You lack discipline oh foreign knight! The Arthur Thread

I’m up for some music [media=youtube]lfJaSe6Hczk&p[/media]

Ok some notes from the video I noticed, the hyper where he upgrades his armor is just like in Super Ghouls N’ Ghosts in that it powers up his moves increasing their range and damage, course if he “bumps” into his opponent he loses it also like in the GNG games, so Arthur has to use his keep away game to the fullest but I also dunno if the hyper would have a timer or not, I’m sure when he loses his armor he may take more damage, dunno if he can get it back normally or if he has to use the armor hyper to regain it.

Also I wonder when he gets K.O if he would turn to bones like in the GNG games? :rofl:

Arthur can only stay in the Gold Armor for a certain amount of time. There is a tiny meter above the super gauge when he activates it.

Man that thing is barely visible and worse yet if you aren’t looking for it

Full screen hyper?

So would it seem that Arthur is the biggest example of a glass skinned keepaway character yet (assuming getting hit once DOES remove his armor and he takes increased damage while armorless).

When the bar runs out, that’s what breaks his armour…

I kinda think that his armor his nothing to do with his offense/defense/specials, and is simply an aesthetic thing–like Guile’s and (presumably) Wesker’s shades. Otherwise it would be dumb for him to lose his armor after his super runs out. Why use his super if he’ll be vulnerable afterward? I could be totally wrong though…

Snap, with Arthur on point, with Molecular Shield and Jam Session assists… will Arthur be unstoppable?

Id say one of the most well done characters in the game. Perfect animations, modeled awesomely, specials and attacks you recognize, and really really awesome supers.

Bravo, they did some hard work on this dude it looks so good.

Not to mention his gameplay is tight too.

If I were to venture a guess, I would say that with armor your defense is similar to ryu , with gold armor you have hulk like defense with beefed up specials and maybe the charge button supers he used to have. Then when it breaks you get like chun defense :confused:

did anyone else notice the damage off that Dragon hyper? that shit murdered Hulk’s lifebar, and we all know Hulk doesn’t bleed easy!

that’s also his lvl 3

I hope that’s the case. Not that I think Arthur will be broken, but this just makes the most sense. You want that silver armor? Then fork over one super bar. Or…wait like 30 seconds, I guess. I hope that’s how getting the armor back works, but we’ll see.

That said, I’m really glad to see some Ghosts n’ Goblins rep. Having Arthur being in this game just makes me so happy. Keep reppin’ your games, Capcom!

Way too early to make predictions, but seems like Doom’s missile assist and maybe Dorm or Dante’s AA would be really nice with him.

so hype. oh my god.

this guy looks cool :slight_smile:

That reveal is awesome. He having that many ways to shoot the opponent looks very cool while staying true to his character.

Moving around during his Goddess Bracelet looks nice too, it looks like you can DHC during it also.

I’m interested in seeing how he works. but i hope they don’t make any more “tiny” characters…

Besides Megaman.