You know they're good when

or DAMNdai

Agree with these!

Also, you know they’re good when they prop themselves up:

[media=youtube]4GjrMxTgXzk[/media] (comments section)


Speaking of good players, anyone know why so many of the top Japanese players didn’t attend EVO this year? (Or did they, and I just didn’t know about it?)

Besides Daigo, who was there?


Regarding that first point, I know what you mean. I’ve been fighting Kuroppi, who’s a good friend of mine, for years (one of San Diego’s best players), and he sometimes goes on stretches where his yomi (against me, anyway) is on fire. I’ll be toast for like the next five to ten matches, with two or three perfects in there, no matter how much I try to mix things up.

Other times, I’m just predictable. :smile:

BTW, I’m still trying to understand your avatar, Vance…

After fighting Kuroppi, I can say that while his execution, reaction, rushdown, turtling skills seem pretty basic, I’ve never fought another player that fucks with your head like him. I can only name a handful of times where I felt confident what he was going to do. I still manage to win somehow…

Btw Ospry, you weren’t thinking of me when you wrote those were you? >: 3

My old age is showing! (Though my reaction time was never that great even back in the day.)

I used to use a Hori DOA stick but a couple of the buttons started to go iffy on me a few months ago. I bought a TE stick last month and I think I’ve finally gotten used to it so hopefully my execution goes back to a level that it used to be. :smile:

Jesus Milo… I can’t believe you lost to f*cking Bob Painter… :smokin:

Okay that’s a joke that’s so old, I’d better explain that. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, there was a street fighter tournament. A certain ryu (or was it guile) player (who shall not be named here) faced Kuroppi in the tournament, and almost lost. After the match, he turns to his friend and spoke the immortal words:

I can’t believe I almost lost to f*cking Bob Painter

And thus, the legend was born. Hence the rule, if you ever lose to Kuroppi, it is your duty to speak into the mike and say, in the most disparaging tone possible:

I can’t believe I lost to fcking Bob Painter*

Yea, and so the legend lives on. Triple points if you say it at Evo!

I have said both statements without being quiet about it. The first was a win at one of the early ECCs (1999 or 2000 maybe). The second was a loss at B5 (2001) in Sacramento (the match can actually be seen on the DVD).

  • Pete

Yes, yes, recognize my supreme POWER!!!


**You know they’re good when… **

… they don’t counter pick or constantly changing characters.

…zone and space properly.

… don’t button mash and do random dp’s and moves.

… don’t ever pick akuma.


Sorry…got carried away there. Gotta love Emperor Palpatine. :slight_smile:

That avatar pretty much symbolizes everything I did in college: unlock Roll in MvC1, watch Reese Witherspoon movies, beat people senseless in MvC1 with team Random Character/Roll.

When they play Honda and hold d/b

I always thought Reese Witherspoon was hot.


Whenever a player blocks the first hit of the Fierce Psycho Crusher and then does a move that hits Dictator before the second hit of the Psycho Crusher, I raise my expectations of their threat level.

When I try to do Bison’s super into Johnchoiboy’s Guile and he reverses it with his own flashkick super even though my Bison’s heels are deep inside right over Guile’s nuts the latter super always prevails. I don’t know how the fuck he does that shit so good in lag.:pray::pray::pray: Any Dictators supers coming Guiles way just reverse super for the win. Just ask John:lovin:

No kidding. Granted there are a handful of good Akuma players on XBox Live, it’s ridiculous how many people pick Akuma, jump back and air fire ball for half the match, then act surprised when I anti-air them out of their attempted air fireball xx Raging Demon every. single. time. It’s like clockwork.

Or the players who run to Akuma when they are getting dominated.
And then proceed to get dominated. AGAIN. :rofl:

I know, right? Its like, just because your friends are dumb enough to fall for that shit doesnt mean everyone else is