You lack discipline oh foreign knight! The Arthur Thread

i think in order to do the combo, he has to do d+C to lift them off their feet first, or any other move with similar effect. [media=youtube]La_7NUMY4f8#t=1m57s"[/media], Hulk is entering a knockdown state b4 he gets hit by dp+C.

d+C xx dp+C, qcb+A (firebottle), qcb+C(boomerang), f+C>E, etc…looks like

Now there is something called playstyles…

What’s funny is that useless POS sword weapon from Super GnG (How the FUCK did that make it past playtesting?) would be incredibly awesome in this game.

That thing successfully made me have to reset the game cause I couldn’t get past a part that had no weapons to acquire. Also, it didn’t show up in Keits Arthur walkthrough, what gives?

Since i watched keits vid, i am 100% sure that Arthur should never be on point first. He looks as though he will need meter to operate, so a battery character DHCing would probably help.

If you search for Ghouls and Ghosts the Most Awkward weapon there’s a guy that went through the game with just that weapon.

And theres also this character named Cable…

After watching Azido and Mike Ross using Arthur, here are a few things I noticed:

  • 3 daggers > Deapool’s bullets. I’m assuming daggers will beat other beam-like projectiles as well. That’s awesome.
  • The lance covers distance really quickly and the block stun is really nice.
  • Both the daggers and the lance seem to be active even before Arthur throws them or they just come out really quickly. This is really nice because it protects Arthur above him nicely. At 2:31 of Azido’s vid, you can see this.
  • The arrows are crazy good. This is probably his best air special as well.
  • Mike Ross showed off how good his launcher is as anti-air against Keits’ VJ
  • Since Arthur’s air combo (ending with E) has Arthur landing right next to his opponent, it may be possible to OTG (using 2C?) into super.
  • The gold armour super has invincibility at start-up. Ultradavid’s attacks went right through Mike Ross’ Arthur when he did this. This opens up DHC possibilities (along with a fully charged gold armour Arthur assist afterwards).
  • You can move around during his bracelet super. I’m wondering if it can KFC into itself. It looks fast enough.

That’s all I can think of for now. Overall, I’m hype. :slight_smile:

Everything I’ve heard actually points to him being an excellent battery. I intend to use him as such, throwing projectiles and building meter until I can Gold Armor DHC to my next character (whoever that ends up being).

Edit: It will be interesting to see which plan ends up being better for Arthur overall (or if they’re both viable then that’s cool, too).

One of Arthur’s assists is his (three) dagger projectiles, right? I’ve only seen people use the torch or arrows. I think the daggers could be a pretty versatile assist for it’s anti-projectile and blockstun properties.

Which other candidates would be a perfect keep-away team with Arthur? MODOK is one, but any others? Like Chris, Deadpool, etc.

Off the top of my head: Dormammu, Trish, Doom, Magneto.

have we seen anyone use arthur pretty decent/good yet?

Arthur was most difficult MvC3 character to balance : News :

The “boomerang” is the scythe, the big swooping projectile is the axe. He had the sword before (did it’s funky rook flight in normal mode and homed in for gold mode iirc) but have apparently taken it out.

Arrows, aren’t an assist, his third assist is his useless looking sword slash. Daggers could be good, but I think the consensus right now is that fire bottle (more specifically gold mode fire bottle) is too good to pass up.

The sword was just silly though. I wish the scythe acted like it did in game tho

I thought I saw Arthur’s powered up arrows (gold armor) used as an assist before. Are you sure it’s his sword slash?

arthur sucks

Arthur’s beard>you

Please explain to me how Magneto is a keep away character.