Whats the FP+FK trick at 1:53? Is it even a trick or just shenanigans since the flash kick didn’t combo after the c. fierce?
You know they’re good when… they don’t ever get close to your Zangief! They keep adequate spacing to anti-air or sweep you on reaction to a jump, sweep you out of your green hand, punch you out of your quick hop, reverse every tick attempt or do that damn walk in throw when you least expect it :lovin:
I think I know what that guys means, its more like a set piece, if you do a crouching fierce with guile against a close opponant and it dosnt connect, most people will try to hit or throw guile cos he’s left open, however, you can flash kick after the crouching fierce, it catches the attempted hit/throw. Its just a manoveur to take advantage of a given scenorio where most players react the same way to a given move
I’m sure there’s simular scenarios with other characters, like with t-kawk doing a short dragon after a wiffed or blocked hawk dive