You lack discipline oh foreign knight! The Arthur Thread

This a million times.

The one character with a Beam super that shuts down Arthur imo is Dorm. The problem with this guy is he straight up crushes you if you don’t have Gold Armor since your regular projectiles really can’t do much against his. And he’s also the single worst character in game to LOSE your Gold Armor against. Getting full screen Purification comboed into Chaotic Flame and then further chipped in the corner is MAD stupid (never air tech away from him).

Getting corner trapped by Purification sucks, since like the only way you can escape it is with reversal Goddess Bracelet.

Any beam in the game period

It seems as though a few of you are forgetting how much enemy advanced guard’s effect Arthur and the speed of some assist in the game.

A2ZOMG you can demon shield dorm’s projectiles and crossbow spam until he ports, supers, or air dashes.

Half way through typing a 2 paragraph reply to these comments, I realized that all I want is to be able to start Goddess bracelet in the air ( it’s almost like the devs had that in and took it out, it’d be so perfect) It would create so many combos, stop chars like Wesker, dante and deadpool from anticipating me using projectiles when I jump and punishing me with a free super.

I cannot agree with this, that would make him stupidly powerful. Arthur has plenty of tools for lockdown, the ability to goddess bracelet (and chain them) in the air would be unfair.

Honestly I don’t really have much trouble with anyone. I am able to make my Arthur as quick as Wesker at the height of my game, thats some reliable speed.

Man Not many people stuck to maining arthur huh?

Hello all, need some input for my team

I use arthur, doom and sentinel.
I uses doom missile if most of the enemy cast is teleporter or rush down like zero.
I uses doom rocks if most of the enemy cast is big slow character and non rushdown…

I’ve been meaning to change my sentinel to hulk, is it a good idea? I love hulk since I can do DHC in any order of the team and still get decent damage

I run a hulk/art team of wolvie/art/hulk

I have Hulk on AA assist because it helps keep people where you feel they should be (GTFO assist) and is a great interrupt if you guess wrong with one of your other two characters. I believe it has super armor (don’t quote me!) but I know for sure it interrupted quite a few combo chances people had on my arthur. Wolvie I run beserker slash on because he can throw people your way for easy combos if they start running. Anyways, Hulk is a great choice if you can nail his mobility and command throw to tsunami.

Doom is a good choice for an arthur team, I think missiles are a great tool but it leaves doom really vunerable sometimes. As for sent, swapping him for hulk works as I’ve laid out above so really I’d say its up to which flavor you prefer, gamma or metal.

yes I also love the hulk assist, sent assist is good but the GTFO assist from hulk is awesome…

next time I’ll try to incorporate some rushdown character for my team. Sometime I think that to main arthur, I need to change the assist depends on the opponent team composition and probably strategy… Because most of the time,I tried to break the opponent team synergy and options not just to zone them

Before I picked this game up (about a month ago), I knew Arthur was going to be one of my mains, if only because I loved the games he was in. After I started playing I realized how awesome he was and could be if played correctly. It saddens me that the majority of people thinks he sucks, but at the same time, I love it. Because it gives us the chance to show them just how good he can be. I just hope they don’t try to nerf or buff anything about Arthur, because he’s so perfect the way he is. He plays exactly like he does in his games, except for losing Golden Armor when hit, though that would be a tad bit silly given the pace of this game.

I’m actually still new to this game (didn’t start playing it until 2 weeks or so ago, when my stick and buttons came in), and I’m running a Hulk/Deadpool/Arthur team. I actually picked up Deadpool earlier just because of his OTG assist to help me extend my Hulk combos. I play with Hulk on point, Deadpool to clean up after whatever Hulk didn’t eat, and Arthur to annihilate the leftovers with level 3 X-Factor Golden Armor. The amount of hate mail one can generate with Arthur alone is incredible. There’s nothing more satisfying than to see Arthur win the round.

But like I said, I’m still VERY new, and I’m looking for some new friends to play with me and train/teach me some things. I play on 360 and my gamertag should be in my sig.

GT: Zombieslilbro

I’d be more than happy to run some matches with you so we can pit arthur against arthur :slight_smile:

I need some arthur v arthur practice (demon shield)

GT: lmsyhmic

Also “begin Goddess Braclet in air” fan club starter (bGBia)

I found the craziest glitch couple hours ago, While performing an air combo on an enemy assist; if you use Arthur’s downward (V .S) TAC, it appears to do two things:

  1. Stays active secretly (there is a screen flash initially)
  2. It seems to be the only way to hit a grounded opponent with a downward TAC.

Basically I was attacking the active char, he started blocking, called out doom assist, i combo’d doom assist into downward TAC (accidently) . Doom bounced as usual and as I was falling back to the ground still in arthur’s air S state, I hit the active char! while he was blocking low! and the TAC registered. Won the match for me.

I’m looking for help in developing this into a viable means of building meter for Arthur without the chance of a TAC counter.

I’ll grab a shower and add you for some matches tonight. I want to see this in action.

^ live does not recognize your tag friend.

Do you run the team in that exact order? Arthur/Doom/Sent? Because I run it Arthur/Sent/Doom, the DHC between Arthur and Sent is essential to me. I don’t think you should change the team, the synergy of it is already good. There’s a mini “trap” you can do with this team, and missiles backing up Sent is solid.

However, I could see Hulk doing well with Arthur and Doom. Arthur can cover his punishable normals and Doom can cover his approach. If you need some tips on Arthur/Sent/Doom, just PM me.


:stuck_out_tongue: Thanks much

sorry it’s just that you can see the letters better caps. we should play dude, I’m on now.

i’ll be on tomorrow for sure :smiley: I’m beat from being out all day and just getting home.

I need some team help, I’m going to play Arthur(Daggers), Dante(Jam Session), ?, 3rd characters is going to need to be one with a full screen projectile I think. What full screen projectile assist do you think benefits Arthur most?

Projectile assist choice as far as I’m concerned is mostly preference, just don’t pick Chun Li for it. I think you might potentially find Hulk’s Gamma Wave assist to be the most interesting though. It has great priority, and Hulk’s Gamma Tsunami in Team Hyper Combos is actually really useful for its OTG properties.

You might want to switch your team order a bit if you use Hulk though, since the last thing you want on a Hulk team is to have Hulk as the last character.

Other practical projectile assists include Chris’s machine gun, Doom’s beam, and Deadpool’s Trigger Happy.

Hulk isn’t a bad anchor. He get’s pretty fast with lvl 3 xf and his damage is insane, although a good point/assist combo can keep him out. It’s tough to OCV with him, but he has a lot of good matchups. Also, with that team, you could use golden armor, then ariel exchange to hulk. Hulk would be pretty beastly on point with golden daggers and jam session.