it on his own.
Arthur on point with less than 3 meters stored and with more than 3 meters stored almost seem like 2 totally different matchups.

Crossbow imo is the best of Arthur’s projectiles for most situations. It’s fast, low commitment, and practical in combos, and the angle from which you fire it in the air lets you win even the toughest projectile wars.

Scythe is strictly for combos. I don’t even get the spacing for how it works, but after OTG Fire bottle, you’re supposed to use Scythe at midrange to pull them into your relaunch. And Heaven Slash actually is an invincible anti-air. It probably should be used more as a reversal or on reaction to some approaches.

I think Arthur as he is now has the tools to outplay anyone on point. For one, he can’t really be outturtled by design, and the J-S buff really helped, and gives him one of the best overheads in the game as well as a mock triangle dash. Also his normals are just GROSS at times. All of his crouching normals are among the best in the game by far imo, and his S+H and F+H beat a lot of things straight up.

Currently I have the most problems dealing with characters that have good beam supers honestly. Dormamu especially is still a pain in the butt if he’s played well given he can Chaotic Flame on reaction to practically anything, and his Flame Carpet + teleport traps can be disgusting if positioned well.

Arthur is far too good as an anchor for one reason only!
that X-Factor Level 3 King’s Armor! starting him on point doesn’t really give him any benefits outside of assists

I love how people still don’t rly know about level 3 gold Arthur. Whenever I play people that don’t snap Arthur in and spend an early xfactor I’m usually telling myself that I’m going to win. DON’T WASTE XFACTOR AGAINST ARTHUR ANCHOR.

Yeah. Level 3 X factor comebacks with Arthur are godlike no doubt. And the best part is they can’t out-turtle you and wait for your X factor to run out. And once you even just TOUCH them, whether they block or get hit, they’re fucked. It’s like Dark Phoenix except you’re better at stopping people from just super jumping to waste time, because you’ll chip them to death regardless.

I still think that on-point Arthur has a charm to it. If only because Arthur just has really really really good normals. Like in many situations comparable to Dante’s normals. Everything you do if well-timed just straight up beats a lot of other normals, and you also have one of the best overheads in the game if you have the opportunity to be offensive.

Far too many people ignore arthur and treat him like he’s a joke

This is a LARGE overstatement…
Arthur has some good normals, but in total, his normals are way below average… everything is slow and punishable, most of times, short ranged too…
in fact, I think normals are the worst part of Arthur…

of course it’s all manageable, but normals on Dante’s level? No… this is just not true… just the j.S dive can maybe be categorized as that good.

I strongly disagree. I think that he’s much better with melee, especially with OTG normals.

Arthur’s Crouching Light is better than Dante’s I believe both in range, speed, and ease of confirmation. In general it’s a very strong move. Now his Standing Light on the other hand is a pretty pointless normal.

Standing Heavy and Forward Heavy are both godlike normals that straight up beat a lot of things and are safe in a lot of situations. If you’re not using these moves outside of combos, you’re playing Arthur wrong.

Crouching Medium and Heavy have GROSS range and start up pretty fast. They’re sorta whiff punishable given they only hit low, but I don’t consider that a huge problem given Arthur has really strong antiair options in his projectiles, Launcher, Heaven Slash, and even Forward Heavy (yes, this is an anti-air option, primarily for repositioning, which is crucial for Arthur)

Honestly the only thing I wish that was different about Arthur was that his Back Heavy started up a lot faster, because it ruins Arthur’s moveset the way it is currently. There’s times where I wish this move didn’t interfere with my attempts to use Forward Heavy to get out of crossover situations.

The only weakness Arthur has is mobility, which X factor Level 3 actually solves. Hence part of why he’s a godlike Anchor. You literally cannot fight Arthur head on when he has X factor level 3 unless you have meter (and some characters don’t even have meter options that work against him). And then you have to worry about him blowing you up with HIS level 3 if you commit to using meter against him.

Other than that, I feel like Arthur actually is completely capable of opening up any character. He can’t be ignored since he has a strong projectile game that outprioritizes everything, and up close his normals actually straight up beat a lot of things, and he has a strong overhead mixup. Yeah you do have to build a team around him for him to be successful, but at the moment I’d say he’s pretty well-rounded.

I’d actually like to see what a dedicated player can do with Arthur + Sent drones. Drones lockdown + Arthur’s unseeable high-low game sounds gawdlike in theory.

Dont give me ideas I cant use T_T! I hate Sentinel…

Forgive me if this has been brought up, but i have not had the chance to look through this thread much. Anyways, I really only think of arthur as an anchor character, but with the recent success of morrigan/missiles wouldn’t arthur be just as good with his assortment of projectiles? Admittedly, morrigan has a few things heavily in her favor like potential fly cancels for safety and her long airdash to run to the other side of the screen. However, Arthur’s projectile lockdown is better and doesnt require meter allowing him to build plenty of meter for plenty of things like fullscreen hitconfirms. Both seem to lose to tracking teleports and well placed beam supers, but arthur probably loses harder due to the lack of being able to cancel after firing a projectile.

I really think that most of the teams ChrisG has been beating would also lose to arthur/missles…what do you guys think? His XF3 buffs are almost too good for me to even consider a spot for him other than anchor but ChrisG has been beating people in such a dominant way I just have to try it out.

Well Arthur / Doom has always been pretty effective. A lot of Arthur players use that duo pretty well, but I dont think any of them have gotten high enough in tourney to be formally recognized D:.

Arthur’s normals are hot garbage. His J.s is great. Everything else is TERRIBLE outside of combing.

Before I go on a rant, do you have videos of tournament wins with the character, or is this based off of training mode and online?

Jump M is easily the best instant overhead in the game. As an overhead it’s even faster than j.S… it’s just not as good as jump S in helping him move around.