then what would be your manner of approach? he does not have a ground dash, the fastest way arthur can move and get in is by jumping, then S to make a sort of triangle dash, and thats assuming they dont throw a S or H when they’re falling to the ground. & if they pushblock the S? his normals aren’t that long, especially his cr.l. The point I’m trying to get across is, say that the opponent saves XF for the last character, super jumps all the time, and runs away from Gold Armor Arthur, what’s arthur gonna do? wait until they fall down? Because GA Arthur’s on a timer, and once his armor breaks, a smart opponent would ensure death on that. Projectiles can stop them midair, but they can pushblock that too, moving him farther away.
Theory fighting is an awful thing… nothing works because everyone just have optimal strategies and reflexes all the time… Except for the Arthur player… lol.
fact is, in practice, jump / super jump forward + arrows / axe / bottle / lance into dive will get you close like 90% of the time, in a world of theory fighting where people would react properly on time to all your tentatives of doing anything, not even Magneto would get close to anyone…
Sure will, missed most of last season due to my car being broken down. The other 2 times I actually attended, the event organizers found a way to fuck up my results in the bracket, getting me DQ’d early.
I can guarantee I’ll get a Top 8 there eventually, the competition there is fray.
I recently watched your match vs. Ken’s Cap Am team during the Riverside tourney. You really had that last match, had you been content to just chip him with XF3 Lances/Arrows (since he had 2 characters with no XF). Probably just tourney nerves, good luck in the future.
I play Deadpool/Arthur as well, lol.
I retract my statement that Arthur has bad match-ups against the entire cast (it just feels like it, I guess!). There are some favorable match-ups against characters who can’t get through projectiles as easily, but it seems they’re not the ones that are being placed on anchor of people’s teams. It usually the Dantes, Vergils, Wolverines, Doom, etcs of the game that you have to worry about if you’re like most and you’re placing Airthur on anchor.
Great example, in an online game yesterday: I was down to LV3 XF Arthur against a Ryu and Vergil. Popped the Ryu with a few homing arrows in the air, and he was down. The Vergil came in, at full health, went into LV3 XF and projected to Up-Back in the corner (I never really realized what a GOOD strategy that is against… um, everyone!). I even on impulse wasted a bar of Goddess Bracelet (if I had a nickle every time I was a fucking idiot and wasted a bar of Goddess Bracelet on someone in XF thinking it would chip!) before I realized I was being a fool.
So like your post suggests, and something I’ve been trying to do more when people start turtling: I jumped forward and threw a bottle (OMG ARTHUR RUSHDOWN!) with a j.S. Nothing. Still turtling, so I did it again, and this time he moves out of the corner and jumps forward! So I was able to pop him with a few Arrows while he’s trying to escape(?) then he’s moving about the screen. I was able to get a few more daggers in there before both XF runs out and now I’m at about at a 50-25 life disadvantage. Someone I was able to clutch out a BnB combo ending with Goddess Bracelet and it felt gooooooood to beat a Vergil!
Anyways, the point of my post. Yeah Arthur’s “rush-down” game is more of a mind-fuck I think than an actual rush down. Because truthfully once I travel all the way across the screen at you jumping back… what am I REALLY going to do as Arthur? Freaking air throw? Yeah I think Arthur’s rush down is more about scaring the opponent to stop holding Up-Back and forcing them out of their corner where they are vulnerable to projectiles.
Actually Wolverine and Doom are not that bad of matchups for Arthur, specially Wolverine now that he has no more invincibility, once you’re more than half screen away then it will be hell for him to get close if you’re good in projectile placement.
As for Doom, Golden Armored Arthur is pretty good against him, Golden lances eats through plasma beam, and even daggers pierce through finger lasers, he has no long distance instant super, and his mobility isn’t good enough to evade everything you throw at him AND get a window of oportunity to attack in the mean time.
As for Arthur rushdown game, during xfactor, it’s solid as hell.
you jump forward spamming projectiles (decisions on what projectile to spam is vital here), if they block or take a hit, you spam lances FTW, if they don’t, repeat until close and mixup with j.S and c.L… you will score a hit…
once you realize you can actually hit jumping back happy opponents with low attacks, your rushing Arthur game will dramatically get better.
Nahh that video was from long time ago, that was like my 2nd tourny ever, and it was against my real life friend Ken whom i go to school with, so yeah tournament nerves was what really got me. I wasn’t thinking straight, I was too focused & a bit desperate on getting the lance lockdown, and thats why I was throwing lances in the air when I should’ve thrown arrows to track him down on the ground.
& deadpool and arthur have A LOT going for them. The great thing about arthur’s daggers is that they hold the opponent in hit/blockstun for so long that deadpool has time to either get another rep of guns, or teleport into overhead. Also after almost every air throw or air HHT, you can put them into guaranteed blockstun with light guns+arthur assist into teleport overhead … well, you probably know all of this already lol.
Ah, my bad then, should have remembered the time the vid was posted.
Also, glad to know that DP/Arthur tactics are pretty universal, it’s a kickass pair. Another mix-up I do after guns+daggers xx teleport is a raw throw. Afer conditioning an opponent to worry about left/right/high/low, that throw is snuck in with ease.
I’ve been using rr’s spitfire for at the end of my L pattern of daggers so that I can add two lances and immediatly jump into another L pattern. Working good so far
For opponents that won’t settle to contend with Arthur’s projectile game, Arthur with RR Spitfire is very controlling. A slow moving, double projectile with good hit/blockstun goes great with Arthur’s lockdown. I only did this during an improvised situation where my Arthur would end up on point, but I might try this out as a fun secondary team.
This thread is awesome. Makes me want to use Arthur over Hawkeye as anchor.
Wouldn’t super-jumping after them and pelting them with Lance Toss be an effective solution to annoy people in the air?
Indeed, it can stop their forward momentum from the super jump and you can add in dagger x3 to help them block on the way down so you can set up your next mix up
Mmmm have you guys checked out Bum’s Arthur tactics? He still seems new to the character but he makes great use of J.S. Basically he super jumps and J,S then cancels into projectiles while keeping the downward momentum of the J.S. It keeps Arthur very mobile and hard to hit while maintaining an offensive.
That is mentioned in the brady official guide. You can also super jump and start a heavy crossbow and cancel into the j.s into a projectile and combo. Not trying in any way to take away from bum’s tactics ( I hear he is a great player) just wanted to inform.
Other than that, have a great new year knights!! Its been a pleasure fighting alongside you.
Ohh is it? I havent bought the guide yet. I really want that frame data D:.
Am I allowed to post the frame data from the book, or will I get in trouble?
…Nobody has gotten in trouble for doing it, so go on ahead. There is like two threads in UMVC3 that discussed about Frame Data. They didn’t get in trouble.
Yeah, Arthur’s Jumping S is also disjointed from Arthur’s body btw. That normal also gives Arthur mixups completely legit mixups as well, and it can crossup people. Combine that with the fact that you keep the momentum of your jumping S… you have legit close-range options.
Like you can do jump>Jumping S>Firebottle(make it whiff on purpose)>drop>do a low. Or Jumping S>Firebottle>drop> do another jumping S or throw them on the ground.
I dunno, I saw that it’s frowned upon and I’d hate to step on any toes.
all of the qcb projectiles have a little bit of recovery when landing. I usually whiff arrows when I want to use j.S like this.
^More of the reason why i need to see Arthur’s frame data.
In the mean while, this article explains how X-factor changes frame data. Which extremely useful if you want to understand how fast Arthur is.
Arthur in XF3 frame data likely changes by 1-2 frames.