You lack discipline oh foreign knight! The Arthur Thread

If more people used arthur, he most likely would not be seen as a bad character. People just refuse to use him because everyone says he is bad or don’t like keepaway.

tru fax, but the reason keepaway is not the greatest tactic in this game is because rushdown is that much more exciting, and with more characters that promote rushdown and less of the keepaway/zone game that’s the actual cause, but hey its entertainment …i personally dont play arthur at all mainly because I never liked him as a character in general, and I’m talking back in SNES days, partly because I think Megaman X would Have filled his spot better as a stricly projectile character. But I’ve been on a break from actually playing the game, and I’ve been just trying to learn all the information about the game now to see what type of technology is out there, and how to defend against it lol

Soooo what’s this fancy rapid crossbow thing I heard about. I am interested.

The rapid jumping is normal jumping forward with arthur and inputting your crossbow and then holding down back or forward to get to the ground as quick as possible and re-launch. What makes this so nice is that as you are close to the ground you can cancel the crossbow into M or S to protect yourself. c.M has such a nice range you can usually link it. It throws people when arthur charges them.

So I went to WNF yesterday, I’m pretty content in my performance. Here were my experiences:

Won my first match against some random dude, Deadpool + Arthur Daggers outzone any Sent/Doom.

2nd match was against Hustler Brian, close but I pulled through. XF3 Arthur vs. Sentinel is fray.

3rd one was against Dickwin. I managed to take a game when his Dark Phoenix killed my first 2 characters and my Golden Armor Arthur blocked his incoming mix-up. I XF3 and managed to pin him down with lances until his XF ran out, chipping her to death. During the last match I XF’d too early, leaving my Arthur bare against Haggar/Phoenix. My plan was to beat Haggar and Phoenix without Gold, and activate it after she turned into DP where I would have a better chance. Unfortunately, he caught my Arthur in a combo with Phoenix and XF’d for the kill.

4th one was against Olaf. He made the mistake of X-Factoring before me twice, and both times my Arthur cleaned up.

5th match was vs. Clockwork. His anti-Arthur strats were pretty damn solid. Super-jumped with Ammy and did the upward air tackle 3 times to stall, and the arrows won’t follow him up there. As soon as I killed his Ammy, his Doom simply played defensively and waited for Arthur to pop out of his armor, and he OTG’d me into a Level 3 Super.

None of these matches were streamed, but hopefully I’ll showcase some matches next week. Huzzah!

that all sounds very nice politix. What was it like fighting the bigger names in dante and doom with arthur?

Any strats for running gold armor during a hectic match?

The bigger names are really just people who capitalize on the mistakes you make, or bring to light the inherit flaws of your character match-up. That being said, against Dante, never stand still (XF3 Arthur). Super-jumping and Golden Arrows work best, because Dante is simply looking to teleport in. Doom is definitely outzoned by Arthur, but you just have to know the match-up.

Half the battle in trying deploy Golden Arthur is the defense as you come in. Look to double-jump out and get ready to block. When he’s out and ready, analyze your options.

The goal is to get the opponent grounded. If you have 3 meters, Fire Dragon and XF3, you’ll ground the opponent and gain your meter back. Once the opposing character is killed, do a preemptive jumping Golden Axe on the incoming character. This will create enough blockstun to ground them and continue chipping them.

When you pop out of Golden Armor and you have meter, don’t be afraid to random super when they’re up close, as long as they don’t have a super to counter yours. Mash on A1+A2 to chain them.

I’ll post whatever comes to my mind later.

Another question, if you have to pop fire dragon<xf3 and you are in gold armor and the team you are against survives is it viable to re-build the meter for another gold armor?

All great advice, thank you very much. i have found fire dragon<xf3 to be very useful as well. I"ll put him to work, good luck on your future matches.

Sure is. You should be looking to get as much meter as you can. Having 5 meters by the time X3-Gold is done gives you an extended comeback factor, given that they don’t have a character to OTG you.

Having a Fire Dragon stored reduces the chances of getting randomed out, or having enough meter to chain 3 Goddess Bracelets to kill off that last character, or upgrading to Gold to help in a specific match-up; these are all options available to you with meter you gain from X3-Gold.

Thanks again politix, maybe when I get my LIVE back we can have some matches. I’ve reworked 3 or 4 of my teams to have arthur included.

I’m so sick and tired of being called out for locking people down with projectiles, I might have to give him up.

Thats just something you’re going to hear, I take it this is from online players right? I had hatemail everyday from someone I didn’t personally know or was from SRK.

I’d stick with Arthur, he’s very fun.

Can’t wait to check them out!

You’re gonna quit a character for playing him him right? Fanatiq might as well quit Magneto for rushing people down and Clockwork might as well drop Phoenix for winning.

Skaters gonna skate.

Does he have an uppercut assist?
I don’t own the game so I can’t test. He probably doesn’t, otherwise he’d be so much like cable for alpha counters/ guard cancel counters.

Art? I guess you could say heavenly sword runs in an uppercut motion but I haven’t really seen a use for it in my teams yet.

Another Arthur video with spencer and tron is on the front page.

so… is it possible to alpha counter> bracelet?

You can, but its two meters and a few frames of delay from landing to doing the super

And you really want it to be worked into a combo to be honest. I’d much rather go into gold armor from a heavenly sword so you can continue powered up. This is of course if you’re looking at in a counter situation.

A lot of people agree that Arthur struggles to keep out those who try super-jumping in on him, but after some matches against people trying to use this strongly, I’m wondering if this is really the case. When they super jump, I (hopefully) read it and super jump at the same time, and use the moment to toss out a few daggers. I’m surprised by how many times I’ve caught out of guard while in super-jump; it works better on some characters than others (like fliers and those who use their game in the air like Trish or Phoenix). I think the trick is that since Arthur’s attacks typically work on a horizontal plane, so he needs to keep with that pace.

Opinion seems to be against this, though, so I’m curious as to what the fault in this tactic is. Can anyone point out what’s wrong with it?